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Saturday, February 22, 2025

Village of River Forest Board of Trustees met Sept. 25

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Village President Cathy Adduci | Village of River Forest Website

Village President Cathy Adduci | Village of River Forest Website

Village of River Forest Board of Trustees met Sept. 25.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

A regular meeting of the Village of River Forest Board of Trustees was held on Monday, September 25th, at 7:00 p.m. in the Community Room of Village Hall, 400 Park Avenue – River Forest, IL.


The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Upon roll call, the following persons were:

Present: President Adduci, Trustees Vazquez, Johnson, Bachner (7:05pm), Gillis, O'Connell

Absent: Trustee Brennan

Also Present: Fire Chief Thomas Gaertner, Deputy Fire Chief Bochenek, Police Chief James O'Shea, Finance Director Rosemary McAdams, Village Attorney Lance Malina, Human Resources Manager Trish Ivansek, Public Works Director Jeff Loster, Deputy Clerk Luke Masella, Assistant Village Administrator Jessica Spencer.


President Adduci led the pledge of allegiance.


President Adduci invited Mindy Credi up to the podium to make public comment.

Ms. Credi asked that the Village Board fly the Italian American Flag for the month of October and the Native American Flag for the month of November.

President Adduci invited Kendall Alexander up to the podium to give public comment.

Ms. Alexander asked for information on any potential improvements to the Village's stormwater infrastructure.


a. River Forest Police Department Outstanding Community Member Award

President Adduci invited Police Chief O'Shea up to the podium to present the River Forest Police Department Outstanding Community Member Award.

Chief O'Shea gave background on the award and then presented the award to Dominic Schmahl for his actions during a carjacking in the City of Chicago on August 15h, 2023.

Truste O'Connell reported attending the Illinois Municipal League (IML) 2023 Convention and gave a shoutout to Village President Adduci on her time as the IML President.

Trustee Johnson also congratulated President Adduci on her time as the IML President.

Clerk Keller had nothing to add.

Trustee Vazquez reported attending the River Forest Collaboration Committee meeting with other River Forest Government entities. Trustee Vazquez reminded everyone about the Lake Shore Recycling hazardous waste pickup deadline.

Trustee Gillis congratulated President Adduci on her time as the IML president. Trustee Gillis congratulated Public Works Director Jeff Loster on taking a new position outside of the Village and thanked him for his work. Finally, she reminded residents to volunteer for positions on Village Boards and Commissions.

Trustee Bachner gave a land acknowledgement and gave thanks to Public Works Director Loster for his time with the Village. She also congratulated President Adduci for her time serving as the IML president.

President Adduci thanked her colleagues for acknowledging her role as the IML President.

b. Presentation on Police Department Bike Safety Program

President Adduci invited Chief O'Shea up to the podium to give a presentation on the Police Department's Bike Safety Program.

Chief O'Shea gave an update on the Bike Safety Program and explained a new way the Department is attempting to positively reinforce children to wear bike helmets through a partnership with River Forest Chocolates.

President Adduci asked if the Police Department has any events planned to distribute free bicycle helmets.

Police Chief O'Shea gave background information on previous events the Department has utilized to distribute helmets. He also reported that the Department is expecting to ramp up programs in the coming months related to bike safety.

President Adduci suggested the Police Department visit the Spoke Café event happening on October 1st.

Police Chief O'Shea reported that the Police Department will also participate in the Fire Department Open House.


a. Village Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes - September 11th, 2023

b. Monthly Department Reports

c. Financial Report - August 2023

d. Administration Department Report

e. Engine 23 Emergency repairs - $23,302.21

MOTION by Trustee Bachner to approve items a through e. Seconded by Trustee O'Connell.

Roll call:

Ayes: Trustees Vazquez, Bachner, Johnson, Gillis, O'Connell

Absent: Trustee Brennan

Nays: None

Motion Passes.





a. New Ambulance Equipment Purchases - $68,604.00

MOTION by Trustee Vazquez to approve the purchase of a Styker Power Lift & Cot, an AeroClave Decontamination Unit, and a Zico "OTS" System Electric Oxygen Lift from Jefferson Fire & Safety, Inc. not to exceed $68,604.00. Seconded by Trustee Gillis.

Trustee O'Connell asked Fire Chief Gaertner for clarification on when the units will be purchased and delivered.

Chief Gaertner explained that these items will be purchased prior to the ambulance delivery to help save costs.

Trustee Johnson asked Chief Gaertner to give background information on the equipment.

Chief Gaertner provided background on the items being purchased.

