
West Cook News

Friday, January 31, 2025

City of Countryside City Council met Sept. 11

Webp 17

Countryside City Mayor Sean R. McDermott | City of Countryside Website

Countryside City Mayor Sean R. McDermott | City of Countryside Website

City of Countryside City Council met Sept. 11

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

City Council Members

Mayor, Sean R. McDermott

City Clerk, Elizabeth Kmet

Treasurer, Courtney Bolt 

Aldermen Thomas Mikolyzk, Scott Musillami, John Finn John Von Drasek, Mark Benson and Tom Frohlich 

1. CALL TO ORDER -The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor McDermott. Ald. Benson led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. The audience remained standing to acknowledge the 23rd Anniversary of the September 11th terrorist attack - for a Moment of Silence to honor the 3,000, who were murdered on that day. 

Roll Call: Present: City Clerk Kmet called the Roll of those physically present as follows: Mayor McDermott, Alderman Finn, Alderman Benson, Alderman Frohlich, Alderman Von Drasek, Alderman Mikolyzk, City Clerk Kmet, Treasurer Bolt

Also Present: Deputy Police Chief Stern, City Attorney Peck, City Administrator Paul, Asst. City Administrator Schutter, City Engineer Fitzgerald, Deputy Clerk Cordova, Recording Secretary Prokop

Absent: Alderman Musillami


a. Approval of the City Council Meeting Minutes of August 14, 2024. 

b. Statement of Bills submitted for payment through September 11, 2024 in the amount of $716,001.48. 

Motion was made by Alderman Mikolyzk, seconded by Alderman Finn that this matter be APPROVED as presented; motion carried by the following vote: 

Aye: 5 Alderman Benson, Alderman Frohlich, Alderman Von Drasek, Alderman Finn, Alderman Mikolyzk 

Nay: 0 

Absent: 1 Alderman Musillami



a. Mayor McDermott sought consideration of a Block Party Request from Catalina Ariza, 6104 Jovic Court, on September 14, 2024 from 2-10 p.m. 

Motion was made by Alderman Von Drasek, seconded by Alderman Benson that this matter be APPROVED as presented; motion carried by the following vote: 

Aye: 5 Alderman Benson, Alderman Frohlich, Alderman Von Drasek, Alderman Finn, Alderman Mikolyzk 

Nay: 0 

Absent: 1 Alderman Musillami

b. Consideration of an Ordinance Amending the Liquor Code to establish a cost for the Class E Liquor License. After discussion between City Officials, the recommendation was to make the cost $1,000 for each Class E Liquor License. 

Motion was made by Alderman Benson, seconded by Alderman Finn that this matter Be APPROVED as presented; motion carried by the following vote: 

Aye: 5 Alderman Benson, Alderman Frohlich, Alderman Von Drasek, Alderman Finn, Alderman Mikolyzk 

Nay: 0

Absent: 1 Alderman Musillami 

Clerk Kmet declared that this will be known as ORDINANCE 24-21-0.

c. Mayor McDermott commended the American Legion who addressed the REMEMBRANCE FOR 9-11. They do an outstanding job and we thank them for their service.

5. CITY CLERK'S REPORT - no report 

6. TREASURER'S REPORT - no report 



a. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - Alderman Von Drasek - no report 

FYI - There will be an EDC committee meeting on September 25 before the Regular Meeting to work on the Harley Davidson matter. 

b. FINANCE COMMITTEE - Alderman Finn - no report 

c. HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE Alderman Mikolyzk - no report 

d. INFRASTRUCTURE COMMITTEE - Alderman Benson - no report 


1. Consideration of an Ordinance granting a Special Use to permit a Horse Boarding and Riding School at 10101 - 5th Avenue Cutoff - David & Cindy Johnson, Johnson Equestrian Center.

Attorney Peck stated that on August 6, 2024, the applicants appeared before the PC/ZBA seeking a Special Use for the operation of a horse boarding and riding school on the property commonly known as 10101 - 5th Avenue Cutoff in the R-7 Zoning District. At that hearing the PC/ZBA considered the testimony and evidence and found that all the conditions for a Special Use have been met. There were no written or oral objections at the hearing, therefore, the recommendation of the PC/ZBA was to approve the Special Use, subject to nine conditions. The first three are pertinent to this discussion: 

1. That the use of one trailer set back 30′ from the front lot line, and two storage containers set back 15' from the rear lot line, and one shaving shed shall be permitted in the operation of the business. Any additional trailers, containers or shaving sheds shall require an Amendment to the Special Use; 

2. If the existing residential units of the property - the house, coach house or apartment above one of the existing buildings -- are not occupied by the owners of the property, then they shall be registered as rental units pursuant to City Code; and 

3. If any dumpsters are stored on the site, a refuse and recycling enclosure shall be installed, pursuant to City Code. With those conditions, the PC/ZBA approved the Special Use. 

