
West Cook News

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Village of Westchester Committee of the Whole met Dec. 3

Webp greg hribal

Greg Hribal, President | Village of Westchester Website

Greg Hribal, President | Village of Westchester Website

Village of Westchester Committee of the Whole met Dec. 3

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

1. Call to Order 

by President Hribal at 6:33 p.m. 

2. Roll Call 

Present: Trustee Benline, Trustee Marzano, Trustee Morales, Trustee Slavic, Trustee Steker, Trustee Vann, President Hribal 

Also present: Attorney Thomas Condon, Village Manager Barry Krumstok, Assistant Village Manager John Schwarz, Administrative Services Coordinator/Deputy Village Clerk Annie Canavan, Accounting Manager Stefan Hanus, Police Chief Babich, Fire Chief Manning, Community Development Director Jim Novosel and Public Works Supervisor Steve Crowley 

Not present: Village Clerk Sophia Collins, Village Engineer John LaPaglia, Attorney Matthew Welch 

3. Public Comments 


4. New Business 

4.A. Consider adoption of the updated Cook County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan. 

Discussion: Fire Chief Daniel Manning stated this is an update to our previous plan. He noted the purpose of the plan is to package the potential risks of Westchester along with the potential risks of 119 other local communities to create one multi-jurisdictional hazard mitigation plan for the purpose of qualifying for FEMA grants. 

4.B. Review and discuss Public Works garage structural report and proposed repairs. 

Discussion: Village Manager Krumstok stated that Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. Contacted J.V. Henik, Inc. structural engineer firm to evaluate the Public Works garage located behind the Post Office that houses the large fleet vehicles and serves as the mechanic garage. In general, the building has deteriorated and needs immediate attention for safety and health. In his report, Mr. Henik classifies the repairs needed into those that still should be repaired this season and those repairs that can be deferred until next year/budget. Overall, the debris safety netting and north elevation masonry block repairs needs to be done immediately. Manager Krumstok noted that there are extensive repairs that both the Structural Engineer and NRS recommend completed in the spring (outlined at the end of the second attachment - "immediate Repair Recommendations"). The Village can utilize them to prepare proposals/costs now to complete this work in the spring, or Tria Architecture (the firm we have been utilizing for other projects lately) can be utilized to do the entire process and full building evaluation, repair, replacement and restoration. 

Public Works Supervisor Steve Crowley confirmed the building's poor condition. He stated that water accumulates inside when it rains or snows and noted visible wall deterioration. Despite efforts to limit time spent in the garage, Supervisor Crowley confirmed this is still their main fleet garage, and staff must access the building to retrieve and park vehicles. Supervisor Crowley expressed concerns about the potential for roof collapse, which could damage trucks valued at approximately $300,000 each. Additionally, the building's bathroom is out of service and in disrepair. 

Village Manager Krumstok stated that the Village will proceed with the immediate repairs and contact Tria Architecture to prepare a full building analysis. He invited Board members to reach out to Supervisor Crowley for a tour of the facility if desired. 

Trustee Steker acknowledged the building's poor condition and voiced concerns about spending money on further analyses. He suggested that the building may need to be demolished and recommended obtaining estimated costs for replacing the building entirely before investing in a comprehensive structural report. 

5. Old Business 


6. Information Only 


7. Requests for Topics for Future Committee of the Whole Meetings 

Trustee Marzano requested revisiting the update of building codes, emphasizing the importance of addressing technological advancements, including electric vehicles, as the current codes date back to 2011. Community Development Director Jim Novosel confirmed that the updates are in progress and will be brought forward in the short term. 

Village Manager Krumstok provided an update on a previous request from Trustee Steker regarding an analysis from the actuarial on pension funding based on full staffing levels. He stated that this information is expected to be presented at the December 10 meeting. 

8.Village Board Comments 


9.Executive Session 

9.A. 5 ILCS 120 Section 2(c)(1) - The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees, specific individuals who serve as independent contractors in a park, recreational, or educational setting, or specific volunteers of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee, a specific individual who serves as an independent contractor in a park, recreational, or educational setting, or a volunteer of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity. 

9.B. 5 ILCS 120 Section 2(c)(6) - The setting of a price for sale or lease of property owned by the public body. 

Motion to adjourn into Executive Session: Trustee Steker 

Second: Trustee Morales 

Ayes: Trustee Benline, Trustee Marzano, Trustee Morales, Trustee Slavic, Trustee Steker, Trustee Vann, President Hribal 

Nays: None 

Motion Carried: 7-0 

Motion to adjourn Executive Session and Resume COW: Trustee Marzano 

Second: Trustee Slavic 

Ayes: Trustee Benline, Trustee Marzano, Trustee Morales, Trustee Slavic, Trustee Steker, Trustee Vann, President Hribal 

Nays: None 

Motion Carried: 7-0 

Roll Call 

Present: Trustee Benline, Trustee Marzano, Trustee Morales, Trustee Slavic, Trustee Steker, Trustee Vann, President Hribal 

Also present: Village Manager Barry Krumstok, Assistant Village Manager John Schwarz, Administrative Services Coordinator/Deputy Village Clerk Annie Canavan, Community Development Director Jim Novosel 

10. Adjournment 

Motion to adjourn: Trustee Marzano 

Second: Trustee Slavic 

Ayes: Trustee Benline, Trustee Marzano, Trustee Morales, Trustee Slavic, Trustee Steker, Trustee Vann, President Hribal 

Nays: None 

Motion Carried: 7-0 

Meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m. 
