
West Cook News

Friday, January 31, 2025

City of Countryside City Council met Aug. 14

Webp 16

Alderman - Ward 1 Tom Frohlich | City of Countryside Website

Alderman - Ward 1 Tom Frohlich | City of Countryside Website

City of Countryside City Council met Aug. 14

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

City Council Members

Mayor, Sean R. McDermott

City Clerk, Elizabeth Kmet 

Treasurer, Courtney Bolt 

Aldermen Thomas Mikolyzk, Scott Musillami, John Finn John Von Drasek, Mark Benson and Tom Frohlich 

1. CALL TO ORDER -The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor McDermott. Ald. Benson led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 

Roll Call:  City Clerk Kmet called the Roll of those physically present as follows:

Present: Mayor McDermott, Alderman Finn, Alderman Benson, Alderman Frohlich, Alderman Musillami, Alderman Mikolyzk, City Clerk Kmet, Treasurer Bolt

Also Present: Deputy Police Chief Stern, City Attorney Peck, City Administrator Paul, Asst. City Administrator Schutter, City Engineer Fitzgerald, Deputy Clerk Cordova, Planning Manager Trent, Recording Secretary Prokop

Absent: Alderman Von Drasek


a. Approval of the City Council Meeting Minutes of July 10, 2024. 

b. Approval of the Special City Council Meeting Minutes of July 22, 2024 

b. Statement of Bills submitted for payment through August 14, 2024 in the amount of $1,424,758.36. 

Motion was made by Alderman Musillami, seconded by Alderman Benson that this matter be APPROVED as presented; motion carried by the following vote: 

Aye: 5 Alderman Benson, Alderman Frohlich, Alderman Musillami, Alderman Finn, Alderman Mikolyzk 

Nay: 0 

Absent: 1 

Alderman Von Drasek 


a. Janelle Bassett, on behalf of Helping Hand; her son, age 9, has thrived there for the past three years; he has spoken his first words recently. They do wonderful work- thank you.

b. Danielle Pasqua, on behalf of Helping Hand; her son, a patient for two years, is also semi-verbal; they do an amazing job and are a blessing for handicapped individuals. 

c. Jan Schmid - 705 Longview, complimented City officials in general; they put eight Rudolfs on the stop sign - more people are stopping!! 

d. Tom Jervis - lives next door to the proposed HH parking lot; he has a grandson who is autistic. He will not oppose the idea but has some suggestions for the neighborhood; HH has agreed. Lights will be on timers; no buses allowed in the parking lot; install wooden fencing; push property back; no driveway onto 56" St. He does not own the electric pole on that property; Mayor McDermott - the City will work with ComEd. Thanks for your comments. 

e. Richard Fullmer, 9545 W. 56 St. - no final plans were seen at the PC/ZBA meeting. There were two setbacks allowed for green space in front. This green space should be dedicated to Alderman Mike Smetana, who was instrumental in HH growth in the 80s and 90s. His daughter still uses their services. Residents would like to see the final plans. 

f. John O'Keefe, 9621 W. 56 St. is opposed to the fueling station; he has started a petition and passed it around to the City Council. He had many complaints; this facility is next door to HH; it directly affects elderly neighbors and children in the immediate area. He requested an emergency meeting as soon as possible with certain individuals, to discuss these matters. Mayor McDermott thanked him for his comments. 


a. Mayor McDermott sought consideration of Waiving the Annual Business License Fee for participating restaurants in the Healthy Countryside Hotspot Initiative. Several months ago Chris Lonsway and Liz Valdez and other residents approached the Mayor about starting a Healthy Countryside Committee - to try to make Countryside the healthiest place to live and work. One aspect of that is plant-based nutrition. Ms. Lonsway proposes that the City Council entertain the idea that the 22 independent restaurants in Countryside that promote the Healthy Hotspot initiative by encouraging customers to choose healthy foods will have their annual business license fees waived. The goal is to offer and encourage customers to choose healthier plant-based options. She noted upcoming programs to educate the residents about this initiative. It was noted that 45% of all dementia can be prevented by lifestyle changes, diet, etc. She announced the big promotion to be held at Ideal School Gym on Thursday, October 17, 6:30-8 p.m., Dr. Terry Mason will discuss the health benefits of plant-based nutrition; all parents and community members are invited to attend. This Saturday at the Back to School Fair, the health benefits of drinking water will be emphasized; schools are 100% on board with this campaign. Thanks to the Mayor and City Council for their continued support. 

