
West Cook News

Monday, March 10, 2025

Village of River Grove President and Board of Trustees met Dec. 2

Webp david guerin

David B. Guerin, Mayor / Village President | Village of River Grove Website

David B. Guerin, Mayor / Village President | Village of River Grove Website

Village of River Grove President and Board of Trustees met Dec. 2

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

1. CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: The meeting was called to Order by President Guerin at 6:02 p.m., who then led all present in the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag. Guerin asked for a moment of silence to honor Mary Lou Homan who passed away earlier that day. Guerin stated that Homan was a long-time resident of River Grove who was involved with the community, including politics and deeply associated with St Cyprian’s Church.



Clerk Manchen took the roll of board members as follows:

Present in Person: President David B. Guerin and Clerk Marjorie A. Manchen, and Trustees Lynn M. Bjorvik, Christopher J. Lilly, Lora M. Lantgen, Benjamin E. Ramirez and Frank J. Obaya.

Absent: Trustee Robert C. Thomas.

A Quorum was declared by Clerk Manchen.

Dept. Heads / Staff Present in Person: Village Engineer Mark Lucas; Village Comptroller Greg Peters; Village Attorney Bart A. Smith; Fire Chief Sean M. Flynn; Public Works Dir. Brock Leder; HR/Com. Dir. Shawn Campbell; Recreation Dir. Katie Muellner; and Building Commissioner Chuck Fredrickson.

Dept. Heads / Staff Present via Telephone: None.



President Guerin introduced Jael Herrera, a “Young Marine” who stood color guard at the recent dedication ceremony for the River Grove Veterans Memorial. Guerin presented Jael Herrera with a Certificate of Appreciation that is copied hereinafter. All present gave a standing ovation to Jael.

Guerin also introduced Jael’s parents, Claudia and Efrain Herrera, as well as veterans Maria and Juan Martinez, and Rich Wojewnik.


4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: President Guerin confirmed that the Board members previously received and reviewed the Minutes listed on tonight’s Agenda. A Motion was then made by Trustee Lilly, seconded by Trustee Bjorvik to approve the following two (2) sets of Minutes and that they be archived accordingly:

a) Regular Board Meeting Minutes of November 18, 2024; and

b) Committee-of-the-Whole Meeting Minutes (re: FY 2025 Budget) of November 18, 2024.

No questions were posed, and no discussion ensued. Motion carried unanimously on a Voice Vote.

The Minutes of Executive (Closed) Session of October 21, 2024 remain on hold.





a. PUBLIC SAFETY: Trustee Obaya read aloud the December 02, 2024 report of Fire Chief Flynn, titled “RGFD December 2nd Meeting Minutes,” which is copied hereinafter.

No report was submitted by Police Chief Konwinski.

b. PUBLIC WORKS & PUBLIC PROPERTIES: Trustee Thomas was absent; Public Works Director Brock Leder read aloud his Public Works report dated December 02, 2024, which is copied hereinafter.

c. FINANCE & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: Trustee Bjorvik read aloud her “Finance & Economic Development Committee Report” which is copied hereinafter.

d. LICENSE AND ORDINANCE: Trustee Lilly stated that he did not have a report to submit.

e. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY & COMMUNICATIONS: Trustee Ramirez stated that he did not have a report to submit.

f. YOUTH & RECREATION: Trustee Lantgen stated that she did not have a report to submit.

g. CLERK’S REPORT: Clerk Manchen read aloud her Clerk’s report dated December 02, 2024 and copied hereinafter.





Commencement of Public Hearings. There was a Motion by Trustee Lilly, seconded by Trustee Obaya at 6:15 pm to recess or temporarily close the regular board meeting and to enter into the public hearings regarding the 2024 Village Tax Levy, and then the proposed 2025 Budget.

No questions were posed, and no discussion ensued. Motion carried unanimously on a Voice Vote.

Publication and Notice: Clerk Manchen confirmed publication and notice as follows:

1) Two (2) Notices of Public Hearing (regarding the 2024 Property Tax Levy and Proposed 2025 Budget) were published by the Chicago Tribune Media Group, in the Elm Leaves edition, on November 21, 2024.

2) Also, the 2 Notices and Agendas were posted on the Village website on November 27, 2024.

