
West Cook News

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Volunteers sought to help Oak Park illegal aliens move from West Cook YMCA, Carleton Hotel to former St. Edmund's Catholic School

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Jean Davidson Meister (left) and Ave Zuccarino (right) | The Well website / Facebook

Jean Davidson Meister (left) and Ave Zuccarino (right) | The Well website / Facebook

River Forest resident Jean Davidson Meister is seeking volunteers to help move Illegal aliens staying at the West Cook YMCA and Carleton Hotel to the former St. Edmund's School building, in Oak Park.

Meister and Ave Zuccarino have posted a sign up page on behalf of the "Oak Park Family Transitional Shelter."

Background checks and so-called "Virtus training," which alerts adults to signs of child sexual abuse, are mandated for all volunteers, per the Catholic Archiocese of Chicago.

A taxpayer-funded "resident mobile shower truck," with eight private showers, will be located in the St. Edmund's School courtyard through the end of June at least, Davidson-Meister said on Facebook.

Davidson-Meister is a former Chicago Tribune reporter and editor and local political activist. Her husband, John, ran Thrive Counseling Center in Oak Park, retiring in 2022.

Zuccarino is a landscape designer with Kiave Design in Oak Park.

The Chicago Archdiocese closed St. Edmund's school after 99 years of operation in 2016.