Village of Burr Ridge
Recent News About Village of Burr Ridge
H-1B Insights: Employers classified under Wholesale Trade industry file 30 petitions in West Cook News publication area throughout 2024
In 2024, 30 H-1B petitions were filed by employers classified under the Wholesale Trade industry located within the West Cook News publication area, as per data provided by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services via the H-1B Employer Data Hub.
H-1B Insights: Employers classified under Manufacturing industry file 84 petitions in West Cook News publication area throughout 2024
Employers classified under the Manufacturing industry based in the West Cook News publication area submitted 84 H-1B petitions during 2024, according to data provided by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services via the H-1B Employer Data Hub.
West Cook News Publication Area: How many H-1B petitions were made by employers classified under the Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services industry during 2024?
In 2024, two H-1B petitions were filed by employers classified under the Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services industry located within the West Cook News publication area, as per data provided by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services via the H-1B Employer Data Hub.
West Cook News Publication Area: How many H-1B petitions were made by employers classified under the Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services industry during 2024?
Employers classified under the Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services industry based in the West Cook News publication area submitted 118 H-1B petitions during 2024, according to data provided by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services via the H-1B Employer Data Hub.
How many companies in cities in Cook County received FDA inspections in 2023?
There were 195 companies in cities associated with Cook County that received 199 FDA inspections in 2023, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Association.
Will Burr Ridge vote Tuesday for a third Kim Foxx term?
Burr Ridge Democrats will help choose who will be the next Cook County State's Attorney on Tuesday, heading to the polls to choose between lobbyist Clayton Harris, III and retired Cook County Judge Eileen O'Neill Burke.
Will Burr Ridge vote Tuesday for a third Kim Foxx term?
Burr Ridge Democrats will help choose who will be the next Cook County State's Attorney on Tuesday, heading to the polls to choose between lobbyist Clayton Harris, III and retired Cook County Judge Eileen O'Neill Burke.
How much did farmers in Cook County receive in taxpayer-funded subsidies in 2021?
Farms in Cook County received $15,041,281 in taxpayer-funded subsidies in 2021, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Burr Ridge Village board member: 'By reconfiguring this parking lot, we are giving them some accommodations by allowing landscape islands to be eliminated'
The Village of Burr Ridge met on Jan. 23 to discuss a proposed change to the Shirley Ryan Ability Lab parking facilities, approving some changes and denying other additional spaces that were requested.
Grasso on proposed development plans: 'It is for an industrial development in what should be probably a residential development'
The Village of Burr Ridge Board weighed development plans while taking input from the community and Mayor Gary Grasso at a recent meeting.
Preissig: 'We can try to extend the life' of roads by extending resurfacing cycle
The Burr Ridge Village Board of Trustees discussed and adopted the village's 2023 capital improvements plan, including a new streets program.
Burr Ridge Village Board passes new sign ordinance
The Burr Ridge village board recently debated a change to village ordinances regarding signs in the village.
Burr Ridge Village Board votes to create Special Projects Manager position to handle special events
The Burr Ridge village board recently went over the creation of a new administrative position in the village to help handle special events.
Burr Ridge financial consultant: 'We're not dependent on property taxes'
At the Oct. 24 meeting of the Village of Burr Ridge board of trustees, the board considered the tax levy for the upcoming year.
Who made the biggest political contributions during week ending June 6?
All political contributions made during the week ending June 6 can be found here.
Who made the biggest political contributions during week ending May 30?
The top 100 political contributions made during the week ending May 30 can be found here.
Straub: Fallout from referendum didn't influence resignation
Burr Ridge Mayor Michael “Mickey” Straub said that his effort to defeat Hinsdale D86’s $166 million referendum had nothing to do with his Nov. 12 announcement that he was stepping down from office. A Nov. 14 Chicago Tribune article cited Straub’s being “under fire from supporters” of the referendum as at least a partial factor in his resignation with two and a half years still left in his term.
From DuPage Policy Journal
For sale: 15 priciest homes on the market in Burr Ridge
If you’re looking to pay top dollar in Burr Ridge, prices range from $1.8 million to $4 million, according to real estate site Zillow.
Burr Ridge hits back against Durkin’s “misleading” claims about the village’s fiscal health
Burr Ridge has taken the first step in defending its fiscal reputation in the face of accusations from House Republican Leader Jim Durkin’s re-election campaign that the village finances are nothing short of a disaster.
Straub says story about Durkin's possible influence on sister-in-law's hiring raises questions
Burr Ridge Mayor Mickey Straub said he hopes that Rep. Jim Durkin’s sister-in-law cleared all the proper channels in getting her job last April as general manager of engineering at the Illinois Tollway, but a recent story by the Chicago Daily Herald raises suspicions that she did not.