
West Cook News

Thursday, January 30, 2025

City of Countryside City Council met March 13

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Tom Frohlich, Alderman - Ward 1 | City of Countryside Website

Tom Frohlich, Alderman - Ward 1 | City of Countryside Website

City of Countryside City Council met March 13

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

1. CALL TO ORDER –The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor McDermott. City Clerk Kmet led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call: City Clerk Kmet called the Roll of those physically present as follows: Present: Mayor McDermott, Alderman Finn, Alderman Von Drasek, Alderman Benson, Alderman Frohlich, Alderman Musillami, City Clerk Kmet, Treasurer Bolt Also Present: City Administrator Paul, Deputy Chief Stern, City Attorney Peck, Assistant City Administrator Schutter, City Engineer Fitzgerald, Deputy Clerk Cordova,

Recording Secretary Prokop

Absent: Thomas Mikolyzk


a. Approval of the City Council Meeting Minutes of February 28, 2024.

b. Statement of Bills submitted for payment through March 13, 2024 in the amount of $451,356.15.

A motion was made by Alderman Musillami, seconded by Alderman Von Drasek that this matter be APPROVED as presented; motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: 5 Alderman Benson, Alderman Frohlich, Alderman Musillami,

Alderman Finn, Alderman Von Drasek,

Nay: 0

Absent: 1 Alderman Mikolyzk



a. Mayor McDermott thanked all the workers for their participation in the Annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade; turnout was great; it was a beautiful day. Thanks to Chairman Finn and Liz Cordova and everyone involved for their hard work. We raised a lot of money for charity and brought revenue into the City. It was a successful event by any measure.

5. CITY CLERK’S REPORT - no report

6. TREASURER’S REPORT – no report


a. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT – Alderman Von Drasek - no report

b. FINANCE COMMITTEE – Alderman Finn – no report

1. Alderman Finn – thanked especially Mother Nature for cooperating with the Parade. The Police Department did a fantastic job; Public Works did an outstanding job; thanks to the sponsors – special thanks to Liz for running this Parade – her first year – she had a very calming effect on everyone; saw lots of smiling faces; everyone was happy; looking forward to next year.

c. HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE – Alderman Mikolyzk - no report


1. Consideration to award a contract for the Water Distribution System Leak Detection to M.E. Simpson in the amount of $16,450.00 – this is a yearly expenditure.

A motion was made by Alderman Musillami, seconded by Alderman Von Drasek that this matter be APPROVED as presented; motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: 5 Alderman Benson, Alderman Frohlich, Alderman Musillami, Alderman Finn, Alderman Von Drasek,

Nay: 0

Absent: 1 Alderman Mikolyzk

2. Consideration to approve a change in the Ordinance to increase the Billing Rate for Bulk Water to the Commercial Rate of $13.16 per Thousand Gallons of Water. This involves outside contractors getting water fill-ups from the Public Works Building -- primarily for landscapers and such who use high volumes of water. Previously it was at the residential rate; it will be boosted up to the commercial rate.

A motion was made by Alderman Von Drasek, seconded by Alderman Frohlich that this matter be APPROVED as presented; motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: 5 Alderman Benson, Alderman Frohlich, Alderman Musillami, Alderman Finn, Alderman Von Drasek,

Nay: 0

Absent: 1 Alderman Mikolyzk

3. Consideration to purchase a new Loader / Backhoe. The current equipment has reached and extended its life expectancy.

A motion was made by Alderman Musillami, seconded by Alderman Finn that this matter be APPROVED as presented; motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: 5 Alderman Benson, Alderman Frohlich, Alderman Musillami, Alderman Finn, Alderman Von Drasek,

Nay: 0

Absent: 1 Alderman Mikolyzk

4. Consideration to approve the purchase of a new Ford F-250 4x4 in the amount of $42,000 with the trade-in value of $5,500 from Westfield Ford. The current small Ford Ranger has been used for day-to-day activities by the mechanic; this vehicle has also exceeded its life expectancy – plus a larger size vehicle is needed.

