City of Countryside Human Resource Committee met April 25.
Here is the agenda as provided by the committee:
I. Call meeting to order.
II. Roll call.
Alderman Scott Musillami – Chairman
Alderman Tom Mikolyzk
Alderman John Finn
III. Comments from the Public.
IV. Approval of HR Committee meeting minutes – September 19, 2016.
V. Consideration of a job description for an Administrative Intern.
VI. Request to hire 2 Administrative Interns to assist administration during the
summer months.
VII. Other Committee Business.
VIII. Recess to Executive Session for the purpose of reviewing the Executive
Session minutes of September 19, 2016 under Section 2(c)(21) and to discuss
Personnel under Section 2(c)(1) of the Open Meetings Act.
IX. Reconvene to Regular Session.
a. Consideration to approve the Human Resources Committee Executive
Session minutes of September 19, 2016.
X. Adjournment.