
West Cook News

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Village of Berkeley Village Board met March 5

Webp 15

Village President Robert E. Lee, Jr | Village of Berkeley Website

Village President Robert E. Lee, Jr | Village of Berkeley Website

Village of Berkeley Village Board met March 5.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

1 President Lee called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. 

2 Pledge of Allegiance 

3 Roll Call 

Trustees Thomas, Hammar, Salemi, Perez, Graf-Stone, Matthews, Village President Lee, Village Clerk Nowak 

Also present: Village Administrator Espiritu, Village Attorney Smith, Assistant Village Administrator Miller, Public Safety Director Larem, Public Works Director Wagner 

4 Presentations and Appointment 

5 Public Hearings 

6 Consent Agenda 

The matters listed for consideration on the Consent Agenda are routine in nature or have all been discussed by the Board of Trustees previously and are matters on which there was unanimity for placement on the Consent Agenda at this meeting. 

6.1 Village Board Minutes from February 20, 2024 

6.2 Executive Session Minutes from February 20, 2024 (not for public release) 


7 Claims Ordinance 

7.1 Motion to Approve Claims Ordinance #1526 in the amount of $495,387.98 


8. Committee Reports 

8.1 Administration, Finance and Technology (Chair – Trustee Graf-Stone; Co-Chair - Trustee Mathews) 

8.1.1 Trustee Liaison Report 

Trustee Graf-Stone reports a preliminary audit meeting was held with Village and audit staff. Also, the sanitary sewer job biding has been open, engineers will be recommending the job go to the lowest qualified contractor and ask for approval at next board meeting. The Garden Club is starting to make plans for the spring. 

8.1.2 Motion to Approve a Resolution Authorizing the Execution of a Membership Agreement between the Village of Berkeley, Cook County, Illinois and the Geographic Information System Consortium (GISC) 


8.1.3 Motion to Approve a Resolution Authorizing the Execution of a Contract between the Village of Berkeley, Cook County, Illinois and Municipal GIS Partners, Inc. for GIS Services 


President Lee comments on GIS keeping the Village up to date on technology. Assistant Village Administrator Miller and Public Works Director Wagner present GIS capabilities, cost and detailed record keeping. Explain how all departments would be able to utilize. 

8.1.4 Quarter 3 Financial Dashboard 

Administrator Espiritu presents Q3 financial report. 

8.1.5 A Motion to Approve a Resolution Approving a Public Mural Easement Agreement for the 2024 Centennial Mural at 1750 N. Taft Avenue-Consensus of board to be continued to next agenda 

8.1.6 A Motion to Approve a Resolution Approving a Professional Services Agreement for the 2024 Centennial Mural- Consensus of board to be continued to next agenda 

8.2 Community and Economic Development (Chair - Trustee Salemi; Co-Chair - Trustee Thomas) 

8.2.1 Trustee Liaison Report-Trustee Salemi reports Hillside/Berkeley 

Chamber of Commerce have not met this year as of yet. 

8.2.2 Motion to Approve an Ordinance Amending the Berkeley Zoning Code to Increase the Wall Sign Area for Signs in the Village's Industrial Zoning Districts 


8.3 Public Safety (Chair - Trustee Mathews; Co-Chair - Trustee Hammar) 

8.3.1 Trustee Liaison Report-Welcome back Public Safety Director Larem, updates board on a recent police officer testing and interviews held. He is hopeful to have some new hires. Fire department staffing is good and staff is attempting to purchase a new fire engine. 

8.4 Public Works and Utilities (Chair - Trustee Hammar; Co-Chair - Trustee Salemi) 

8.4.1 Trustee Liaison Report-Trustee Hammar reports open bids took place for sanitary lining vendor has been chosen and hoping to start job in April. 

8.4.2 Motion to Approve a Resolution Authorizing the Execution of an Agreement between the Village of Berkeley, Cook County, and A&A Paving for Sealcoating Services in an amount not to exceed $22,000.00 


8.5 Intergovernmental Relations (Chair – Trustee Thomas; Co-Chair - Trustee Perez) 

8.5.1 Trustee Liaison Report-Trustee Thomas states working with library preparing for time capsule opening on May 18, 2024. 

8.6 Community Events (Chair - Trustee Perez; Co-Chair - Trustee Graf-Stone) 

8.6.1 Trustee Liaison Report-Trustee Perez met with Neighborhood Watch. They are waiting for liaison from the Police Department. Lions Club plans to offer residents a free Saturday at the pool. Hillside working on a unity weekend. 

9 Village President 

9.1 Village President Report 

9.2 3/19/24 Village Board Meeting at 6:30 p.m. 

President Lee wants to thank everyone who attended the Chuy Garcia dinner, it was well attended by Berkeley. President Lee informs all on the Westchester Food Pantry supports many communities and its being utilized by 16% of Berkeley residents. They are always looking for donations and volunteers. President Lee thanks Trustee Thomas for being a regular volunteer at the food pantry and reminds all monetary gifts to the pantry are needed and welcomed as well. Tim Carpenter from Neighborhood Watch will be presenting at next board meeting. He wants to inform all regarding the proviso township handyman program at meeting on April 18, 2024. 

10 Village Administrator-no report 

11 Village Attorney-no report 

12 Public Comments and Questions 

Please limit comments to three (3) minutes in length, unless further granted by the Board Brian Carmichael-states his question was answered regarding GIS cost to residents he states it's an excellent program Jack Ronan-states he has a situation regarding the construction of his home 1600 Taft Ave and states he has not documented the weekly progress Bonnie Routen-Invites all to the West County Suburban Youth Organization, where she will be a guest recipient. She also will be hosting a buyer and sellers' seminar at the Berkeley Library on March 16, 2024. 

13 Executive Session 

13.1 Motion to enter into Executive Session to consider the: 

a. Appointment, Employment, Compensation, Discipline, Performance or Dismissal of Specific Employee(s) and/or Legal Counsel 5 ILCS 120/2 (c)(1) 

b. Collective Bargaining, Salary Schedules; categorically 5 ILCS 120/2 (c)(2) 

c. Appointment/Removal for Public Office or Attorney 5 ILCS 120/2 (c)(3) 

d. Consideration to Purchase, Lease (Buy), or Acquire Specific Real Estate Property 5 ILCS 120/2 (c)(5) 

e. Setting Price for Sale/Lease Specific Real Estate Property 5 ILCS 120/2 (c)(6) 

f. Security Procedures and the use of personnel and equipment to respond to an actual, a threatened, or a reasonably potential danger to the safety of employees, students, staff, public, or public property. 5 ILCS 120/2 (c)(8) 

g. Probable or Imminent and Pending Litigation 5 ILCS 120/2 (c)(11) 

h. Establish Reserves or Settle Claims (Tort) 5 ILCS 120/2 (c)(12) 

i. Consideration of Release of Executive Session Minutes 5 ILCS 120/2 (c)(21) 

14 Action After Executive Session – none. 

15 Meeting Adjourned at 7:38 p.m. 

