Village President Cathy Adduci | Village of River Forest Website
Village President Cathy Adduci | Village of River Forest Website
Village of River Forest Board of Trustees met Jan. 8.
Here are the agenda provided by the board:
A regular meeting of the Village of River Forest Board of Trustees was held on Monday, January 8th, at 7:00 p.m. in the Community Room of Village Hall, 400 Park Avenue - River Forest, IL.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Upon roll call, the following persons were:
Present: President Adduci, Trustees Vazquez, Brennan, Gillis, Bachner (arrived at 7:05) and Village Clerk Keller
Absent: Trustees Johnson and O'Connell
Also Present: Fire Chief Thomas Gaertner, Police Chief James O'Shea, Police Commander Michael Swierczynski, Finance Director Rosemary McAdams, Village Attorney Lance Malina, Human Resources Manager Trish Ivansek, Village Administrator Matt Walsh, Assistant Village Administrator Jessica Spencer, and Deputy Clerk Luke Masella
President Adduci led the pledge of allegiance.
Deborah Hill made public comment regarding Agenda Item 6.J. Ms. Hill acknowledgment the complexity surrounding the Ordinance but asked if the Village had done its legal due diligence when creating the ordinance. Ms. Hill also asked if the Police Department has experienced any issues with buses or if this ordinance is more anticipatory.
Village Administrator Walsh read the following statement into the record:
"This hearing will come to order. Let the record reflect that this is a public hearing being held pursuant to the requirements of Sections 10 and 20 of the Bond Issue Notification Act of the State of Illinois, as amended. Notice of this hearing was published on December 20, 2023, in the Wednesday Journal, a newspaper of general circulation in the Village. This is a hearing regarding a plan to issue not to exceed $600,000 in aggregate principal amount of the Village's Bonds. The proceeds of the Bonds will be used to pay for (i) public infrastructure projects within the Village and (ii) certain costs of issuance of the Bonds.
The Bonds will be issued by the Village in accordance with the provisions of Section 15 of the Local Government Debt Reform Act of the State of Illinois, as amended, and shall constitute a general obligation of the Village, payable from (i) non-referendum bond proceeds in accordance with provisions of Section 8-5-16 of the Municipal Code, which will not exceed one-half of one percent of the assessed value of all taxable property located within the Village.
This public hearing is required by Sections 10 and 20 of the Bond Issue Notification Act of the State of Illinois, as amended. At the time and place set for the public hearing, residents, taxpayers, and other interested persons will be given the opportunity to express their views for or against the proposed plan of financing, the issuance of the Bonds and the purpose of the issuance of the Bonds."
There were no public comments.
MOTION by Trustee Vazquez to close the public hearing. Seconded by Trustee Brennan.
Roll call:
Ayes: Trustees Vazquez, Gillis, Bachner, Brennan. Absent: Trustee Johnson and O'Connell.
Nays: None
Motion Passes.
Trustee Brennan reminded everyone that as of January 1st, the Polystyrene Ban is now in place and asked that the Sustainability Commission continue to educate the public surrounding the ban. Trustee Brennan noted receiving a piece of mail from a green energy provider and asked if the Village could better inform residents regarding their clean energy options.
President Adduci suggested that next time a water bill is sent out, the Village provide clarification surrounding clean energy options.
The Board discussed the differences between electronic water bills and paper bills.
Clerk Keller had nothing to add for the record.
Trustee Vazquez wished everyone a happy New Year and reminded everyone to drive safely in the snow.
Trustee Gillis had nothing to add for the record.
Trustee Bachner began her statement with a land acknowledgment. She also noted receiving the same piece of mail as Trustee Brennan. Trustee Bachner asked Village Administrator Walsh if there are any reminders the Village should be giving residents for the upcoming weather event.
Mr. Walsh reminded everyone about the parking ban and the Senior Snow Removal Program.
Trustee Bachner asked what the turnaround time is on the Senior Snow Removal Program. Mr. Walsh stated around 24 hours.
