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Village of Riverside Village Board met June 15.

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Village of Riverside Village Board met June 15.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

I. Call to order: The Regular Meeting of the Village of Riverside Board of Trustees was held in Room 4 of the Township Hall, 27 Riverside Road, Riverside, IL, on Thursday, June 15, 2017. President Sells called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

II. Roll Call: Present: President Sells

Trustee Pollock Trustee Jisa Trustee Ballerine Trustee Lumsden Trustee Peters (by phone)

Absent: Trustee Sedivy

Also Present: Village Manager Frances

Village Attorney Marrs Village Clerk Haley

President Sells noted that Trustee Peters was unable to attend the meeting due to medical reasons and had requested permission to participate in the meeting telephonically. He asked if there were any objections. Hearing none, he welcomed Trustee Peters to the meeting.

III. Pledge of Allegiance

IV. Presentations / Public Comment

A. Police Department Promotions and Swearing in of New Officer 1. Swearing in of new Patrol Officer Christopher Kudla

Chief Weitzel introduced Officer Kudla and Clerk Haley swore him in as Riverside’s newest Patrol Officer.

2. Promotion of Officer John Cairo to Sergeant

Chief Weitzel introduced Officer Cairo and Clerk Haley swore him in as Riverside’s new Police Sergeant.

3. Promotion of Detective Sergeant Frank Lara to Lieutenant

Chief Weitzel introduced Detective Sergeant Lara and Clerk Haley swore him in as Riverside’s new Police Lieutenant.

4. Promotion of Lieutenant William Gutschick to Deputy Chief

Chief Weitzel introduced Lieutenant Gutschick and Clerk Haley swore him in as Riverside’s new Deputy Police Chief.

B. Presentation of Audit

Matt Barron, of the auditing firm of Lauterbach & Amen presented the highlights of the Village’s 2016 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR). He thanked the Finance Department staff for their cooperation in preparing the audit and noted that the process had gone very smoothly. Finance Director Johns noted that the audit would be available on the village website once the board accepted it.

President Sells called for a motion and second to accept the Village of Riverside’s 2016 CAFR. Trustee Lumsden made a motion to accept the document. Trustee Pollock seconded the motion. 

Ayes: Trustees Pollock, Jisa, Lumsden, Ballerine and Peters. Motion passed.

C. Public Comment

Resident Allison Pryzbylski-Vollman addressed the board regarding picnicking and fishing along the Des Plaines River in Riverside. She and her husband Tom do not favor a repeal of the current ban on fishing and picnicking. She stated that fishing is allowed on the opposite bank of the river and should not be allowed on the Riverside bank. They believe residents of Riverside are not interested in using public lands for picnics or fishing and allowing these activities will result in an influx of non-residents using the village’s public lands. Continual enforcement by the police will be required. She does not see the benefit to residents of changing the current ordinances.

V. Reports of Village Offices

A. Village President’s Report

1. Monarch Proclamation

President Sells noted that there has been a precipitous decline in the monarch butterfly population in North America in recent decades. The goal of the Monarch Pledge Day movement, which is sponsored by the National Wildlife Federation, is to raise public awareness of the monarch’s plight and inspire participation in an effort to replenish the monarch and pollinator population of North America. He noted that the Parks & Recreation Department, along with the Riverside Public Library and Riverside Public School District 96, has already incorporated monarch activities into their programming. President Sells read the Monarch Pledge Day Proclamation and then invited Parks & Recreation Director Ron Malchiodi to give a presentation on the department’s efforts to date.

Director Malchiodi gave a PowerPoint presentation on the plight of monarchs and other pollinators and efforts currently under way in the village to support the monarch population. A copy of the presentation is attached to these minutes.

President Sells noted that when the village undertakes the regrading and replanting of the Swan Pond, plantings that will attract and support the pollinator population will be included.

B. Village Manager’s Report

The 2017 Street improvements have begun. Roads that will be resurfaced this year include: Northwood, Evelyn and Uvedale Roads and Uvedale Court. The work will also include replacement of defective sidewalk squares, curbs and gutters. Work also continues on the MWRD Salt Creek Intercepting Sewer project in the downtown area and on the First Division Sewer Separation project.

