
West Cook News

Friday, January 31, 2025

Village of Franklin Park Zoning Board of Appeals met Dec. 7

Village of Franklin Park Zoning Board of Appeals met Dec. 7.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

1. The regularly scheduled meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals was called to order at 7:00 p.m.

2. A quorum was present. Rhonda Santana, Kathy Mennella, Jenny Corral, Wayne Bernacki, Chairman Mark Cwik, Lisa Manzo (Secretary), Ryan Morton (Village Attorney), Rudy Repa (Village Planner) and Nick Walny (Village Planner). Absent: Bruce Boreson and Frank Grieashamer.

3. Member Bernacki made a motion to accept the minutes of November 9, 2022. The motion was seconded by Member Mennella and approved to place them on file as presented.

4. Old Business: None

5. New Business: ZBA 22-19

Text Amendment

Village of Franklin Park

Chairman Cwik stated that this hearing is for a Text Amendment to Section 9-10-3(G) regarding accessory strcutre standards for fences, hedges and walls will be continued per staff to the next regularly scheduled hearing of the Zoning Board of Appeals.

Member Bernacki made a motion to continue ZBA 22-19 for a Text Amendment to Section 9-10-3(G) regarding accessory strcutre standards for fences, hedges and walls to the next regularly scheduled hearing on Wednesday, January 4, 2023 in the Police Station Community Room. Member Mennella seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion carried.

6. New Business: ZBA 22-21

Fire and Grill

10000 Grand Avenue

Chairman Cwik stated that this hearing is for a Conditional Use seeking a drive-thru at a permitted use (restaurant) in the C-2-1 General Commercial District per 9-2, Table 9-1 (Use Matrix for Accessory Use of Drive-Thru Lane) and Section 9-3(c) (Accessory Use Standards for Drive-Thru Lane)of the Franklin Park Zoning Code.

Chairman Cwik called the petitioner up at this time. He asked the petitioner to sign in and be sworn in. Ms. Hania Hnahein, petitioner, came forward. She signed in and was sworn in.

Ms. Hnahein gave her presentation at this time. She briefly discussed the property in question stating that she purchased the entire property and will be opening up the business Fire and Grill that she owns with her husband. They have multiple other restaurants in the city. This particular restaurant at the Grand Avenue location will feature a lunch and dinner menu including broasted chicken, grilled chicken, shrimp, gyros and burgers. They will feature sides including potato dishes, vegetables, salads and pastas.

She continued that the hours of operation they plan on having is as follows: Lobby 11 am to 10 pm daily, drive-thru, Sunday through Thursday from 11 am to 11 pm and Friday and Saturdays from 11 am to 2 am. Only the drive-thru will be open during the later hours.

She stated that they plan to hire from within the Village. They will have a crew of three (3) to four (4) employees for each shift depending on demand. There will be two (2) shifts.

Chairman Cwik opened this hearing to the public at this time. Chairman Cwik stated that since no public came forward, he closed public session.

Board Discussion began at 7:08 p.m.

There was minimal discussion regarding this hearing as it is just permission to open a drive-thru which already exists and was in use.

Board Discussion ended at 7:10 p.m.

Member Bernacki made a motion to “approve ZBA 22-21 for 10000 Grand Avenue for a Conditional Use seeking a drive-thru at a permitted use (restaurant) in the C-2-1 General Commercial District per 9-2, Table 9-1 (Use Matrix for Accessory Use of Drive-Thru Lane) and Section 9-3(c) (Accessory Use Standards for Drive-Thru Lane) of the Franklin Park Zoning Code with the following conditions: 1. That the applicant maintain the required screening on the north property line; 2. That the applicant maintain the “No Left Turn” sign onto Grand Avenue; 3. That this proposed use complies with all Village regulations at all times.” Member Mennella seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote. Member Corral-Yes; Member Bernacki-Yes; Member Boreson-Absent; Member Grieashamer-Absent; Member Mennella-Yes; Chairman Cwik-Yes; Member Santana-Yes. Five (5) Ayes, Zero (0) Nays, Two (2) Absent, Zero (0) Abstain. The motion was carried.

Chairman Cwik reminded the applicant that this is a recommending body and all final decisions will be made by the Village Board of Trustees.

Chairman Cwik thanked everyone for attending this evening.

7. New Business: ZBA 22-20

Just Fence It

9300 Grand Avenue

12-27-301-010-0000, 12-27-123-086-0000

Chairman Cwik stated that this hearing is for a Conditional Use for “outdoor storage” in the I-2 General Industrial District per Section 9-2, Table 9-1 of the Franklin Park Zoning Code.

Chairman Cwik called the petitioners up at this time. He asked the petitioners to sign in and be sworn in. Mr. Nick Standiford, attorney for the petitioner, and Mr. Juan Martinez, petitioner, came forward. They signed in and were sworn in.

Mr. Standiford began his presentation at this time. He gave a brief overview of the property in question. He gave the zoning statistics as well as how condusive the site will be for his client’s potential business.

