Trustee Andy Ybarra | Village of Franklin Park Website
Trustee Andy Ybarra | Village of Franklin Park Website
Village of Franklin Park Fire & Police Commission met Oct. 2.
Here are the minutes provided by the commission:
Call to order: The meeting for the Fire & Police Commission was called to order by Commissioner Irene Herrera at 6:00 pm.
Roll Call / Quorum: Present is Commissioner Maritza Souchet, Commissioner Irene Herrera, Commissioner Guillermo Rios and Secretary Dinorah Rangel. Also in attendance, Chief Mark Stewart, Police Chief Mike Witz, and Trustee Bill Ruhl.
Approval of Minutes: A motion to approve the September 5, 2023 meeting minutes was made by Commissioner Souchet and seconded by Commissioner Rios. Motion passed.
Police Chief Mike Witz:. Asked Dinorah Rangel to check and confirm the next testing date.
Fire Chief Stewart:. The fire department will need to start testing again. The department is down to three on the list and the last few candidates have been unable to pass the state paramedic test. The candidates have one last attempt to pass the test and then they are unable to retest. Firefighters are given extra preference points if they are already firefighters or have a college degree. The department wants to look in to giving a half point or extra point for those firefighters and paramedics that apply and are in District 20. Applicants from District 20 would already be certified paramedics and they would already be in the system. Need to see legally if we can give preference points to those in District 20 applying for Franklin Park. This will help with the current issue of current candidates being unable to pass the paramedic state exam. If candidates fail the test three times, then they need to go back for retraining. The money invested in them will go to waste, because we are unable to hire them until they pass. Fire department will need to speak to Village attorney Joe Montana to see if this can be done. If so, then the by-laws will need to be updated to reflect the change. Franklin Park Fire Department raised $10,000 in the sales of their shirts.
Unfinished Business: None
New Business:
Public Comments: None
Adjournment: Motion to adjourn at 6:06 pm made by Commissioner Maritza Souchet and seconded by Commissioner Rios with all in favor.