VI. Approval of Consent Agenda

A. Ratification of Bills June 1, 2017

B. Approval of Voucher List of Bills June 15, 2017

C. Approval of Village Board of Trustees Regular Meeting Minutes May 18, 2017

D. File & Review Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting and Public Hearing Minutes April 26, 2017

E. File & Review Community Development Department Monthly Report May 2017 F. File & Review Finance Department Monthly Report May 2017

G. File & Review Fire Department Monthly Report Mat 2017

H. File & Review Police Department Monthly Report May 2017

I. Motion to approve the Special Event Application for 2017 Independence Day festivities in Riverside including the Concert in the Park on July 3 and the Independence Day 5K Run, Parade and Post Parade Gathering in Guthrie Park on July 4

J. An Ordinance Ascertaining the Prevailing Rate of Wages for Laborers, Mechanics and other Workers employed in public works projects for the Village of Riverside

K. A Resolution authorizing the Village Manager to enter into an agreement with F.H. Paschen in the amount of $21,272.47 to modify an existing Emergency Shower/Eyewash Station through Job Order Contracting

L. Motion to approve an Intergovernmental Agreement between Riverside School District 96 and the Village of Riverside to provide a School Age Childcare Program

President Sells read the items on the Consent Agenda aloud. He asked if any of the Trustees required an item to be removed for discussion. Hearing no requests, he called for a motion and second to approve the Consent Agenda.

Trustee Ballerine made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda. Trustee Jisa seconded the motion. 

Ayes: Trustees Pollock, Jisa, Ballerine, Lumsden and Peters. Motion passed.

VII. Reports of Departments, Commissions and Trustee Liaisons

Trustee Ballerine asked Parks & Recreation Director Malchiodi to brief the board on the Independence Day festivities and the recently approved Intergovernmental Agreement between D96 and the Department for an after school child care program. Director Malchiodi reminded everyone that the holiday celebration would kick off with the annual Concert in the Park on Monday, July 3 featuring Tony Ocean and The Brat Pack. Runners will take to the streets for the annual Independence Day 5K at 7:30 a.m. on Tuesday, July 4, and the parade will make its’ way down Longcommon Road from Big Ball Park at 8:45 a.m. There will be a classic car show and community gathering in Guthrie Park until 1:00 p.m. after the parade. He thanked Friends of the Fourth and residents for their support of these events.

Director Malchiodi also informed the board that D96 had approved an Intergovernmental Agreement with the department at their last meeting. The department has been providing STEM, art and athletic programs at Ames and Central Schools for the past year. In the fall, the department will begin a before and after school childcare pilot program at Central School with the goal of eventually expanding these offerings to students at all D96 schools. He thanked D96 Superintendent Martha Ryan-Toye, the D96 School Board and the Village Board for their support. Registration for these programs will begin June 27 and the department will have extended evening hours that day to accommodate working parents. Parents must register in person.

Director Malchiodi also noted that the department held Riverside’s First Annual Fishing Derby in the Swan Pond on June 21. The event was a huge success. Everyone who participated caught a fish and learned a little about the types of fish that populate the river and fishing in general. He thanked President Sells for his support of the event.

VIII. Ordinances and Resolutions

A. An Ordinance amending various sections of the Village of Riverside Zoning Ordinance relative to Animal Shelters Community Development Director Abt stated that the village has received an application for a text amendment from Harlem Jam, LLC, the property owner, relative to amending the Zoning Ordinance to allow animal shelters as Special Uses in the B1-C Commercial District. The petitioner is requesting the text amendment in order to lease a vacant commercial space to an animal rescue organization, the Greater Chicago Ferret Association. The Planning and Zoning Commission conducted a combined public hearing on the proposed text amendment and special use request on May 24, 2017.

The Commissioners were comfortable with the proposed text amendment however it was noted that the Municipal Code currently prohibits kennels within 100 feet of a residence. Accordingly, the language was amended to specifically exclude animal shelters from the definition of kennels, and the Planning and Zoning Commission voted 5-0 in favor of the motion to recommended approval of the proposed text amendments.

The Preservation Commission reviewed the proposed text amendment at their Regular Meeting on June 8, 2017 and found that the proposed text amendment would not have a negative impact on the national landmark designation of the Village nor the General Plan of Riverside.

