
West Cook News

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Burr Ridge financial consultant: 'We're not dependent on property taxes'


Residents of Burr Ridge | Facebook

Residents of Burr Ridge | Facebook

At the Oct. 24 meeting of the Village of Burr Ridge board of trustees, the board considered the tax levy for the upcoming year.

Senior financial consultant Annmarie Mampe presented to the board various aspects of the proposed village tax levy for this year, to be collected next year. The board planned to keep the levy flat and have the same amount as last year, $1,338,669. She also said that on average residents will pay slightly less than last year based on EAV growth, no specific amount was determined but it does look to be the case.

"So that really paints a good picture of how the village operates," Mampe said. "We're not dependent on property taxes. Our taxes are not high for our residents yet we're still able to provide all the services that we do."

The board was told the mandated amount of funding for the police pension was lower than last year, but since the levy is staying steady the village is able to contribute extra to the fund. Last year it contributed $23,000 over the required amount, and this upcoming levy looks to be about $81,000 above the minimum contribution. 

Examining the distribution of taxes and comparable communities near Burr Ridge, the village takes a very small portion of residents’ taxes and have a very low tax rate. The board was told the village is not highly dependent on property taxes especially compared to some of the nearby municipalities. The board voted to pass this resolution and will vote on the ordinance for the levy in December.