
West Cook News

Friday, January 31, 2025

Village of River Forest Board of Trustees met October 23.

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Village of River Forest Board of Trustees met October 23.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

1.Call to Order/Roll Call

The meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m. Upon roll call, the following persons were:

Present: President Adduci, Trustees Henek, Vazquez, Conti, Corsini, and Gibbs

Absent: Trustee Cargie

Also Present: Village Clerk Kathleen Brand-White. Village Administrator Eric Palm, Police Chief Greg Weiss, Fire Chief Kurt Bohlmann, Finance Director Joan Rock, Public Works Director John Anderson, Village Attorney Greg Smith

2. Pledge of Allegiance

President Adduci led the pledge of allegiance.

3. Citizens Comments

Greg Kuenster, 516 Park Avenue, thanked the Village for its help in rebuilding his family home. He described the permits requested and noted that the damaged components have been removed. He stated that altering the home from a two flat to a single family residence will cause the building will lose functionality, take longer to repair, and cost substantially more. He said he believes his family has a civil right to housing and his children have a right to continue their education. He mentioned that his mother has recently passed away. He said that yesterday a sustainability and human dignity committee met and discussed the need for environmentally and affordable housing like 516 Park Avenue. He requested that the Village of River Forest Board allow 516 Park to remain a two flat.

President Adduci expressed condolences on behalf of herself and the Board on the death of Mr. Kuenter's mother. She requested an update from Village Administrator Palm in regard to the meeting he had with Mr. Kuenster.

Village Administrator Palm stated that the property in question is a pre-existing legal, non- conforming two flat. He stated there was a fire in the basement dwelling unit that was constructed illegally and Mr. Flores, who resided in that basement, died as a result of the fire. He said an administrative search warrant was requested by the Village and issued by the 4th Circuit Court of Cook County. He stated the Village building officials and consultants performed a thorough administrative search of the house. Village Administrator Palm reported that there were 32 building code violations in the basement and in other parts of the home. He noted that this matter had nothing to do with the two flat but was focused on the basement. He stated that the Village Code is clear that when 50% of the value a non-conforming structure is destroyed it must be rebuilt in conformance of existing code. He noted that Mr. Kuenster has been advised of that in a letter dated September 5, 2017 and Mr. Kuenster had 45 days to respond to that. Village Administrator Palm stated that the 45 days expired on October 20. He said that if Mr. Kuenster wants zoning relief there is a process in the Village Code to request a variation. Fie noted that Mr. Kuenster has been advised that he can request a variance without the Village Board's assistance, permission, or consideration though the Board will make the final decision. Village Administrator Palm reported that the Village is seeking fines resulting from the 32 Code violations found. He indicated that it can be established that these violations have been present for over three or four years and the fines could total close to $11 million. He stated that the Village is not seeking that amount but there will be a fine that Mr. Kuenster will have to pay in order to be held accountable for what took place in that fire. He noted that it was fortunate that the other inhabitants of the building were not hurt, that the fire did not spread, and that the fire did not take place on a school day since the school is directly across the street. Village Administrator Palm stated there is a complaint on file with the circuit court on this matter and the Village will pursue this if the fines are not paid.

Mr. Kuenster discussed the impracticality of converting the home to a single family home. He acknowledged that it could be worth more as a single family home and reiterated his comments about sustainability and affordable housing.

President Adduci stated that affordability and sustainability are important to the Board but the issues are that the home is non-conforming and that there are a large number of Code violations. She explained that this is the reason why there is this process and why there is a Zoning Board of Appeals.

There was a discussion between Village Administrator Palm and Mr. Kuenster regarding the Village's position in regard to zoning and fines. Mr. KLuenster suggested the Village is not interested in affordable housing or sustainability. Village Administrator Palm stated that Mr. Kuenster has presented a manipulation of the facts and circumstances and that there is no consideration for Mr. Floras who tragically died in that fire.

Mr. Kuenster stated that he will convert the building to a single family home and suggested that Village administration will not allow him to request a variance. He requested that Mr. Palm share his email correspondence in regard to this matter with the Board, to which Village Administrator Palm responded that he is more than happy to do so.