President Sells asked for a motion and second to approve the ordinance. Trustee Pollock made a motion to approve. Trustee Jisa seconded the motion.

Ayes: Trustees Pollock, Jisa, Ballerine, Lumsden and Peters. Motion passed.

B. An Ordinance approving a Special Use for a Ferret Rescue Shelter (Animal Shelter) at 3242 S.

Harlem Avenue, Riverside – Greater Chicago Ferret Association The Greater Chicago Ferret Association (GCFA) is requesting a special use to operate a rescue shelter for ferrets at 3242 S. Harlem Ave. which is located in the B1-C Commercial Zoning District. The petitioners are proposing to move their rescue shelter from their existing location in Lyons to the 1,800 sq.ft. commercial space in a multi-tenant commercial building just north of Burlington St. GCFA rescues and places ferrets for adoption. They have a state animal shelter license. They are run by volunteers Monday - Friday and are open to the public only by appointment on Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays.

The existing commercial building they are proposing to locate in does not have off-street parking; however on- street parking is available. The building has other tenants such as a bartending school, women’s clothing store, comic book store, and psychic. The building is adjacent to a bank and has a residence behind it.

GCFA’s representatives have assured staff that the facility is clean and does not cause any nuisances with neighbors at their existing location in Lyons. They further state that ferrets are quiet animals and sleep most of the day. GCFA takes care to keep a lower profile to prevent individuals from abandoning animals at their door when no one is there. On average, they have 75 rescues in their facility but that capacity varies throughout the year. They tend to see surges in surrenders during certain times of the year such as when kids go away to school. Their capacity can range from 50-115 ferrets. The property owner has addressed concerns about ventilation and parking. Each unit in the building has an individual HVAC system and they have an over flow parking agreement with the bank to the south. Staff has followed up with Flood Brothers regarding waste disposal and Flood has indicated that there would be no restrictions on ferret waste and it can be disposed of in the regular garbage. The Planning & Zoning Commission has reviewed and recommended approval of the application.

President Sells asked for a motion and second to approve the Ordinance. Trustee Ballerine made a motion to approve the Ordinance. Trustee Pollock seconded the motion.

Trustee Ballerine stated that he visited the facility a couple of weeks ago and there were a lot of ferrets on site, but it did not smell bad and was “magnificently clean”. He was very impressed and pleasantly surprised.

With no further comments, President Sells called for the vote to approve the Ordinance.

Ayes: Trustees Pollock, Jisa, Lumsden, Ballerine and Peters. Motion passed.

C. An Ordinance amending various sections of the Village of Riverside Zoning Ordinance Relative to Lot Divisions, Drive-Through Facilities, Parking, Accessory Structures and to make other Miscellaneous Changes President Sells stated that the board, staff and village attorney have been reviewing the village code with an eye toward making it more streamlined and easy to understand. These amendments are the first proposed revisions stemming from that effort. Community Development Director Abt noted that during the past few years, she and the village attorney identified areas of the Zoning Ordinance that are inconsistent with other ordinances and need clarification. Additionally, as zoning cases have come before the village, staff has identified areas where the Zoning Ordinance could be clearer and has recommended changes to the Zoning Ordinance for the Planning and Zoning Commission’s discussion. At the March Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting, the commission discussed these proposed changes and commissioners were generally supportive of the proposed changes however requested that accessory structures not be modified and that any changes to the parking requirements not inadvertently cause any nonconformities. The feedback from those discussions was incorporated into a draft text amendment for a public hearing which was held on April 26, 2017. The proposed Text Amendments are to the following Village Code Sections: 10-1-3 (Applicability), 10-2-2-5 (Building Permits), 10-5-9 (Use and Bulk Requirement Tables/Table 4: Business District Permitted Uses), 10-6-2 (Use Standards), 10-7-3 (Accessory Structures and Uses), 10-8-9 (Required Off Street Parking Spaces/Table 8), 10-10-5 (Nonconforming Lot of Record), 10-11-4 (Other Terms Defined), and such other conforming changes to other sections of the Village of Riverside Zoning Ordinance as may be necessary. The Preservation Commission reviewed the proposed amendments at their June 8, 2017, regular meeting and found that the proposed text amendment would not have a negative impact on the national landmark designation of the Village nor the General Plan of Riverside.