Mr. Martinez stated that he currently operates his business in Melrose Park with his wife. He has been at that location since 2018. He further mentioned that he has been in this business for 20 years. He stated that he plans to use the property for office work, preparation of materials prior to delivery, indoor storage of various fencing components such as hinges, latches, etc. He intends to use the outdoor area for storage, such as fencing materials, equipment, etc. He stated that he will have approximately five (5) people on site for work each day. Those employees will park their vehicles on site. He also stated that he does not expect customers to visit the site, only to drop off payment or look at fencing materials. He said that customers would park in the front of the building.

Chairman Cwik opened this hearing to the public at this time. Chairman Cwik stated that since no public came forward, he closed public session.

Board discussion began at 7:22 p.m.

The members had minimal discussion regarding this hearing at this time.

Board Discussion began at 7:24 p.m.

Member Bernacki made a motion to “approve ZBA 22-20 for 9300 Grand Avenue for a Conditional Use for “outdoor storage” in the I-2 General Industrial District per Section 9-2, Table 9-1 of the Franklin Park Zoning Code with the following conditions: 1. That the applicant adheres to Section 9-9-5 (G) of the zoning code; 2. That the applicant adheres to Section 9-10-3 (G) (3) of the zoning code; 3. That the applicant adheres to Chapter 10 of Title 4 of the Village Code; 4. That this proposed use complies with all Village regulations at all times.” Member Mennella seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote. Member Corral-Yes; Member Bernacki-Yes; Member Boreson-Absent; Member Grieashamer-Absent; Member Mennella-Yes; Chairman Cwik-Yes; Member Santana-Yes. Five (5) Ayes, Zero (0) Nays,Two (2) Absent, Zero (0) Abstain. The motion was carried.

Chairman Cwik reminded the applicant that this is a recommending body and all final decisions will be made by the Village Board of Trustees.

Chairman Cwik thanked everyone for attending this evening.

8. New Business: ZBA 22-22

Text Amendment

Village of Franklin Park

Chairman Cwik stated that this hearing is for a Text Amendment to Sections 9-11-4 and 9-11-5, Table 11-2 of the Village of Franklin Park Zoning Code regarding residential off-street parking spaces and required off-street vehicle parking spaces.

Chairman Cwik called the petitioner up at this time. He asked the petitioner to sign in and be sworn in. Mr. Rudolph Repa, petitioner, came forward. He signed in and was sworn in.

Mr. Repa began his presentation. He stated that the Village is requesting a Text Amendment to Sections 9-11-4 and 9-1-5, Table 11-2 of the Village of Franklin Park Zoning Code regarding residential off-street parking spaces and required off-street vehicle parking spaces. For 9-11-4 regarding residential off-street parking spaces, vehicular access points for new or expanded residential garages, allowed number curb cut crossings for residential properties of over 15,000 square feet, the pitch of driveways within 1 ft of a property line, and the issuance of permits for non

conforming residential parking elements. In 9-11-5 regarding required off-street vehicle parking spaces for various Industrial uses including Wholesale Goods Establishments, Warehouse and Distribution facilities, Light industrial facilities, and Heavy industrial facilities.

He continued to say that these amendments will provide Village staff with improved clarity on parking regulations for specific uses and accessory structures, allowing for better consistency in enforcement that is more in line with the Village’s character and vision. A breakdown of these amendments can be found below. Additions to the code are highlighted in yellow, and deletions are struck through.

The following are the specific sections of the zoning code that will be revised with addtions and deletions. The actual verbiage is found within the zoning packet that was submitted in the record.

These are the following:

· Section 9-11-4 (C)

· Section 9-11-4 (E)

· Section 9-11-4 (G)

· Section 9-11-4 (M)

· Section 9-11-5 and Table 11-2 regarding Wholesale Goods Establishment, Warehouse and Distribution, Light, and Heavy

Chairman Cwik opened this hearing to the public at this time. Chairman Cwik stated that since no public came forward, he closed public session.

Board discussion began at 7:32 p.m.

The members had minimal discussion regarding this hearing at this time. They concur that the additions and deletions make sense in to conforming with the new zoning code.

Board Discussion began at 7:34 p.m.

Member Bernacki made a motion to “approve ZBA 22-22 for a Text Amendment to Sections 9-11-4 and 9-11-5, Table 11-2 of the Village of Franklin Park Zoning Code regarding residential off-street parking spaces and required off-street vehicle parking spaces.” Member Mennella seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote. Member Corral

Yes; Member Bernacki-Yes; Member Boreson-Absent; Member Grieashamer-Absent; Member Mennella-Yes; Chairman Cwik-Yes; Member Santana-Yes. Five (5) Ayes, Zero (0) Nays,Two (2) Absent, Zero (0) Abstain. The motion was carried.

Chairman Cwik reminded the applicant that this is a recommending body and all final decisions will be made by the Village Board of Trustees.

Chairman Cwik thanked everyone for attending this evening.

9. Public Comment: None.

10. A motion was made by Member Bernacki to adjourn the meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals. It was seconded by Member Mennella. All in favor. Motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 7:36 p.m.