A motion was made by Alderman Von Drasek, seconded by Alderman Frohlich that this matter be APPROVED as presented; motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: 5 Alderman Benson, Alderman Frohlich, Alderman Musillami, Alderman Finn, Alderman Von Drasek,

Nay: 0

Absent: 1 Alderman Mikolyzk

5. Consideration to approve the purchase of a new Western Plow and LED Lights from Regional Truck Equipment in the amount of $8,335.00 – which will fit the new truck. This will be used for snow removal during winter months.

A motion was made by Alderman Finn, seconded by Alderman Musillami that this matter be APPROVED as presented; motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: 5 Alderman Benson, Alderman Frohlich, Alderman Musillami, Alderman Finn, Alderman Von Drasek,

Nay: 0

Absent: 1 Alderman Mikolyzk

6. Consideration to amend the Ordinance Section 5-3-1 regarding Abandoned Vehicles. Currently there is a 30-day time limit; that will be changed to 7 days.

A motion was made by Alderman Von Drasek, seconded by Alderman Frohlich that this matter be APPROVED as presented; motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: 5 Alderman Benson, Alderman Frohlich, Alderman Musillami, Alderman Finn, Alderman Von Drasek,

Nay: 0

Absent: 1 Alderman Mikolyzk

City Clerk Kmet declared that this will be known as ORDINANCE 24-03-O.

7. Consideration to amend Ordinance 3-1-12 regarding Business License Penalties. Currently if a business fails to sign up for a license they get a Notice of Adjudication that could take as long as 30 days; if they purchase their license during that time, the penalty is waived at Adjudication. Now the penalty will be a $250 fine up front added to their business license.

A motion was made by Alderman Finn, seconded by Alderman Musillami that this matter be APPROVED as presented; motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: 5 Alderman Benson, Alderman Frohlich, Alderman Musillami, Alderman Finn, Alderman Von Drasek,

Nay: 0

Absent: 1 Alderman Mikolyzk

City Clerk Kmet declared that this will be known as ORDINANCE 24-04-O.

8. Consideration of amending Ordinance Section 7-7-1 and 7-7-5 regarding Sump Pump Downspout Discharge. The amendment is 15’ for the side yard and 25’ for the rear yard; and reduced to 5’ for gutters.

A motion was made by Alderman Von Drasek, seconded by Alderman Frohlich that this matter be APPROVED as presented; motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: 5 Alderman Benson, Alderman Frohlich, Alderman Musillami, Alderman Finn, Alderman Von Drasek,

Nay: 0

Absent: 1 Alderman Mikolyzk

City Clerk Kmet declared that this will be known as ORDINANCE 24-05-O.

9. Consideration to amend the Ordinance Sections 8-14-4-7, 8-14-5-3 and 8-14-5-5 regarding Crime Free Housing, requiring all buildings to have a 10-year fire detector in place and to have the address clearly marked on all exterior doors.

A motion was made by Alderman Musillami, seconded by Alderman Finn that this matter be APPROVED as presented; motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: 5 Alderman Benson, Alderman Frohlich, Alderman Musillami, Alderman Finn, Alderman Von Drasek,

Nay: 0

Absent: 1 Alderman Mikolyzk

City Clerk Kmet declared that this will be known as ORDINANCE 24-06-O.

10. Consideration of a Resolution in support of the 2024 Cook County Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) for the 6th Avenue Street Rehabilitation. The City applies for this grant on a yearly basis; sometimes they are approved; the City has been lucky in getting these grants.

A motion was made by Alderman Musillami, seconded by Alderman Frohlich

that this matter be APPROVED as presented; motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: 5 Alderman Benson, Alderman Frohlich, Alderman Musillami,

Alderman Finn, Alderman Von Drasek,

Nay: 0

Absent: 1 Alderman Mikolyzk

City Clerk Kmet declared that this will be known as RESOLUTION 24-01-R.

e. PLAN COMMISSION/ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS - Attorney Peck – no report f. SPECIAL EVENTS COMMITTEE – Alderman Musillami – no report

g. SUSTAINABILITY COMMITTEE - Alderman Musillami – no report

h. FLAGG CREEK ADVISORY BOARD – Alderman Frohlich – no report

8. LEGAL REPORT – City Attorney Peck

a. Consideration of a Plat of Easement for Verizon Wireless access to the Monopole at the Southwest Corner of 803 Joliet Road. Verizon has new equipment which will require a new footprint. Staff has worked with the attorneys on the verbiage. The City requires all utilities to be buried underground. Some small details are still being worked on. Verizon asked that this

item be added to the agenda this evening for consideration; this item should be approved only with final review by the City Engineer and City Attorney.