Director Abt then provided additional information on each of the proposed amendments.

President Sells called for a motion and second to approve the Ordinance. Trustee Pollock made a motion to approve the Ordinance. Trustee Jisa seconded the motion.

Trustee Pollock inquired about the section on Building Permits and why it referenced the Zoning Ordinance. Director Abt noted that the amendment removed the reference to the Zoning Ordinance.

Trustees Pollock and Lumsden both expressed support for raising the threshold at which a building permit is required from the current $500 when the proposed work is maintenance and/or repair. They are supportive of the proposed changes but would like staff to review this section of the code further. President Sells inquired about what other communities are doing in regard to this issue. Director Abt indicated that in surveying other communities, there was no uniform approach to this issue. Some communities had a monetary threshold while others had a list of improvements and a specific permit cost associated with each type of repair.

With no further comments, President Sells called for the vote. 

Ayes: Trustees Pollock, Jisa, Lumsden, Ballerine and Peters. Motion passed.

President Sells thanked Director Abt for her hard work.

D. An Ordinance authorizing renewal of Aggregation Program for Electrical Load

Village Manager Frances provided a brief summary of the electric aggregation program in Riverside. She noted that ComEd delivers electricity to customers, but customers have the ability to purchase electricity from other vendors. The village has had three electricity vendors since the implementation of the electric aggregation program in 2012: Direct Energy, First Energy Solutions and currently Dynegy. In response to a village wide referendum in which voters directed the village board and staff to pursue sustainability initiatives, the village has selected vendors who produce electricity through the use of renewable resources. The village works with NIMEC to obtain rate quotes for electricity and received rates from interested vendors today. Quoted prices are only valid for 24 hours. Accordingly, the village must select a vendor within 24 hours or suspend the electric aggregation program. If the village does not continue the aggregation program, residents’ electric supply and delivery will be through ComEd.

President Sells called for a motion and second to renew the Aggregation Program. Trustee Pollock made a motion to renew the Aggregation Program. Trustee Jisa seconded the motion.

Village Manager Frances invited Sharon Durling of NIMEC to provide details on the rates that were offered for the village’s aggregation program.

Sharon Durling of NIMEC noted that the rates offered are very close to what is being offered by ComEd. She outlined the options available to the board. Option 1: Suspend the aggregation program and revert to ComEd. The rate offered by ComEd is only guaranteed for 6 months. Option 2: Renew the aggregation program for 14 months with Dynegy with traditional energy. Only 13% of power supply would be from renewable resources. This price is slightly lower than the ComEd rate. Option 3: Renew the aggregation program with Dynegy with 100% renewable energy credits at a rate of $.07256 per/kh, which is slightly more expensive than the ComEd rate.

Ms. Durling noted that the village has reduced its’ carbon footprint by 69,150 tons through the aggregation program to date.

Trustee Ballerine asked for an illustration of how much additional cost would be associated with choosing the renewal energy rate. Ms. Durling indicated that the additional cost would be $1.00 - $1.50 per month for a high usage household and about $.75 per month for a household with less usage.

Trustee Ballerine noted that it’s very easy to opt out. Ms. Durling concurred. She also noted that there is no early termination fee. Residents can opt out at any time for any reason with no penalty.

Ms. Durling explained that renewable energy credits are a commodity that is traded on the open market. If a power supply company does not produce enough renewable energy to meet the demand of its customers, it will purchase renewable energy on the open market. Companies must retain records of their energy production and purchases and these records are available for inspection. By choosing a program offering 100% renewable energy credits, the village is supporting renewable energy companies and sustainability.

President Sells asked if there was a consensus on which option to select. All were in favor of selecting Option 3, 100% renewable energy credits. Accordingly, he called for a motion and second to approve the Ordinance. 

Ayes: Trustees Pollock, Jisa, Ballerine, Lumsden and Peters. Motion passed.