3) The Notices and Agendas were posted on the bulletin board of the Village Hall at 2621 Thatcher Avenue, and at the Senior Community Center where the courtroom and board room are housed, at 2607 Thatcher, River Grove, Illinois on November 27, 2024.

4) Said Notices and Agendas were e-mailed to the Village Board members and department heads.

5) Additionally, these public hearings occurred during the December 02, 2024 regular Board Meeting, notice of which including date, time and location was published in the Tribune Media Group (formerly known as Pioneer Press), Elm Leaves edition, on December 14, 2023.

a. PUBLIC HEARING CONCERNING THE 2024 VILLAGE PROPERTY TAX LEVY OFTHE VILLAGE OF RIVER GROVE, ILLINOIS. This public hearing commenced at 6:15 pm and adjourned at 6:29 pm.


Resumption of Regular Board Meeting. Immediately after the 2nd public hearing, at 6:55 pm, there was a Motion by Trustee Lilly, seconded by Trustee Lantgen, at 6:55 pm to re-enter and resume the Regular Board meeting. No questions were posed, and no discussion ensued. Motion carried unanimously on a Voice Vote.

Attendance by the Board members remained the same throughout the hearings and regular board meeting.



RESOLUTION NO. 2024-R-64. President Guerin called Resolution 2024-R-64.

Clerk Manchen read aloud the title or description of Resolution 2024-R-64 as follows:

RESOLUTION NO. 2024-R-64. A Resolution Approving a Cable Television Franchise Agreement by and between the Village of River Grove and Comcast of Illinois VI, LLC.

• President Guerin asked for a Motion. A Motion was made by Trustee Obaya, seconded by Trustee Lantgen to adopt Resolution 2024-R-64 as presented.

• Guerin and Village Attorney Smith summarized this Resolution for all present, including Smith stating that this is a 10-year franchise agreement, and the last one was in 2015.

• Guerin asked whether anyone had questions or comments; there were none. No discussion ensued.

• Guerin asked Clerk Manchen to take the Board’s vote; the roll call vote was taken by Manchen as follows:

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Trustees Bjorvik, Lilly, Lantgen, Ramirez and Obaya.

Nays: None.

Abstentions: None.

Absent: Trustee Thomas.

Motion Carried by a count of 5 “aye” votes to 0 “nay,” 0 abstain, and 1 absent.



a. ORDINANCE NO. 2024-26. President Guerin called Ordinance 2024-26.

Clerk Manchen read aloud the title or description of Ordinance 2024-26 as follows:

ORDINANCE NO. 2024-26. An Ordinance Amending the Fees and Penalties of the Department of Emergency Services.

• President Guerin asked for a Motion. A Motion was made by Trustee Obaya, seconded by Trustee Lantgen to adopt Ordinance 2024-26 as presented.

• Guerin and Fire Chief Flynn summarized this Ordinance for all present.

• Guerin asked whether anyone had questions or comments; there were none. No further discussion ensued.

• Guerin asked Clerk Manchen to take the Board’s vote; the roll call vote was taken by Manchen as follows:

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Trustees Bjorvik, Lilly, Lantgen, Ramirez and Obaya.

Nays: None.

Abstentions: None.

Absent: Trustee Thomas.

Motion Carried by a count of 5 “aye” votes to 0 “nay,” 0 abstain, and 1 absent.


b. ORDINANCE NO. 2024-27. President Guerin called Ordinance 2024-27.

Clerk Manchen read aloud the title or description of Ordinance 2024-27 as follows:

ORDINANCE NO. 2024-27. An Ordinance Authorizing the Land Collection of Taxes for the Village of River Grove, Cook County, Illinois, for the 2024 Tax Year.

• President Guerin asked for a Motion. A Motion was made by Trustee Bjorvik, seconded by Trustee Lilly to adopt Ordinance 2024-27 as presented.

• Guerin stated that this Ordinance as well as Ordinances 2024-28 and 29 were covered in Comptroller Peters’ presentations earlier in the evening.

• Guerin asked whether anyone had questions or comments; there were none. No further discussion ensued.

• Guerin asked Clerk Manchen to take the Board’s vote; the roll call vote was taken by Manchen as follows:

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Trustees Bjorvik, Lilly, Lantgen, Ramirez and Obaya.

Nays: None.

Abstentions: None.

Absent: Trustee Thomas.

