
West Cook News

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Village of River Forest Board of Trustees met Feb. 26

Webp 18

Village President Cathy Adduci | Village of River Forest Website

Village President Cathy Adduci | Village of River Forest Website

Village of River Forest Board of Trustees met Feb. 26.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

A regular meeting of the Village of River Forest Board of Trustees was held on Monday, February 26th, at 7:00 p.m. in the Community Room of Village Hall, 400 Park Avenue - River Forest, IL. 


The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Upon roll call, the following persons were: 

Present: President Adduci, Trustees Vazquez, O'Connell, Gillis, Bachner, Johnson and Village Clerk Keller

Absent: Trustee Brennan 

Also Present: Fire Chief Thomas Gaertner, Deputy Fire Chief Bochenek, Police Chief James O'Shea, Deputy Chief Greenwood, Police Commander Mike Swierczynski, Finance Director Rosemary McAdams, Public Works Analyst Seth Jansen, Village Attorney Lance Malina, Human Resources Manager Trish Ivansek, Village Administrator Matt Walsh, Assistant Village Administrator Jessica Spencer, and Deputy Clerk Luke Masella 


President Adduci led the pledge of allegiance. 




Trustee O'Connell had no comments. 

Trustee Johnson had no comments. 

Village Clerk Keller had no comments. 

Trustee Vazquez reminded residents that the Electronic Waste Home Collection deadline is upcoming. 

Trustee Gillis had no comments. 

Trustee Bachner gave a land acknowledgment and then had no further comments. 

President Adduci stated that she gave a presentation to students at Lincoln Elementary School and thanked the teachers for allowing her to present. 


a. Village Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes - February 12th, 2024

b. Administration Department Report 

c. Purchase of Emergency One Cyclone Single Axle 100' Quint Aerial Apparatus – Fire Services, Inc. of Saint John, Indiana - $1,681,914.00 

MOTION by Trustee Bachner to approve Consent Agenda Items A - C. Seconded by Trustee O'Connell 

Roll call: 

Ayes: Trustees Vazquez, Bachner, Gillis, Johnson, O'Connell

Absent: Trustee Brennan 

Nays: None 

Motion Passes. 




a. Sustainability Commission 

i. Village Hall Electric Vehicle Charging Station Overstay Fee - Ordinance 

MOTION by Trustee Gillis to approve an ordinance establishing restrictions and fees for the Village's Electric Vehicle Charging Stations. Seconded by Trustee Johnson 

Management Analyst Seth Jansen provided background information on the ordinance. 

Trustee Vazquez asked if this fee is sufficient. 

Mr. Jansen reported that the Village is not exactly trying to recoup costs, rather the purpose of this ordinance is to encourage people to not remain parked after a sufficient charge. 

Trustee Vazquez asked where the money from the fees will go. 

Mr. Jansen stated he believes it will go into the parking fund. 

Trustee Johnson asked how residents will be notified of the change. 

Mr. Jansen stated that Village will provide an update in the newsletter as well as on social media. He also reported that when the required app is opened to utilize the charging stations, a notice will be given. 

Trustee Bachner suggested the Village place a sign on the station to give notice about the potential fees. 

Roll call: 

Ayes: Trustees Vazquez, Bachner, Gillis, Johnson, O'Connell 

Absent: Trustee Brennan 

Nays: None 

Motion Passes. 

b. Traffic and Safety Commission 

i. Parking Space Striping and Additional Signage in the Northeast Quadrant 

Village Administrator Walsh provided background information on the proposed signage and parking space striping. He noted that Thomas Engineering helped the Village with this project. 

Trustee O'Connell asked for an update on the permanent structures being installed along Harlem Avenue. 

Administrator Walsh stated that the plans are currently under review by the Illinois Department of Transportation and that the final approval should come before the Village Board by the end of March. 

Trustee Bachner asked if the parking and striping will be along North Avenue. 

Administrator Walsh stated yes. 

Trustee Bachner asked if the striping will mark individual spots or just one long rectangle. 

Administrator Walsh stated it will be one long rectangle, individually broken up by driveways. 

President Adduci asked Administrator Walsh if he believes the Village will hear back from IDOT in the next month. 

Administrator Walsh stated yes and reported that postcards will be sent out to the 1500 blocks to explain the changes. He also provided clarification on the speed limit sign. 

ii. Bollard Installations along Washington Boulevard 

Administrator Walsh gave background information on the agenda item and highlighted some issues that cause Washington Boulevard to induce speeding. 

President Adduci asked if there were any considerations regarding raising the crosswalks. 

Administrator Walsh stated that it may be considered later, but that the bollard installation was the priority for the Traffic and Safety Commission. 

Trustee Bachner asked if the bollards would allow for bikers to pass through. 

Administrator Walsh stated he does not know and will investigate. 

Trustee Gillis requested that the Village analyze all bollards along Chicago Avenue as many have been run over already. Trustee Gillis also requested the Village consider more permanent installations in the future for Washington Boulevard. She also thanked the Village for completing concrete and fencing work for the permanent traffic installations on Chicago. 

Trustee O'Connell asked what happened on Madison Street between Park and Franklin. 

Administrator Walsh explained that there was an accident that damaged the island, and the Village is in the process of getting the island fixed. 






MOTION by Trustee Bachner to enter into Executive Session pursuant to 5ILCS 120/2(c)(2) to discuss: Collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees and the Village Board will adjourn after executive session and will not return to open session. Seconded by Trustee O'Connell. 

Roll call: 

Ayes: Trustees Vazquez, Bachner, Gillis, Johnson, O'Connell 

Absent: Trustee Brennan 

Nays: None 

Motion Passes. 

The Board took a recess and then executive session began at 7:27pm. 


MOTION to adjourn by Trustee O'Connell. Seconded by Trustee Bachner. 

Roll call: 

Ayes: President Adduci, Trustees Vazquez, O'Connell, Bachner, Johnson, Gillis Absent: Trustee Brennan 

Nays: None 

The Village Board of Trustees Meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m.