IX. Considerations

A. Discussion Regarding Public Park Restrictions

President Sells stated that the Parks & Recreation Board had scheduled a discussion on this topic but did not have a quorum at their meeting so there are no recommendations from them yet. He would like the trustees to discuss the current restrictions on fishing and picnicking and then send the matter back to the Parks & Recreation Board for further review. He asked Village Manager Frances to provide some background on the matter. After citing the existing code, she noted that interest in using the Des Plaines River for recreation has been increasing in recent years and the CMAP Plan for Riverside recommends improving access to the river and enhancing recreational opportunities in connection with the river. The Parks & Recreation Department recently hosted a fishing derby which was very well received by residents.

President Sells read the proposed draft ordinance aloud. He noted that the concerns he’s heard expressed by some residents are already prohibited activities and there are no plans to allow barbeque grills or consumption of alcohol on public land. He supports amending the code and believes the proposed changes are reasonable and will have the benefit of reconnecting residents to a defining element of the village: the river.

Trustee Ballerine recommended removing the word “parkway” from the proposed ordinance. He stated that picnicking should only be permitted in areas specifically designated for this type of activity by the Parks & Recreation Board. He also recommended that permits be submitted at least 72 hours in advance of a proposed gathering, not 48 hours in advance as the draft reads and requiring a deposit for using the grill at the Scout Cabin. He also expressed concern about allowing boat launching and parking boats because the village does not have the facilities for boaters to secure their boats or dispose of garbage properly.

Trustee Ballerine asked Parks & Recreation Director Malchiodi about the current permitting process for reserving athletic fields in the village. Director Malchiodi stated that any group with more than 8 people needs a park permit to use the ball fields. This is because 9 players are required to field a team. Trustee Ballerine noted that the village does not require permits as a way to restrict the use of public facilities, but rather because there is such a high demand and the village has limited facilities. Permits secure a reservation and priority for field and facility use.

Trustee Lumsden expressed concern regarding the need for additional signage and ADA compliance as possible unforeseen consequences of promoting enhanced recreational opportunities associated with the river. He read an email he received from a resident who is opposed to amending the current ordinance. The writer of the email specifically expressed concern about the negative impact increased recreational activity may have on the Swan Pond. Lumsden stated that his son enjoys fishing in the Swan Pond and he enjoys kayaking on the river, but he believes any amendments to the current regulations must be considered very carefully.

Trustee Jisa noted that picnicking is currently allowed at the Scout Cabin with a permit. He’s concerned that allowing picnicking in other areas will result in litter accumulating in areas where there are no trash receptacles. He frequently walks along the river and visits Turtle Park and finds himself picking up litter along the way. While he enjoys seeing people kayaking and fishing, he supports a cautious approach to any proposed changes to the existing ordinance.

President Sells stated that when he’s out walking in the village and he sees a family on a blanket having a picnic in Guthrie Park and thinks “They’re breaking the law,” that just seems wrong. When Trustee Lumsden sees his son and friends fishing in the Swan Pond and knows that what they’re doing is illegal; that is not right. The village currently has laws that are not being enforced. He believes people come to Riverside because of the natural beauty. They will want to preserve and protect that beauty so they can continue to enjoy it.

Trustee Pollock expressed concern about the current regulations and lack of enforcement. He said he knows the kids know they’re doing something illegal and he asked what kind of message we send when we tell them it is okay to ignore the law. He believes the concerns articulated by the board and residents are all valid, but he also believes the board needs to do something. If the actions taken by the board result in unintended consequences, then the board will need to address those issues.

Trustee Ballerine reiterated his support for restricting picnicking to areas that can accommodate the trash that large groups inevitably generate and also provide restrooms. He is also open to discussing changes to the fishing restrictions further.

Trustee Lumsden encouraged everyone to walk along the river and enjoy the natural beauty.

President Sells asked that the substance of the Village Board’s discussion be forwarded to the Parks & Recreation Board so they can incorporate appropriate changes into the draft ordinance to address residents’ concerns at their next meeting.

X. New Business – None.

XI. Adjournment

With no new business and nothing further to discuss, President Sells called for a motion and second to adjourn the regular meeting. Trustee Lumsden made a motion to adjourn. Trustee Ballerine seconded the motion. 

Ayes: Trustees Pollock, Jisa, Lumsden, Ballerine and Peters. Motion passed. President Sells declared the meeting adjourned at 9:12 p.m.

XII. Executive Session – None.
