Tony Morton, Board Member | Bellwood School District 88 Website
Tony Morton, Board Member | Bellwood School District 88 Website
Bellwood School District 88 Board of Education met March 4
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
1. Call to Order by Board
2. Roll Call
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Audience Participation
5. Action Item
5.1 Bill List
6. Action Item
6.1 Aopt Board Policy Issue 117
7. Action Item
7.1 Memorandum of Agreement with Dominican University
8. Action Item
8.1 Waste Management Contract
9. Action Item
9.1 Verifent Solutions
10. Action to go into Closed Session
11. Action to Reconvene to Regular Session
12. Action Item
12.1 Consent Agenda A - E
13. Action Item
13.1 Expulsion Hearing
14. New Business
14.1 Board Meeting Date Change for April
15. Unfinished Business
16. Adjourn