
West Cook News

Monday, March 10, 2025

City of Berwyn City Council met Nov. 26

Webp margaret paul

Margaret M. Paul, City Clerk | City of Berwyn Website

Margaret M. Paul, City Clerk | City of Berwyn Website

City of Berwyn City Council met Nov. 26

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Mayor Robert J. Lovero called the City Council meeting to order. Clerk Paul called the roll. Alderpeople present in chambers: Lennon, Woywod, Leja, Fejt, Pabon, Arenella, and Carmichael. Ald. Arenella made the motion, seconded by Ald. Carmichael, to excuse Ald. Ruiz from the meeting. The motion passed by a unanimous voice vote. Attendees rose to recite the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Lovero asked for a moment of silence in support of our First Responders. 

Open Forum: The following people addressed the City Council: 

Anthony Ward: Invited residents to join the Combined Veterans organization at the 83rd Anniversary of Pearl Harbor at Navy Pier on December 7, 2024. He also announced the 17th Annual Sailors for Christmas event. The Combined Veterans will again host approximately 250 recruits from Great Lakes Training Center at the annual event. Mr. Ward asked for contributions to defray the cost. 

Micah Caldwell: Requested council members to defer their vote on accepting the bid for construction of the Senior Center until opening of the Ogden Avenue sewer project bids. This will allow time to know whether the City can redirect funding from the sewer project to the Senior Center project. 

Brian Brock: Thanked Public Works for planting a long awaited tree in the parkway in front of his home. He asked that the City plant more trees in areas where needed. 

Raphael Avila: Identified himself as a candidate for Mayor. He thanked the parties who withdrew objections to his nomination papers. He asked that all remaining Objectors consider withdrawing their lodged complaints against the remaining candidates. He called on residents to support female candidates and for a fair election. 

Approval of Minutes: 

C-1: Ald. Lennon made the motion, seconded by Ald. Woywod, to approve the November 12, 2024 Committee of the Whole and Regular City Council Meeting Minutes as submitted. The motion passed by a unanimous voice vote. 

Bid Openings: Nothing submitted to the agenda. 

Berwyn Township, Berwyn Health District, Berwyn Development Corporation: 

E-1: Ald. Lennon made the motion, seconded by Ald. Woywod, to award the bid for the proposed Senior Center to Harbour Contractors, Inc. and authorize staff to enter into an agreement with Harbour Contractors, Inc. to negotiate further costs for the Senior Center build out at 3320 S. Grove Avenue. The motion passed with Lennon, Woywod, Leja, Fejt, and Arenella voting AYE. Pabon and Carmichael voted NAY. 

Reports from the Mayor: 

F-1: Ald. Fejt made the motion, seconded by Ald. Arenella, to adopt the Proclamation centennial of the Slovak Athletic Association. The motion passed by a unanimous voice vote. Clerk Paul read the Proclamation into the record. 

F-2: Ald. Fejt made the motion, seconded by Ald. Woywod, to adopt the Proclamation designating 1600 to 1800 Clarence Avenue as Sokol Tabor Way. The motion passed by a unanimous voice vote. Clerk Paul read the Proclamation into the record 

F-3: Ald. Leja made the motion, seconded by Ald. Pabon, to concur with Mayor and authorize the purchase of two vans with lifts for Senior Services for costs not to exceed $84,128.12 and $80,317.80 respectively. The motion passed by a unanimous roll call vote in favor. 

Reports from the Clerk: 

G-1: Ald. Pabon made the motion, seconded by Ald. Carmichael, to remove 2214 Ridgeland from the list of suggested approvals for handicap parking. The motion passed by a unanimous voice vote. Ald. Pabon made the motion, seconded by Ald. Carmichael, to approve reserved handicap parking for 3338 S. Maple; 2223 Ridgeland Ave; and 1234 S. Home Ave. The motion passed by a unanimous voice vote. Ald. Pabon made the motion, seconded by Ald. Carmichael, to approve reserved handicap parking for 2214 Ridgeland Ave. with the stipulation that the Clerk's Office check the continued eligibility of the applicant in six months. The motion passed by a unanimous voice vote in favor. 

Zoning Board of Appeals: Nothing submitted for the agenda. 

Reports from the Aldermen, Committees, and Boards: Nothing submitted for the agenda. Reports from Staff: 

J-1: Ald. Leja made the motion, seconded by Ald. Pabon, to approve the Police Department's sale of the 2003 Ford Econoline 150 (VIN # 1FBSS32L53HA69743) declared as surplus by the Finance Department. The motion passed by a unanimous voice vote in favor. 

J-2: Ald. Lennon made the motion, seconded by Ald. Arenella, to adopt the Ordinance entitled An Ordinance Authorizing and Approving the Sixth Amendment of a Certain Revolving Credit Agreement between the City of Berwyn and BMO Bank N.A. for the City of Berwyn, County of Cook, State of illinois, direct the Corporate Authorities to affix the necessary signatures and send it on its way to passage. The motion passed by a unanimous roll call vote in favor. 

J-3: Ald. Lennon made the motion, seconded by Ald. Arenella, to renew the General Liability policy with Safety National insurance company at the $5,000,000 limit. The motion passed by a unanimous roll call vote in favor. Ald. Lennon made the motion, seconded by Ald. Arenella, to renew the Excess Liability policy with Genesis Insurance Company insurance company at the $5,000,000 limit. The motion passed by a unanimous roll call vote in favor. 

J-4: Ald. Lennon made the motion, seconded by Ald. Arenella, to direct the City Administrator to execute a contract with Beazley Insurance for sexual abuse and molestation insurance at the $9,000,000 limit with a premium of $150,133 for years 12/31/2018 to 12/31/2023 as recommended. The motion passed by a unanimous roll call vote in favor. 

Consent Agenda Items K-1 through K-4: Ald. Lennon made the motion, seconded by Ald. Arenella, to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. The motion passed by a unanimous voice vote. 

Aldermanic Committee Meetings: Ald. Leja announced a 3rd Ward Quarterly Meeting scheduled for December 5th at Piper Elementary School. 

Adjournment: There being no further business before the Council, Ald. Carmichael made the motion, seconded by Ald. Arenella, to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried by a unanimous voice vote. The meeting adjourned at 8:26 p.m. 