A motion was made by Alderman Von Drasek, seconded by Alderman Finn that this matter be APPROVED as presented above; motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: 5 Alderman Benson, Alderman Frohlich, Alderman Musillami,

Alderman Finn, Alderman Von Drasek,

Nay: 0

Absent: 1 Alderman Mikolyzk


a. City Administrator Ms. Paul presented the Annual Report for City Operations for 2023 on behalf of all City Department Heads. She highlighted the list of major accomplishments by Department. Most important is that for the 10th year in a row, the Finance Committee has recommended and City Council approved no property taxes for residents and businesses. Due to the advance payment of Police Pension Fund contributions, the funding level has risen from 64% to 93% effective April 2023.

The City issued 965 building permits representing over $20M in construction value, an increase of 13% over the prior year. This shows the confidence both businesses and homeowners have investing in Countryside. Sales tax revenue increased by over 16% from pre-pandemic levels. The Sunset Avenue water main installation was completed. Flagg Creek had a record net operating profit of $653,000. Fourteen Special Events were held during the year at no cost to residents. Finally, the City experienced a tornado which resulted in emergency responses from Police, Fire and Public Works Departments. The Building Department conducted 301 inspections over two days – which is extremely efficient. These are just some of the highlights. Mayor McDermott thanked Ms. Paul for all her hard work and extended his gratitude to all City Staff members who participated in a job well done.


a. Deputy Police Chief Stern

Countryside Police Department -- On behalf of Chief Klimek, Deputy Chief Stern presented the Annual Report for 2023. He provided only the highlights, but significant information is detailed in the report. Chief Ford retired in May that created a vacancy; Officer Greenfield came on board in September which brought the force back to full staffing.

Crime statistics remain consistent compared to previous years; overall service calls increased slightly to 13,822; 4,855 of those calls were officer-initiated -- businesses, cars and open doors Checked to be diligent in trying to prevent crimes. Officers conducted over 1,294 vacation checks on behalf of residents. There was a lot of training –the Department completed over 4,191 combined hours of training – a 35% increase over the previous year.

The Tobacco checks were very successful with a 98% compliance from businesses over the year. Community Events were well-attended - the Top on Cop Fundraiser raised over $5,782. The Shop with A Cop marked its 10th year with the program. Those are just a few of the things accomplished last year; we look forward to another great year. Mayor McDermott thanked Deputy Chief Stern and all the members of the Police Department. Countryside has the finest Police Department in the State of Illinois; they do an exceptional job keeping the community safe. Thank you for all the hard work.

Alderman Von Drasek said that he and Alderman Frohlich attended the Citizen’s Police Academy and it was an eye-opening experience. The training hours and the level of service we get from our officers is exceptional.

b. City Engineer Fitzgerald – no report

1. FYI – Pending Cook County’s approval, the City is planning to put the paving project out for bid next week. The bid opening will be on April 5 and award the contract awarded on April 10 so we can be ready for the first break of good weather. If approval is not forthcoming as expected, the project will be pushed back two weeks – awarded on the 24th for work on Sunset, 67th Street east of Sunset and the three streets in Ward 1 off of 58th St. – Rose Court, Rose Avenue and half of Lorraine Drive. Sunset was ready last year but the City prefers using the economy of scale – get everything into one project. We got the grant for that portion. Asphalt plants open depending on the weather, possibly mid-April this year with the mild weather.



A motion was made by Alderman Von Drasek, seconded by Alderman Benson that this meeting be ADJOURNED; motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: 5 Alderman Musillami, Alderman Von Drasek, Alderman Finn, Alderman Benson, Alderman Frohlich

Nay: 0

Absent 1 Alderman Mikolyzk

Mayor McDermott declared the meeting adjourned at 7:52 p.m.