Roll call:

Ayes: Trustees Vazquez, Bachner, Johnson, Gillis, O'Connell 

Absent: Trustee Brennan

Nays: None

Motion Passes.

b. Police Department Street Camera Expansion - $104,873.00

MOTION by Trustee O'Connell to authorize the Village's contracted vendor, Griffon Systems, to install street cameras and related hardware/software for $104,873 using monies in the FY2024 Capital Improvement Fund. Seconded by Trustee Johnson.

Police Chief O'Shea gave a short presentation on the proposed camera expansion. He gave explanations on the benefits that the cameras provide, varying from lawsuits to general everyday Police Department activity.

Trustee Johnson asked if insurance companies or other outside parties contact the Police Department for footage from the cameras and if so, are the volume of requests burdensome.

Police Chief O'Shea stated that the volume of requests has not been burdensome.

Regarding insurance companies, Chief stated that insurance companies have made requests through proper Freedom of Information Act avenues.

Trustee Bachner asked for clarification on the number of cameras at each intersection.

Police O'Shea provided clarification on the location and number of cameras at specific intersections.

Roll call:

Ayes: Trustees Vazquez, Bachner, Johnson, Gillis, O'Connell

Absent: Trustee Brennan

Nays: None

Motion Passes.

c. Storm Water Master Plan Updates - No Action

Public Works and Development Services Director Loster provided background on the Storm Water Master Plan.

Director Loster provided highlights from the August 1st, 2023, Resident Meeting which the Village held to receive feedback regarding the Stormwater Plan. Director Loster reported that much of the meeting was focused on the high price tags of stormwater improvements and residents requesting a new Village subsidy program for stormwater flooding on private property. He asked the Board for direction and feedback on the next steps regarding potential stormwater improvements.

President Adduci asked Director Loster that based on his professional opinion and the studies the Village has undergone, should any action be taken in the next two to three years.

Director Loster stated the Village could take any action they prefer at any time. As an example, Director Loster noted the Board could choose to explore or work on improving the infrastructure in just one section of town.

President Adduci asked Director Loster if there is a starting point the Village should consider beginning with. Trustee Vazquez asked if it would be possible for Director Loster to create a prioritized list of actions.

Mr. Loster stated the Board could start by considering the level of stormwater protection the Village would like to implement in the infrastructure. He reiterated that the Village could take any action.

President Adduci asked Director Loster if he had a professional opinion on what level of protection the Village should consider as the starting point.

Mr. Loster suggested the Village start with the projects identified by Christopher Burke Engineering (CBE) and tailor them as needed.

Trustee Bachner asked if the Village should be considering a higher amount of protection due to climate change.

Director Loster noted that each project could be tailored to address this and the Village should be on the lookout for subsections of projects where room for improvements is possible. He also explained that traditional stormwater data points have been updated to represent more recent rainfall data.

Trustee Bachner asked if separate projects and subsections of town had different size pipes and variables, would that alter the stormwater plan in its entirety.

Mr. Loster stated that due to the conceptual nature of the stormwater plan, he did not foresee that being an issue until actual design work is being completed.

Trustee Johnson asked if there are any comparable communities or practices the Village could gather information on.

Director Loster noted that much of stormwater management is based on the amount of available space in the municipality.

President Adduci asked Director Loster to address the comments made by Ms. Alexander earlier in the evening.

Director Loster explained that the Village takes a multitude of steps to prevent localized flooding and offered to discuss the resident's problem with them after the meeting.

President Adduci stated that she felt further conversation may be needed before the Village Board act on any of the projects suggested by CBE.

Trustee O'Connell asked if President Adduci is suggesting, "taking small bites out of the apple."

President Adduci pointed out some of the smaller items the Storm Water Report recommends the Village undergo and commented that the Village could act on these first.

Trustee O'Connell stated that given where the economy is, he may not be comfortable taking on a large financial project. He reiterated that the Village cannot kick this project down the road, and should take small steps in the short-term.

Trustee Bachner agreed that further information is needed as well.

Trustee Vazquez asked for clarification on how flexible a completed Storm Water Master Plan is.

Director Loster reported there is more to the plan than just the document, such as the Capital Improvement Plan, potential storm water utility fees, and continued discussions between staff and the Board surrounding the projects.

Trustee Gillis stated that she feels like the Village should have a specific ten-year project plan that knows what the Village wants to do and in what order.

Director Loster noted that the projects identified by CBE are an established road map. He reiterated that right now, the Village is addressing closing out the administrative portion of the project.




MOTION to adjourn by O'Connell. Seconded by Trustee Johnson.

Roll call:

Ayes: Trustees Vazquez, Bachner, Johnson, Gillis, O'Connell, President Adduci 

Absent: Trustee Brennan

Nays: None

The Village Board of Trustees Meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m.
