
West Cook News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Bellwood Village Board met April 17

Webp 7

Village Clerk Janel Moreland | Village of Bellwood

Village Clerk Janel Moreland | Village of Bellwood

Village of Bellwood Village Board met April 17

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

1 Call to Order

2 Roll Call: Mayor Harvey, Trustees Ciavattone, Boston, Holman, Robinson, Delgado, Nightengale

3 Pledge of Allegiance

4 Approve the Board Meeting Agenda

5 Approve Minutes of last meeting of the Village Board

6 Presentations

7 Committee Reports / Presentation of Items to appear on the Consent Agenda

a Public Works – Trustee Ciavattone, Chairman; Trustee Delgado, Member,

i Departmental Report,

ii Item A - The change order authorizes and approves the costs related to the removal of asbestos from the St. Charles properties to be demolished,

iii Item I - A Resolution Approving and Authorizing the Execution of an Agreement by and between the Village of Bellwood and Beary Landscaping, Inc.,

b Community Development – Trustee Boston, Chairman; Trustee Robinson, Member,

i Departmental Report,

ii Item B - The attached agreement provides for an independent financial analysis and evaluation of the Village’s TIF Districts to be included in the Village’s public bond offering Series 2024,

iii Item E - The Village of Bellwood is required to annually review the performance of each TIF District and file reports relating thereto, specifically, New Addison Creek A, New Addison Creek B, New Addison Creek C, New Addison Creek D, New North, New South, New Park Place, New Central Metro and New National Terminals TIF Districts,

iv Item G - The ordinance creates a housing corporation to manage the housing complex which is part of the Bellwood Gateway Project,

v Item H - The Resolution referenced herein allows for a Class 6b which grants the owner a reduction in real estate taxes for a thirteen-year period, Cook County provides municipalities with the ability to provide said real estate tax incentives in order to minimize the number of vacant, dilapidated and blighted property within their respective communities,

c Quality of Life – Trustee Holman, Chairman; Trustee Boston, Member,

i Departmental Report,

ii Item F - The agreement provides for certain financing for the provision of guidance, education, training, technical, managerial, professional, construction and environmental assistance in support of certain Village projects,

d Administration – Trustee Robinson, Chairman; Trustee Ciavattone, Member,

i Departmental Report,

ii Item D - Pursuant to the PACE Vehicle Program Agreement which provides for the buses supporting the senior transportation program, the Village is annually required to make Certifications and Assurances relating to operation and maintenance of the buses and program,

e Public Safety – Trustee Delgado, Chairman; Trustee Nightengale, Member,

i Departmental Report,

ii Item C - The intergovernmental agreement sets forth the roles and responsibilities of the respective parties as they pertain to the assignment of a full-time police officer as a school resource officer,

f Finance – Trustee Nightengale, Chairman; Trustee Holman, Member,

i Departmental Report,

ii Authorize payment of bills,

iii Ratify investments,

iv No items appearing on the consent agenda,

g Ad Hoc Committees:

i Traffic Safety – Trustee Nightengale, Chairman; Trustee Holman, Member,

ii Other,

iii No items appearing on the consent agenda,

8 Consent Agenda

a A Resolution Approving and Authorizing a Change Order to the Agreement by and between the Village of Bellwood and the Green Demolition Contractors, Inc.,

b A Resolution Approving and Authorizing the Execution of an Agreement by and between the Village of Bellwood and the C.H. Johnson Consulting, Inc.,

c A Resolution Approving and Authorizing the Execution of an Intergovernmental Agreement by and between the Village of Bellwood and School District 88,

d A Resolution Approving and Authorizing the Execution of an Agreement Providing for Certifications and Assurances as Required by the PACE Vehicle Program Agreement,

e A Resolution Adopting the Findings of the Annual Tax Increment Financing Reports for Year Ending December 31, 2022,

f A Resolution Approving and Authorizing the Execution of an Intergovernmental Agreement by and between the Village of Bellwood and the County of Cook, Bureau of Asset Management,

g An Ordinance Authorizing the Establishment of a Not-for-Profit Corporation as an Instrumentality of the Village of Bellwood to be used for the Purpose of Financing the Construction, Acquisition, Rehabilitation, Equipping and Operation of a Housing Project within the Village and related matters in Connection Therewith,

h A Resolution Approving a Class 6B Real Estate Tax Incentive for the Property Commonly Referred to as 34 Davis Drive, Bellwood, Cook County, Illinois 60104,

i The Village annually engages a company to perform grass cutting and landscape maintenance in support of various village programs including but not limited to the senior grass cutting program,

9 Action on Consent Agenda,

a Any items to be removed from the Consent Agenda

i Discussion on removed items

ii Action on removed items

b Place items on the Consent Agenda

c Approve Consent Agenda

10 Mayor’s Report

11 New Business

12 Unfinished Business

13 Public Comment

14 Adjournment