Motion Carried by a count of 5 “aye” votes to 0 “nay,” 0 abstain, and 1 absent.


c. ORDINANCE NO. 2024-28. President Guerin called Ordinance 2024-28.

Clerk Manchen read aloud the title or description of Ordinance 2024-28 as follows:

ORDINANCE NO. 2024-28. An Ordinance Making an Appropriation for General Corporate Purposes; for Police Pension Fund; for General Obligation Debt Service Fund; for Motor Fuel Tax Fund; for Tax Increment Finance Funds; and for Capital Improvement Fund for the Fiscal Year January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2025, for the Village of River Grove, Cook County, Illinois.

FY2025 General Corporate Purposes $19,322,565

FY2025 Special Taxation Purposes $27,538,748

Total FY2025 Appropriation $46,861,313

• President Guerin asked for a Motion. A Motion was made by Trustee Lantgen, seconded by Trustee Obaya to adopt Ordinance 2024-28 as presented.

• Guerin asked whether anyone had questions or comments; there were none. No further discussion ensued.

• Guerin asked Clerk Manchen to take the Board’s vote; the roll call vote was taken by Manchen as follows:

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Trustees Bjorvik, Lilly, Lantgen, Ramirez and Obaya.

Nays: None.

Abstentions: None.

Absent: Trustee Thomas.

Motion Carried by a count of 5 “aye” votes to 0 “nay,” 0 abstain, and 1 absent.


d. ORDINANCE NO. 2024-29. President Guerin called Ordinance 2024-29.

Clerk Manchen read aloud the title or description of Ordinance 2024-29 as follows:

ORDINANCE NO. 2024-29. 2024 Property Tax Levy Abatement. An Ordinance Abating a Tax for General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2017b, of the Village of River Grove, Cook County, Illinois for the 2024 Tax Year.

• President Guerin asked for a Motion. A Motion was made by Trustee Ramirez, seconded by Trustee Lilly to adopt Ordinance 2024-29 as presented.

• Guerin and Comptroller Peters summarized this Ordinance for all present.

• Guerin asked whether anyone had questions or comments; there were none. No further discussion ensued.

• Guerin asked Clerk Manchen to take the Board’s vote; the roll call vote was taken by Manchen as follows:

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Trustees Bjorvik, Lilly, Lantgen, Ramirez and Obaya.

Nays: None.

Abstentions: None.

Absent: Trustee Thomas.

Motion Carried by a count of 5 “aye” votes to 0 “nay,” 0 abstain, and 1 absent.



a. PAYING VILLAGE’S BILLS. A Motion was made by Trustee Bjorvik, seconded by Trustee Lilly, to authorize payment of all bills in accordance with the list of warrants, dated December 02, 2024 when funds are available, and vouchers are properly endorsed. No further discussion ensued. Motion carried unanimously on a voice vote.


DATES. A Motion was made by Trustee Bjorvik, seconded by Trustee Ramirez, to approve and publish the list of 2025 Village of River Grove public meeting dates

• Clerk Manchen summarized the calendar. Village Attorney Smith stated that Committee-ofthe-Whole meeting dates are not listed in the calendar but may be called at any time provided legal notice and an agenda are posted. Manchen also mentioned that there is one board meeting date in January since January 20, the 3rd Monday in January is Martin Luther King Jr’s birthday and a federal holiday.

• Guerin asked whether anyone had questions or comments; there were none. No further discussion ensued.

• Guerin asked Clerk Manchen to take the Board’s vote; the roll call vote was taken by Manchen as follows:

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Trustees Bjorvik, Lilly, Lantgen, Ramirez and Obaya. 

Nays: None.

Abstentions: None.

Absent: Trustee Thomas.

Motion Carried by a count of 5 “aye” votes to 0 “nay,” 0 abstain, and 1 absent.


12. PRESIDENT’S REPORT: President Guerin wished everyone a Merry Christmas in case the December 16 Board meeting is cancelled.



Resident Don Hansen commented on the Comcast Agreement and asked whether it is a discount plan for everyone in the Village. Communications Dir Campbell said that it is not a discount plan and that 5% of the revenues go to the Village.

There were no other public comments from the audience, and Communications Dir. Campbell stated that there were no public comments via e-mail.





There being no further business before the Board, a Motion was made by Trustee Bjorvik, Seconded by Trustee Lilly, to adjourn this meeting at 7:04 p.m. Motion carried unanimously on a voice vote. 