4. Elected Officials Comments and Announcements

a. Presentation from Cook County Commissioner Silvestri for LemonAid Event

Commissioner Silvestri stated it is important to recognize young people who contribute to their community and help people in desperate need of assistance. He summarized the Proclamation recognizing success of the LemonAid event and the parents, children, and everyone else who contributed to that success. Emily Edmunds and Davis Birmingham briefly discussed this year's event and how the group choses the organization for which money will be raised.

b. A Resolution Honoring the 100th Anniversary of Trinity High School and Creating a Secondary Designation for the 1200 block of Lathrop Avenue as 'Trinity High School Way"

Trustee Gibbs made a motion, seconded by Trustee Vazquez, to approve the Resolution honoring the 100 anniversary of Trinity High School and creating a secondary designation for the 1200 block of Lathrop Avenue as "Trinity High School Way."

President Adduci read the Resolution and presented a copy of it to Sister Michelle Germanson, president of Trinity High School. Sr. Germanson expressed her enthusiasm about her 25 year association with the school, its 100 year anniversary, and her gratitude for the secondary designation of the 1200 block of Lathrop. She also briefly discussed the history and success of the school and its graduates.

Roll call:

Ayes: Trustees Henek, Vazquez, Conti, Corsini, and Gibbs

Absent: Trustee Cargie

Nays: None

Motion Passes.

c. Presentation from Ethan Baehrend on Maker Fest

Ethan Baehrend, a 17-year-old junior at Fenwick High School and an Eagle Scout candidate, thanked the community for its support of his project and thanked his troop leader. He described the Maker Fest event that took place on October 7, 2017 at the River Forest Public Library. He stated that its purpose was to promote creativity and technology in the community. He noted that there were 275 attendees and briefly discussed the do-it-yourself and technology stations and presentations.

In response to a question from President Adduci, Mr. Baehrend stated that the event was successful and they are talking about continuing it though he will not be as involved in the future.

Mr. Baehrend stated he converted his project into a business of repairing 3-D printers. He said he has designed his own 3-D printer and has substantial backing for a new company. In response to a question from Trustee Corsini, Mr. Baehrend stated he is keeping the technology open source to advance the technology further but he has licensed certain machine parts.

Trustee Gibbs thanked Commissioner Silvestri for serving River Forest for all these years at the Cook County Board table and said we could not ask for a better representative.

Trustee Henek thanked Commissioner Silvestri for recognizing the LemonAid event. She said she is honored to recognize Trinity's long history and accomplishments and was blown away by the last presentation.

Trustee Conti stated she is continually impressed by this community. She said she wants to give them all their due respect and credit and she thanked them for coming to the meeting and sharing with Board.

Village Clerk Brand-White echoed Trustee Conti's comments and stated that the strength of the youth in this community and surrounding communities contribute to all these achievements. She heartily congratulated everyone.

Trustee Vazquez echoed previous trustee comments.

Trustee Corsini congratulated everyone and thanked Commissioner Silvestri for attending the Board meeting. She discussed the Trinity's decision to remain an ail-girls' school and praised the school's baccalaureate program.

President Adduci echoed previous trustee comments in regard to Commissioner Silvestri and discussed his help in obtaining grants for the Village. She discussed the success of Trinity High School and predicted that we will hear more about Mr. Baehrend in the news.

5. Consent Agenda

a. Regular Village Board Meeting Minutes - October 9, 2017

b. Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes -October 16, 2017

c. Approve Change Order #1 (Final) for the 2017 Curb & Sidewalk program for $8,988.89 - Resolution

d. Approve Change Order #1 (Final) for the 2017 Sewer Relining Program for $43,777.50 - Resolution

e. Monthly Financial Report

f. Accounts Payable - September 2017 - $ 1,728,314.25

g. Village Administrator's Report

Trustee Corsini made a motion, seconded by Trustee Gibbs, to approve the Consent Agenda.

Roll call:

Ayes: Trustees Henek, Vazquez, Conti, Corsini, and Gibbs

Absent: Trustee Cargie

Nays: None

Motion Passes.

6. Consent Agenda Items Requiring Separate Consideration

a. Vendor Payments for North Avenue TIF, Madison Street TIF and Economic Development Fund - $623,936.72

Trustee Gibbs made a motion, seconded by Trustee Corsini, to approve vendor payments for North Avenue TIF, Madison Street TIF and Economic Development Fund in the amount of $623,936.72.

Trustee Vazquez stated he has a common law conflict of interest in this matter and asked Village Clerk Brand-White not to call him for the vote.

Roll call:

Ayes: Trustees Henek, Conti, Corsini, and Gibbs

Absent: Trustee Cargie

Nays: None

Motion Passes.