President Adduci had nothing to add to the record.
a. Village Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes - December 18th, 2023
b. Administration Department Report
c. Monthly Department Reports
d. Accounts Payable - December 2023
e. Purchase of Public Works Street Sweeper - Standard Equipment of Elmhurst, IL- $304,507.00
f. Award of Contract - 2023 Water Main Improvement Project - $270,000.00
g. Award of Contract - 2024 Concrete ADA Ramp Replacement - $113,270.00
h. Award of Contract - 2024 Curb and Sidewalk Replacement Program $122,400.00
i. Approval of Motor Fuel Tax Resolution 2024 REBUILD Illinois Street Improvement Project - $736,279.00
j. Ordinance Declaring Rules and Regulations Regarding Unscheduled Intercity Buses
k. Authorization to Extend Contract for Interim Public Works Director - GovTemps $20,000.00
Trustee Bachner asked that Agenda Item 6.J be pulled for separate consideration.
MOTION by Trustee Vazquez to approve Consent Agenda Items A - I & K. Seconded by Trustee Bachner.
Roll call:
Ayes: Trustees Vazquez, Gillis, Bachner, Brennan.
Absent: Trustees O'Connell and Johnson.
Nays: None
Motion Passes.
j. Ordinance Declaring Rules and Regulations Regarding Unscheduled Intercity Buses.
MOTION by Trustee Vazquez to approve Consent Agenda J. Ordinance Declaring Rules and Regulations Regarding Unscheduled Intercity Buses. Seconded by Trustee Gillis.
President Adduci noted participating in a phone call with Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson and other Chicagoland Mayors to discuss coordinating efforts to manage the influx of buses. She also noted that the proposed ordinance has been reviewed by the Village Attorney and many other municipalities have passed similar or the exact same ordinances.
Village Attorney Malina provided background on the proposed ordinance and how it was created.
Trustee Bachner raised some concerns surrounding the language in the proposed ordinance and asked if Village had considered drafting plans for if a bus were to break down in town or other unforeseen circumstances.
Village Attorney Malina noted that during extraordinary circumstances, the Police Department would oversee handling the event.
Trustee Bachner stated she would like the ordinance to contain plans in place for those circumstances. She also reported being hesitant to vote for the ordinance without seeing the proposed application referenced in the ordinance.
Mr. Walsh stated there is an active application that is currently available. He stated he will share it with the Village Board.
Trustee Bachner reported some items she would not like to be in the application. She also asked if background checks for the passengers are specifically in this proposed ordinance. Trustee Bachner stated she appreciated the portions of the ordinance regarding providing food and housing to the bus passengers.
Trustee Vazquez noted only seeing language asking for identification.
Trustee Bachner suggested the ordinance contain language about what would happen if a medical emergency were to happen in relation to one of the buses.
Village Administrator Walsh reported that if an emergency were to be discovered, it would be handled like any other medical emergency in town.
Village Attorney Malina stated that any emergency would be handled in the standard operating procedures.
Trustee Brennan stated she would support similar guidelines as the ones proposed by Trustee Bachner.
Trustee Vazquez stated he was not comfortable with any sort of written guidelines or plans as he felt that was the job of the Federal Government.
The Board continued discussion surrounding adding additional plans to the Ordinance.
President Adduci stated that she felt the best thing the Village could do would be to help get the buses to the proper facilities in Chicago.
Trustee Brennan thanked Village Staff and Attorney for considering her revisions to the Executive Order.
Trustee Brennan stated that she is concerned that the Executive Order and proposed ordinance are the only words and actions the Village has put out surrounding this issue. She stated that these documents, by themselves, do not represent River Forest as a community.
Trustee Brennan suggested that the Village offer basic supplies such as water or feminine products to bus passengers if a bus were to stop in town. She proposed the Village could ask the community for these products as donations. Trustee Brennan also urged the Board to consider publicizing local groups that are supporting migrants in Oak Park.
President Adduci stated the information can be shared on the Village's platforms.
Trustee Vazquez stated some of his concerns with offering supplies to the buses.
Trustee Brennan reiterated she is not asking for the passengers to be let off the bus.
Trustee Brennan listed grammatical and scrivener's errors she noticed in the ordinance.
MOTION by Trustee Vazquez to approve Consent Agenda Item J as amended. Seconded by Trustee Gillis.
Roll call:
Ayes: Trustees Vazquez, Gillis, and President Adduci.
Absent: Trustees O'Connell and Johnson.
Nays: Trustees Bachner and Brennan
Village Attorney Malina informed the Board that the motion fails as it requires four yes votes for approval.
MOTION to adjourn by Trustee Brennan. Seconded by Trustee Vazquez.
Roll call:
Ayes: President Adduci, Trustees Vazquez, Gillis, Bachner.
Absent: Trustee O'Connell and Johnson
Nays: None
The Village Beard of Trustees Meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.