David B. Guerin, Mayor / Village President | Village of River Grove Website
David B. Guerin, Mayor / Village President | Village of River Grove Website
Village of River Grove President and Board of Trustees will meet Jan. 6
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
(1) CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: By President Guerin (Time:________)
All who are able and in attendance are asked to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance.
(2) ROLL CALL ATTENDANCE; Establishment of Quorum: By the Clerk:
President David B. Guerin ____ Trustee Lynn M. Bjorvik ____ Trustee Lora M. Lantgen ____
Clerk Marjorie A. Manchen ____ Trustee Robert C. Thomas ____ Trustee Benjamin E. Ramirez ____
Trustee Christopher Lilly ____ Trustee Frank J. Obaya ____
(4) APPROVAL OF MINUTES: By motion and second of the Village Board:
Meeting Type Open or Closed Meeting Date Review Date Approval Date
Regular Board Meeting Open 12/16/2024 01/06/2025
Minutes of Executive (Closed) Session Held on 10/21/2024 HOLD – Until 04/21/2025
a. Public Safety - Trustee Obaya
b. Public Works & Properties – Trustee Thomas
c. Finance & Economic Dev’t - Trustee Bjorvik
d. License & Ordinance - Trustee Lilly
e. Information Technology & Communications - Trustee Ramirez
f. Youth & Recreation - Trustee Lantgen
g. Clerk’s Report - Clerk Manchen
a. RESOLUTION NO. 2025-R-01. A Resolution Approving a Services Agreement with MGT Impact Solutions, LLC, as an Independent Contractor providing Comptroller and Finance Director Services for the Village of River Grove (Term: 2/3/2025-2/6/2026; Rate: $116/Hour)
For Roll Call Vote:
Trustee Lynn M. Bjorvik ____ Trustee Christopher J. Lilly ___ Trustee Benjamin E Ramirez ___
Trustee Robert C Thomas ____ Trustee Lora M. Lantgen ___ Trustee Frank J. Obaya ___
a. ORDINANCE NO. 2025-01. An Ordinance Amending the Personnel Code of the Village of River Grove as set forth in Chapter 17 of Title 1 of the Village Code
For Roll Call Vote:
Trustee Lynn M. Bjorvik ____ Trustee Christopher J. Lilly ___ Trustee Benjamin E Ramirez ___
Trustee Robert C Thomas ____ Trustee Lora M. Lantgen ___ Trustee Frank J. Obaya ___
PAYING VILLAGE’S BILLS. Board action regarding the authorization to pay the bills of the Village when vouchers are properly endorsed and funds are available in accordance with the list of warrants, dated January 06, 2025. (By: Finance Chair Bjorvik).
Trustee Lynn M. Bjorvik ____ Trustee Michele M. Obaya ___ Trustee Lora M. Lantgen ___
Trustee Robert C Thomas ____ Trustee Christopher J. Lilly ___ Trustee Benjamin E Ramirez ___
(11) PRESIDENT’S REPORT: By: President David B. Guerin.
(12) PUBLIC COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE: (Obtain name of each public speaker):
(13) EXECUTIVE SESSION: A motion will be needed to go into a closed, executive session of the board to discuss the following items, including but not limited to the following:
1. Pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1), Employment, Compensation, Discipline, Performance or Dismissal of Certain Employees
2. Pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2), the board to discuss and deliberate salary schedules for one or more classes of municipal employees, including the implementation of salary schedules in lieu of an arbitrary salary and wage process and subsequent increases in salaries or wages. Or Collective Bargaining Negotiations Matters 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2)
3. Pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(5) and (6), the board to discuss and deliberate the purchase, sale and/or lease of specific real property.
4. Pursuant to (5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11), the board to discuss litigation regarding a local tax which is probable or imminent, and the basis for such a finding is that a draft complaint has been presented to the village by the complaining party, and this fact shall be recorded and entered into the minutes of the closed portion of this meeting. Also, Pending Litigation, 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11) or Probable or Imminent Litigation, 5 ILC 120/2(c)(11).
5. Pursuant to (5 ILCS 120/2(c)(8), the board to consider and discuss security procedures and the use of personnel and equipment to respond to an actual, threatened, or reasonably potential threats or danger to the safety of employees, students, staff, public property or the public in general, including use of all police and building department personnel, gang activities, school safety matters, and the operation and maintenance of the 9-1-1 Center.
6. Discussion of Minutes of Meetings Closed under the Open Meetings Act, 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(21) 9.
(14) ADJOURNMENT: (Time: _________)