7. Recommendations of Boards, Committees and Commissions

a. Appoint Beth Cheng to the Sustainability Commission (Credi Vacancy) - Term ending April 30, 2019

President Adduci introduced Beth Cheng and discussed her credentials.

Trustee Gibbs made a motion, seconded by Trustee Henek, to appoint Beth Cheng to the Sustainability Commission to fill the Credi Vacancy with a term ending April 30, 2019.

Roll call:

Ayes: Trustees Henek, Vazquez, Conti, Corsini, and Gibbs

Absent: Trustee Cargie

Nays: None

Motion Passes.

8. Unfinished Business

a. Update: Request for Proposal for Lake and Park Redevelopment

Village Administrator Palm stated that the Lake and Park Work Group met last week to review a draft of the RFQ/RFP for the Lake and Park site. He reported that a good dialog took place and a revised draft will go out for comments to the Work Group this week for a quick turnaround. He said the document will go before the Board at the November 13th meeting for consideration. Village Administrator Palm stated that if the Board approves it, it will be sent out and responses will be expected by mid-December. He indicated that it will be a two-step process with developer qualifications reviewed first and two to three selected to go to the next step. He noted that this is different than what was done in the past because of lessons learned from previous go- arounds.

President Adduci thanked the subcommittee for working on this.

Trustee Corsini reminded attendees that the Pension Funds and Finance Committee are meeting next Thursday, November 2nd at 8:00 a.m. for pension discussions.

Village Administrator Palm stated that Trustee Cargie was not able to attend the meeting and asked him to provide a report which was distributed to the Board. He stated the survey from the Subcommittee on Collaboration is going to go out shortly and is focused on communication. He asked that any comments on the survey be provided soon and noted the survey has been well vetted.

In response to a question from Trustee Corsini, Village Administrator Palm stated the survey will go out via Survey Monkey. In response to a follow-up question from Trustee Corsini, Village Administrator Palm stated the survey will go out to residents of River Forest who will be notified via the website, post cards (checking with Management Analyst Jonathan Pape), the Village E- newsletter, and every communication tool used by each of the districts. He said he hopes there will be a lot of overlap.

Trustee Gibbs reported that Elmwood Park put a fence around where their water dumps into the Des Plaines River and there have been young people playing in the pipes in River Forest. Chief Weiss reported that the Village has not received calls on that but have heard something about it on social media. He stated that officers are conducting premise checks there and have not seen any evidence of people using the area. Trustee Gibbs expressed his concern in regard to safety because the pipes are big enough for people to stand in. Village Administrator Palm stated staff has heard anecdotal information about it. He said he has had discussions with Public Works Director Anderson and Village Engineer Jeff Loster and that the challenge is finding something to obstruct entrance of people without trapping debris and blocking water flow in the pipes. President Adduci suggested placing cameras there. Chief Weiss described the area and said he is not convinced people can fit in the pipe. Trustee Gibbs stated if one gets over the wall one could get all the way to Harlem through that pipe. There was a brief discussion about what can be done without creating an eyesore. Trustee Gibbs requested that staff contact Elmwood Park and inquire what prompted them to put up the fence. Trustee Corsini noted that the Village wants to avoid liability issues.

9. New Business


10. Executive Session

At 8:00 p.m., Trustee Corsini made a motion, seconded by Trustee Gibbs, to adjourn into Executive Session to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the Village; the purchase or lease of real property for the use of the Village including whether a particular parcel should be acquired; and probable and eminent litigation.

Roll call:

Ayes: Trustees Henek, Vazquez, Conti, Corsini, and Gibbs

Absent: Trustee Cargie

Nays: None

Motion Passes.

Trustee Corsini made a motion, seconded by Trustee Henek, to return to the regular session of the Village Board of Trustees meeting at 8:51 p.m.

Roll call:

Ayes: Trustees Henek, Vazquez, Conti, Corsini, and Gibbs

Absent: Trustee Cargie

Nays: None

Motion Passes.

Trustee Gibbs stated that while traveling on Madison he noticed posts installed in between the tracks with red signage indicating the tracks are closed. Village Clerk Brand-White stated that they appear they can be easily removed and look temporary.

11. Adjournment

Trustee Conti made a motion seconded by Trustee Corsini, to adjourn the regular Village Board of Trustees Meeting at 8:53 p.m. The motion passed by voice vote.
