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Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Village of Bellwood Board of Trustees met Dec. 21

Village of Bellwood Board of Trustees met Dec. 21.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Call to Order

The Special Board meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Bellwood was called to order by Mayor Harvey at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, December 21, 2022.

Roll Call

Present: Mayor Andre Harvey, Village Clerk Janel Moreland, Trustees Ciavattone, Boston, Holman, Robinson, Delgado, and Nightengale.

Pledge of Allegiance

The Village Board and others in attendance recited the Pledge of Allegiance led by Mayor Harvey.

Approval of Agenda

Mayor Harvey requested a motion to approve the (December 21, 2022), special board meeting agenda. Trustee Delgado moved, seconded by Trustee Holman to approve the board meeting agenda. The result of the roll call vote is as follows:

Ayes: 6 Trustees Ciavattone, Boston, Holman, Robinson, Delgado, and Nightengale

Nays: 0

Abstain: 0

Absent: 0

Approval of Minutes:

Mayor Harvey requested a motion to approve the minutes of the last Board meeting (November 14, 2022). Trustee Robinson moved, seconded by Trustee Delgado to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the last Board meeting and approve the minutes as presented. The result of the roll call vote is as follows:

Ayes: 6 Trustees Ciavattone, Boston, Holman, Robinson, Delgado, and Nightengale

Nays: 0

Abstain: 0

Absent: 0

Presentation: None

Committee Reports

Public Works Department

Trustee Ciavattone reported the following:

I have several items to report from Public Works for the month of November 2022. One water main break, sewer mains jetted - two, streetlights poles replaced - two, streetlights repair-seven, sidewalk inspections – fifteen, potholes filled throughout – one hundred eight, tree maintenance/hangers removed - ten.

We are recommending the following items for approval on the consent agenda:

Item E - Approves the agreement with Hancock Engineering.

Item G - Approves an agreement for a grant with Cook County.

Always remember our first responders, medical personnel, military personnel, active duty, veterans, and volunteers.

Community Development

Trustee Boston reported the following:

From the Community Development Committee, we are recommending the following items to appear on the consent agenda.

Item F - Approves the termination of the National Terminal TIF District.

Item I - Approves an agreement for reimbursement to the village for certain fees & costs.

Quality of Life

Trustee Holman reported the following: .

From the committee of Quality of Life, Bellwood Community Resource Center monthly activity for November 1-30, 2022, we had eighty-nine patrons. The Building Department reviewed two hundred fifty-nine applications in November and issued one hundred thirteen permits. We are recommending the following item on the consent agenda.

Item D - Approves the contract for the demolition of a structure located at 3403 Monroe Street.


Trustee Robinson reported the following:

Thanks to everyone that gave to the Village of Bellwood Neighborhood Watch Scholarship Foundation. This is not just the time we ask for donations; we collect donations year around. We are recommending the following items on the consent agenda.

Item C - Approves the meeting dates and times for 2023.

Item J - Approves the settlement of a lawsuit.

Public Safety

Trustee Delgado reported the following:

We are recommending the following items to appear on the consent agenda.

Item H - Approves the collective bargaining agreement with the firefighter's union.

Finance Committee

Trustee Nightengale reported the following:

I would like a motion to pay bills in the amount of $8,314,728.49 when funds become available.

Trustee Ciavattone moved, seconded by Trustee Holman to pay the bills when funds become available. The results of the roll call vote are as follows:

Ayes: 6 Trustees Ciavattone, Boston, Holman, Robinson, Delgado, and Nightengale

Nays: 0

Abstain: 0

Absent: 0

We are recommending the following items to appear on the consent agenda.

Item A - Approves the tax levy.

Item B - Approves the rebatement of bond payments that would otherwise be extended to the tax levy.

Ad Hoc Committees: Nothing to report.

Ordinance 22-34

A. An Ordinance Levying Taxes for the Corporate Purposes and Special Funds for the Fiscal Period Commencing on the First Day of January 2023 and Ending on the Thirty-First Day of December 2023 for the Village of Bellwood and the Bellwood Public Library, Illinois - 2022 Real Estate Tax Levy.

Ordinance 22-35

B. An Ordinance Abating Taxes Levied for Levy Year 2022, by Ordinance Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Bellwood, Cook County, Illinois, providing for the Issuance of General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2014, General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2015, General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2016B, and General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2021 of the Village of Bellwood and providing for the Levy and Collection of a Direct Annual Tax for the Payment of the Principal of and Interest on the Bonds.

Resolution 22-77

C. A Resolution Establishing Regular Board Meeting Dates and Times for Calendar Year 2023.

Resolution 22-78

D. A Resolution Approving and Authorizing the Execution of an Agreement by and between the Village of Bellwood and MCF Builders Incorporated.

Resolution 22-79

E. A Resolution Approving and Authorizing the Execution of an Agreement by and between the Village of Bellwood and Edwin Hancock Engineering Company.

