
West Cook News

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Village of Forest Park Village Council met Jan. 23

Village of Forest Park Village Council met Jan. 23.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:



Commissioners Byrnes, Maxham, Nero, Voogd and Mayor Hoskins answered the Roll Call. It was noted that Commissioner Nero was attending remotely, in compliance with section 1-4- 4-H, of the village code of the Village of Forest Park. Also in attendance were Grant Consultant, Todd Kupsak, Village Clerk, Vanessa Moritz, and Village Administrator, Moses Amidei.

Mayor Hoskins stated that the format of the meeting will be an informal workshop and regular rules of order are suspended. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss proposed expenditures from American Rescue Plan Award (ARPA) funds, totaling $1,863,000.

Administrator Amidei detailed that we have more flexibility on the types of acceptable expenditures because Forest Park’s ARPA allocation is under $10 million. Mr. Kupsak suggested that the village may be eligible for additional ARPA funds once we complete spending the initial allocation. The next ARPA report is due in April, 2023 and will be completed by Mr. Kupsak’s firm. Mr. Amidei further noted that, as requested, alternate sources of revenue are being used for many of the previously proposed expenses. These are detailed on the draft budget (attached). Further, some of the items have already been completed and others are already ordered, due to the urgency of the work.

The Chamber of Commerce is slated to receive $40,000 a year for three years, to be used for marketing assistance. The village will request a comprehensive marketing plan as well as documentation twice yearly and an annual overview of the activities and results as a condition of the funding. In addition, there was discussion about the chamber being responsible for the administration of possible business incentive grants. The village would retain all final approvals and distribution of funding. Administrator Amidei was asked to forward information from other municipal grant programs for businesses.

Mental Health Assistance is $10,000 a year for three years and is intended to provide better resources and social services to residents. Commissioner Maxham added that she is working with staff to hold a mental health fair on May 6th and suggested that the village look into reinstating the village’s Health Board.

Public Comment 

Mr. Mark Boroughf asked what the split is for the Chamber or what would the Chamber get paid for administering the business grant program.


There being no further business to be addressed, Commissioner Nero moved to adjourn into closed session pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2) to consider collective bargaining matters. Commissioner Byrnes seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Mayor Hoskins declared the meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m.