Alderman Von Drasek moved to concur in part on the last six items (4-9), and to not concur on the first three items (1-3) for the property at 10101 - 5th Avenue Cutoff. 

Item 1 - that the use of one trailer, two storage containers and the shaving shed be permitted in the operation of the business in their current locations. Most residents are fine with this; the items are sheltered and would be visible if they were moved to other locations. 

Item 2 - If the existing residential units on the property,-- house, coach house and apartment above the buildings -- are not occupied by owners of the property or full-time employees, then they shall be registered. If they will be occupied by family members or employees; they will be registered due to the Fire Department, but move to waive the fee in doing so. 

Item 3 - The current dumpster in its current location, as shown on the Application for Use, need not be enclosed, but if it is moved, or additional dumpsters are stored on site, then the refuse and recycling enclosure shall be installed according to City Code. With those conditions, Ald. Von Drasek moved to concur with the PC/ZBA as noted, motion seconded by Ald. Mijkołyzk. Ms. Paul asked how long fees would be waived. Ald. Von Drasek stated that as long as family members or employees live there. If it actually becomes a rental property, then fees would not be waived. 

Motion was made by Alderman Von Drasek, seconded by Alderman Mikolyzk that this matter be APPROVED as presented, by the following vote: 

Aye: 5 Alderman Benson, Alderman Frohlich, Alderman Von Drasek, Alderman Finn, Alderman Mikolyzk 

Nay: 0 

Absent: 1 Alderman Musillami 

City Clerk Kmet declared that this will be known as ORDINANCE 24-18-0.

Alderman Von Drasek encourages residents to visit the facility to see the transition that has occurred already; it's pretty impressive. The horse riding area has jumping apparatus with a viewing section - the Johnsons are an asset to the community; they are to be commended for their efforts. They bring visitors that would never come here otherwise; once rural/natural areas are gone, they don't return. Residents out there are very happy they took it over. 

f. SPECIAL EVENTS COMMITTEE - Alderman Musillami (absent) 

1. Mayor McDermott stated that the Blue Grass & Brews festival was very successful. thanks to everyone for their help -- Liz, Gail and all the other volunteers. There was a great turnout - perhaps larger than last year - a very positive experience for the community. 

g. SUSTAINABILITY COMMITTEE - Alderman Musillami - no report 

h. FLAGG CREEK ADVISORY BOARD – Alderman Frohlich - 

1. Consideration to trade in the Beverage Cart Unit for new equipment for the Maintenance Department. 

Motion was made by Alderman Finn, seconded by Alderman Benson that this matter be APPROVED as presented, by the following vote:

Aye: 5 Alderman Benson, Alderman Frohlich, Alderman Von Drasek, Alderman Finn, Alderman Mikolyzk 

Nay: 0 

Absent: 1 Alderman Musillami

8. LEGAL REPORT – City Attorney Peck – no report 


a. Ms. Paul sought consideration to approve the Addendum Agreement with the State of Illinois for the improvements to 55th Street (LaGrange Road to East Avenue). The State did not realize that the City was receiving STP funding for its share of this project of over $1.5million; they want to adjust the agreement to note the STP funding. That brings down the amount the City is responsible for to $391,460. 

Motion was made by Alderman Benson, seconded by Alderman Mikolyzk that this matter be APPROVED as presented, by the following vote: 

Aye: 5 Alderman Benson, Alderman Frohlich, Alderman Von Drasek, Alderman Finn, Alderman Mikolyzk 

Nay: 0 

Absent: 1 Alderman Musillami

b. Consideration of a Revised Funding Resolution for the State of Illinois's 55th Street Improvements (LaGrange Road to East Avenue) to change the amount to $391,460. 

Motion was made by Alderman Von Drasek, seconded by Alderman Finn that this matter be APPROVED as presented, by the following vote: 

Aye: 5 Alderman Benson, Alderman Frohlich, Alderman Von Drasek, Alderman Finn, Alderman Mikolyzk 

Nay: 0 

Absent: 1 Alderman Musillami 

City Clerk Kmet declared that this will be known as RESOLUTION 24-04-R. 

c. Consideration of a Resolution approving an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Village of Western Springs for Shared Use of certain City-Owned Parks and Outdoor Facilities. This Agreement was negotiated between City Staff and Western Springs Committee who will recommend it to their Village Board at month-end. The Agreement is similar to the one with LaGrange. The City will schedule all of the fields and work with all their athletic groups. The Village has many programs for all ages and abilities. City residents will be able to register for those programs at their resident rate. City residents will also have the ability to join their Senior Center where there are many activities, clubs, plays and activities. The Mayor thanked Ms. Paul for all her work in negotiating this Agreement. 

Motion was made by Alderman Finn, seconded by Alderman Frohlich that this matter be APPROVED as presented, by the following vote: 

Aye: 5 Alderman Benson, Alderman Frohlich, Alderman Von Drasek, Alderman Finn, Alderman Mikolyzk

Nay: 0 

Absent: 1 Alderman Musillami

d. City Clerk Kmet declared that this will be known as RESOLUTION 24-05-R. 