Motion was made by Alderman Benson, seconded by Alderman Musillami that this matter be APPROVED as presented; motion carried by the following vote: 

Aye: 5 Alderman Benson, Alderman Frohlich, Alderman Musillami, 

Alderman Finn, Alderman Mikolyzk 

Nay: 0

Absent: 1 

Alderman Von Drasek 

5. CITY CLERK'S REPORT - no report 

6. TREASURER'S REPORT - no report 



a. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT – Alderman Von Drasek – no report 

b. FINANCE COMMITTEE – Alderman Finn - no report 

c. HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE – Alderman Mikolyzk – no report 

d. INFRASTRUCTURE COMMITTEE - Alderman Benson - no report 


1. Consideration of Zoning Amendment (Rezoning) at 9540 W. 56th Street and Consideration of Zoning Amendment (Rezoning) at 9649 W. 55th Street - Helping Hand (HH). 

Attorney Peck stated that on July 2, 2024, HH appeared before the PC/ZBA seeking to rezone the property at 9540 W. 56 St. from R-3 to P-1 - public and semi-public zoning. Also to rezone 9649 W. 55th St. from B-3 to P-1. The PC/ZBA heard all testimony and evidence and made a recommendation to approve in part and deny in part. They approved the rezoning of 9649 W. 55th St. and denied the rezoning of 9540 W. 56th St. There were several objections with regard to that property. PM Mr. Trent is here to make a presentation to help Council understand the request. Mayor McDermott stated that HH has agreed to several modifications that will be discussed by Mr. Bill Dwyer, CEO of HH and Mr. Jim Zale. 

Mr. Trent stated that this Zoning Amendment came before the PC/ZBA for two parcels – 9540 W. 56 St. and 9649 W. 55th St. The second parcel has two pins associated with it. The first parcel, 9540 is currently classified as R-3, single-family residence; the parcels associated with HH have a classification of B-3 Service/Wholesale Business District and B-1, Retail Business District. The 9540 parcel is currently owned by the City; HH is interested in purchasing that parcel only for expansion of their parking area. Their current parking area is overtaxed and the property at 9540 would free up some of that parking space. The second property is actually six parcels combined and owned by HH as 9649 W. 55th St. Two parcels are zoned commercial while the other four are zoned P-1, public and semi-public. HH seeks to rezone the two parcels as a housekeeping matter - to keep it all zoned in one category. 

Mr. Trent identified both parcels on the blow-up map. With acquisition of the 9540 parcel, HH seeks to expand parking to the southwest of their property. There was a house on this parcel which was demolished some time ago; remaining is a detached garage used by the City for storage. HH came before the PC/ZBA with a concept plan for overflow parking on the 9540 parcel. Last week HH presented an updated plan that addresses the concerns expressed at the July 2 hearing. Slides were shown depicting elevations on all sides. The Comp. Plan was updated in April 2024; the future land designation for the subject property is regional commercial and public - semi-public. 

Residents were concerned about the impact on stormwater drainage, increased traffic, noise and light pollution in the area. HH hired an engineering firm to create the revised plan based on feedback from the original hearing and conversation with surrounding residents. The plan includes a 6' privacy fence, drainage, no 56th St. access, landscaping and lighting per Code. HH has elected to extend the starting point 61 1/2" feet from the south property line resulting in 45 parking stalls, 9x18', parking islands with landscaping, a 24' maneuvering lane and a retention pond for stormwater drainage. 

Mayor McDermott asked Mr. Dwyer to confirm the changes just discussed. Mr. Dwyer stated that HH will do everything that was just stated. They will dedicate the green space to Alderman Smetana as well. 

Motion was made by Alderman Finn, seconded by Alderman Frohlich that this matter be APPROVED as presented - to concur with the request for 9649 W. 55th St.; motion carried by the following vote: 

Aye: 5 Alderman Benson, Alderman Frohlich, Alderman Musillami, Alderman Finn, Alderman Mikolyzk 

Nay: 0 

Absent: 1 Alderman Von Drasek 

City Clerk Kmet declared that this will be known as ORDINANCE 24-19-0. 

