Douglas Pollock President at Village of Riverside | LinkedIn
Douglas Pollock President at Village of Riverside | LinkedIn
There are openings on the Historical Commission and Riverside TV Commission in Riverside. The village is seeking volunteers who have a passion for history and community service.
The Riverside Historical Commission is responsible for operating the Riverside Museum, with the goal of promoting awareness and understanding of the village's cultural and historical significance. The commission enhances residents' cultural life by setting up exhibits, assisting with local research, architectural landmarks, lectures, publications, and educational outreach.
Meanwhile, the Riverside TV Commission advises the President and Village Board on public access TV and online video broadcast communications within the village. This commission oversees local access programming, provides coverage of local events such as Village Board meetings, coordinates character generation for the local TV bulletin board, and performs additional duties as requested by the Village President and Board of Trustees.
Interested individuals can apply to join these commissions by completing the Board and Commission Volunteer Application. After submitting an application, applicants will be contacted by the village regarding further steps.
"Thank you for your generosity and willingness to serve the community," said a representative from Riverside. "It is what makes Riverside great!"