Consideration of a Resolution Authorizing the Application for Open Space Land Acquisition and Development Program Funds for the Srejma-Michalek Park Renovation Project. This was discussed at the Infrastructure Committee Meetings; City Council allowed the Application for Grant Funds. The Illinois DNR requires the City Council to adopt a funding Resolution for the City's share of the project -- $212,500. 

Motion was made by Alderman Benson, seconded by Alderman Mikolyzk that this matter be APPROVED as presented, by the following vote: 

Aye: 5 Alderman Benson, Alderman Frohlich, Alderman Von Drasek, Alderman Finn, Alderman Mikolyzk

Nay: 0 

Absent: 1 Alderman Musillami 

City Clerk Kmet declared that this will be known as RESOLUTION 24-06-R.

e. The Consideration of a Resolution Authorizing the Application for Open Space Land Acquisition and Development Program Funds for the Development of the 5th Avenue Cutoff Park. Aldermen in Ward 2 discussed developing the former Cincula property. The City has not had any success with developers. The Aldermen have suggested possibly putting a park there. There is a large underserved population in the four condo buildings; the children have to cross 1-294 and Willow Springs Road to get to a park. Ms. Paul and Mr. Fitzgerald have compiled estimates for clearing the property, installing playground equipment, parking, etc. The City will ask for 50% reimbursement for this Grant, which would be $312,500. If the Grant is not received, these estimates will be brought back to the City for further procedures - remove some items in the plan - this is the first attempt to get funding. The Mayor agreed there is a need in that area; it would be a nice addition to the City. 

Motion was made by Alderman Benson, seconded by Alderman Mikolyzk that this matter be APPROVED as presented, by the following vote: 

Aye: 5 Alderman Benson, Alderman Frohlich, Alderman Von Drasek, Alderman Finn, Alderman Mikolyzk 

Nay: 0 

Absent: 1 Alderman Musillami 

City Clerk Kmet declared that this will be known as RESOLUTION 24-07-R.

f. Consideration of an Ordinance Approving a Purchase and Sale Agreement and the purchase of Real Estate Property commonly known as 6363 Joliet Road, Countryside, Illinois - the old Wishing Well property. This property has been vacant for some 20 years. The current owner had the property listed for $790,000. City Council directed Staff to make an offer of $700,000; the offer was accepted. 

Motion was made by Alderman Benson, seconded by Alderman Mikolyzk that this matter be APPROVED as presented, by the following vote: 

Aye: 5 Alderman Benson, Alderman Frohlich, Alderman Von Drasek, Alderman Finn, Alderman Mikolyzk

Nay: 0 

Absent: 1 Alderman Musillami 

City Clerk Kmet declared that this will be known as ORDINANCE 24-22-0. 


a. Chief of Police – no report 

b. City Engineer Fitzgerald 

1. Consideration of Awarding a Contract to the lowest responsible bidder for the Flagg Creek Golf Course - Golf Cart Patching and Parking Lot Sealcoating Project to McGill Construction, LLC, Frankfort, IL for the base bid amount of $190,379.59. Bids were opened on August 29, 2024 with the low bidder being McGill Construction in the amount of $190,379.59. An alternate bid for sealcoating came in high and was not in the budget; that contract for sealcoating was not awarded at this time. Mr. Schutter stated that this amount is Flagg Creek's portion; the fund will pay $190,379.59. At year end if anything is left, the City will profit share. 

Motion was made by Alderman Von Drasek, seconded by Alderman Frohlich that this matter be APPROVED as presented, by the following vote: 

Aye: 5 Alderman Benson, Alderman Frohlich, Alderman Von Drasek, Alderman Finn, Alderman Mikolyzk

Nay: 0 

Absent: 1 Alderman Musillami 


1. Ald. Von Drasek asked Mr. Fitzgerald for an update on the crosswalk at Willow Springs Road. He is in contact with IDOT; it will be a City project; all sidewalks are owned and maintained by the City. The City is allowed to do the work under permit; the work must meet certain conditions. Mr. Fitzgerald has tried many times to get in touch with IDOT; he finally got a response yesterday to some of the questions. The Traffic Engineer will do a Speed Study of that area; it must be a formal speed study - no radar equipment. He must verify that no pedestrian counts are needed; once that is done, the work can take place. He will provide an estimate in the future once he knows the scope of the job. This is a crosswalk into Soehrman Park on Willow Springs Road. Council members agreed that many pedestrians use that area; the sidewalk is needed. 


A motion was made by Alderman Von Drasek, seconded by Alderman Benson that this meeting be ADJOURNED; motion carried by the following vote: 

Aye: 5 Alderman Benson, Alderman Frohlich, Alderman Von Drasek, Alderman Finn, Alderman Mikolyzk 

Nay: 0 

Absent: 1 Alderman Musillami 

Mayor McDermott declared the meeting adjourned at 7:57 p.m.