Motion was made by Alderman Finn, seconded by Alderman Frohlich that this matter 

be DENIED as presented -and approved with the additional improvements discussed above for 9540 W. 56th St.; motion carried by the following vote: 

Aye: 5 Alderman Benson, Alderman Frohlich, Alderman Musillami, Alderman Finn, Alderman Mikołyzk 

Nay: 0

Absent: 1 Alderman Von Drasek 

City Clerk Kmet declared that this will be known as ORDINANCE 24-20-0. 

2. Consideration of a Special Use Permit for a horse boarding and Riding School at 10101 5th Avenue Cutoff - Johnson Equestrian Center. Attorney Peck stated that the City has received a request to continue this matter to the September 11, 2024 City Council meeting. 

Motion was made by Alderman Mikolyzk, seconded by Alderman Musillami that this matter be APPROVED as presented; motion carried by the following vote: 

Aye: 5 Alderman Benson, Alderman Frohlich, Alderman Musillami, Alderman Finn, Alderman Mikolyzk 

Nay: 0 

Absent: 1 Alderman Von Drasek 

f. SPECIAL EVENTS COMMITTEE - Alderman Musillami 

1. FYI - Concerts in the Park Series ended last Thursday evening - enjoyed by all. 

2. Blue Grass & Brews will be held Saturday, August 24, 2024–2 pm to 10 pm. Brews will be provided by the Buckle Down Brewery and Imperial Oak Brewing. Food vendors will be -- GRZ Grub, Ledo's Pizza, Ricobene's and Monk's Mobile Kitchen and Chicken Wire Empire. Live music by the Don Stiernberg Trio, Terrapin Flyer, and Anderlik, Allo & Church Band. We look forward to seeing everyone there. 

g. SUSTAINABILITY COMMITTEE - Alderman Musillami – no report

h. FLAGG CREEK ADVISORY BOARD - Alderman Frohlich- no report 

1. FYI - the golf course exceeded 8,000 rounds in June; looking forward to the July report. 

8. LEGAL REPORT – City Attorney Peck 

a. Consideration of Right of Entry Agreement between the City of Countryside and Verizon Wireless for access to the Communications Tower to determine viability and feasibility of the site. The Right of Entry Agreement is required for additional permits needed from the federal government. They need the Right of Entry temporarily - once it is granted, the right will be terminated - with Verizon; there is also a separate document granting these rights. 

Motion was made by Alderman Benson, seconded by Alderman Musillami that this matter be APPROVED as presented; motion carried by the following vote: 

Aye: 5 Alderman Benson, Alderman Frohlich, Alderman Musillami, Alderman Finn, Alderman Mikolyzk 

Nay: 0 

Absent: 1 Alderman Von Drasek 


a. Ms. Paul sought the request to apply for the Open Space Land Acquisition and Development Grants (OSLAD). The grant process was just opened; grants are due in September. Ms. Paul recommends two locations - the first is Srejma-Michalik Park - previously discussed for infrastructure - doing the park in time for its 20th Anniversary of Fallen Fire Fighters. 

The second is the Cincula property - the City has owned the property for many years. Aldermen from Ward 2 have requested the possibility of turning the area into a park; there is no park on that side of the expressway - there are many children living in the area. 

Motion was made by Alderman Mikolyzk, seconded by Alderman Finn that this matter be APPROVED as presented; motion carried by the following vote: 

Aye: 5 Alderman Benson, Alderman Frohlich, Alderman Musillami, Alderman Finn, Alderman Mikolyzk 

Nay: 0 

Absent: 1 Alderman Von Drasek 

b. Consideration to approve a Resolution accepting the State of Illinois offer of $3,400 for a temporary construction easement. IDOT is in the process of acquiring property needed for intersection improvements at Brainard Ave. & Joliet Road. All they need is a construction easement near the driveway on Brainard Avenue; they are offering $3,400 for the temporary easement. Staff recommends approval of that agreement. 

Motion was made by Alderman Benson, seconded by Alderman Mikolyzk that this matter be APPROVED as presented; motion carried by the following vote: 

Aye: 5  Alderman Benson, Alderman Frohlich, Alderman Musillami, Alderman Finn, Alderman Mikolyzk 

Nay: 0 

Absent: 1 Alderman Von Drasek 

City Clerk Kmet declared that this will be known as RESOLUTION 24-02-R. 

c. Consideration to purchase a Honda CRV-Hybrid from Gerald Honda in an amount not to exceed $37,655. The City previously resold the Ford Hybrid plug-in to Ford under the statutory refund due to the number of recalls for that car. Staff reviewed hybrid vehicles at other dealerships in town and chose a second Honda CRV-Hybrid for the Community Development Department. 

Motion was made by Alderman Finn, seconded by Alderman Frohlich that this matter be APPROVED as presented; motion carried by the following vote: 

Aye: 5 Alderman Benson, Alderman Frohlich, Alderman Musillami, Alderman Finn, Alderman Mikolyzk 

Nay: 0 

Absent: 1 Alderman Von Drasek 


a. Chief of Police - no report 

b. City Engineer Fitzgerald 

1. Consideration of an Intergovernmental Agreement with IDOT for Improvements to 55th Street from LaGrange Road to East Avenue. This IGA includes additional work that was requested by the City ten years ago. They are adding the decorative lighting all the way to Plainfield Road -- the Streetscape stamped concrete sidewalks, Streetscape furniture and also the landscaping along LaGrange Road to match the rest of the landscaping - as one continuous corridor. The cost for the entire project (City's share) is $1,957,300. STP funds will secure $1.2M of that amount. He is working with Michael Fricano at West Central to increase that amount to $1.6M; that would be maximum funding - 80%. The Mayor thanked Mr. Fitzgerald for his hard work in securing those grant funds - it is a huge benefit to the City in not spending those funds. 

Motion was made by Alderman Benson, seconded by Alderman Mikolyzk that this matter be APPROVED as presented; motion carried by the following vote: 

Aye: 5 Alderman Benson, Alderman Frohlich, Alderman Musillami, Alderman Finn, Alderman Mikolyzk 

Nay: 0 

2. Consideration to Adopt a Funding Resolution for the City's Share of the IDOT 55th Street (LaGrange to East) Improvement Project in the amount of $1,957,300. 

Motion was made by Alderman Finn, seconded by Alderman Frohlich that this matter be APPROVED as presented; motion carried by the following vote: 

Aye: 5 Alderman Benson, Alderman Frohlich, Alderman Musillami, Alderman Finn, Alderman Mikolyzk 

Nay: 0

Absent: 1 Alderman Von Drasek 

City Clerk Kmet declared that this will be known as RESOLUTION 24-03-R. 

3. Consideration of pay estimate #2 to Lindahl Brothers, Inc., Bensenville, IL in the amount of $230,669.77 for the 2024 CDBG Street Rehabilitation Program. The job is almost completed except for some minor punch list items. 

Motion was made by Alderman Mikolyzk, seconded by Alderman Musillami that this matter be APPROVED as presented; motion carried by the following vote: 

Aye: 5 Alderman Benson, Alderman Frohlich, Alderman Musillami, Alderman Finn, Alderman Mikolyzk 

Nay: 0 

Absent: 1 

Alderman Von Drasek 



A motion was made by Alderman Benson, seconded by Alderman Musillami to move to Executive Session to discuss the purchase of Real Estate under Section 2(c)(5) of the Open Meetings Act. 

Motion was made by Alderman Benson, seconded by Alderman Musillami that this meeting be RECESSED; motion carried by the following vote: 

Aye: 5 Alderman Benson, Alderman Frohlich, Alderman Musillami, Alderman Finn, Alderman Mikolyzk

Nay: 0

Absent: 1 Alderman Von Drasek 

Mayor McDermott declared the meeting recessed at 8:25 p.m. 


The City Council returned to Open Session with the same members present at 8:39 pm. 


A motion was made by Alderman Finn, seconded by Alderman Frohlich that this meeting be ADJOURNED; motion carried by the following vote: 

Aye: 5 Alderman Benson, Alderman Frohlich, Alderman Musillami, Alderman Finn, Alderman Mikolyzk 

Nay: 0 

Absent: 1 

Alderman Von Drasek 

Mayor McDermott declared the meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m. 