Ordinance 22-36

F. An Ordinance providing for the Termination of the National Terminals Tax

Increment Redevelopment Project Area and the Dissolution of the Special Tax Allocation Fund for the National Terminals TIF District on December 31, 2021.

Resolution 22-80

G. A Resolution Approving and Authorizing the Execution of the Cook County Community Development Block Grant Subrecipient Agreement Program Year 2022.

Resolution 22-81

H. A Resolution Approving and Authorizing the Execution of a Collective Bargaining

Agreement between the Village of Bellwood and Bellwood Professional Firefighters Association, Local 4232, and International Association of Firefighters.

Resolution 22-82

I. A Resolution Approving and Authorizing the Execution of an Agreement by and between the Village of Bellwood and CORE Real Estate, LLC.

Resolution 22-83

J. A Resolution Approving and Authorizing the Execution of a Settlement Agreement and Release of Claims by and between the Village of Bellwood and Ana L. Segovia.

Mayor Harvey requested a motion to place the items on the Consent Agenda as presented. Trustee Boston moved, seconded by Trustee Holman.

The results of the roll call vote are as follows:

Ayes: 6 Trustees Ciavattone, Boston, Holman, Robinson, Delgado, and Nightengale

Nays: 0

Abstain: 0

Absent: 0

Mayor Harvey requested a motion to approve the Items on the Consent Agenda as presented. Trustee Delgado, seconded by Trustee Nightengale.

The results of the roll call vote are as follows:

Ayes: 6 Trustees Ciavattone, Boston, Holman, Robinson, Delgado, and Nightengale

Nays: 0

Abstain: 0

Absent: 0

Trustees Ciavattone, Boston, Holman, Robinson, Delgado, and Nightengale

Village Clerk's Report

The Village Clerk report was removed from the Board Meeting Agenda at the request of Mayor Harvey.

Mayor's Report

Mayor Harvey reported the following:

Thanks to those that donated to the Village of Bellwood Holiday Turkey Giveaway to over 300 families, which include about 250 seniors and some needy families.

Breakfast with Santa event last Saturday. We sold over 100 tickets, families in the community and some out of the community.

Our 2nd Annual Christmas in Proviso. We had over 100 families that attended. It started last year to supply needy families. Bellwood, Broadview, Maywood, Hillside, Melrose Park, Westchester, North Riverside. Senator Lightford, Commissioner Johnson, PLCCA, Speaker Welch all contributed and participated. Mike Corrigan from Proviso Township, Black Men United Org. all participated. Still has one more bike to give to a four year old girl that wants a bike and didn't get one. Thanks to the street and water department, you all did a wonderful job putting together and decorating Proviso West. Thanks to everybody.

Today, I went to visitation for a twenty-five year old committed suicide he has two kids. Former Proviso West Student in the military committed suicide about 23 years old. I got a disturbing call today from one of our seniors who stated they didn't want to live anymore. Usually around the holiday season we get depressed. Suicide and mental health is real, so check on your family.

New Business: None.

Unfinished Business:


Public Comment:

Mayor Harvey requested a motion to open the floor for Public Comment. Trustee Nightengale made a motion and Trustee Holman seconded to open the floor for public comment.

All Trustees were in favor to open the floor. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Harvey declared the floor for public comment open.

Roy Canada - Resident of Bellwood since 11.5.1977. I've seen a lot of good things happen and some not so good things. Mr. Walker your guys do a good job removing snow. When you push the snow and block my driveway, I have to re do it. Have a little courtesy and have your guys knock it back down. Detention Pond - Jophelia, I need to know from you and the mayor, when are we going to hear something about flood insurance? My flood insurance bill is coming up and it's tremendous. We built that pond on the condition we were going to get help.

Gas Bill, last month my bill was $165 this month is $295. You all need to talk to the officials and see what they can do. I got a little raise, but it's gone some place else. You're talking about people committing suicide, you can't help because you can't make ends meet now.

Leslie Williams Clark, 1121 Bohland Avenue - There's a few of us here today because we have sent the mayor 3 different letters hand delivered. Our next-door neighborhood is doing business on our street. They're taking all the parking spots by noon we can't park anywhere. We haven't heard any word from you mayor about what's going to be done. I came to the meeting last month, but it was canceled. I also did a report. The neighbor throws out lose terms. "I know the mayor. You guys have to deal with it and can't do anything about it." He deliberately parks in the other residents parking areas, on our bumpers. He has a total of nineteen cars, and we are fed up. This is going on year three and we need something to be done. We work hard and shouldn't have to walk three-four blocks to get to our house. Looking forward to feedback sometime soon. Right now, he has taken up eight parks and I have pictures in my phone.

Amy Crump from Bellwood Public Library - Thanks to the mayor and village for helping us with our renovation project. Amy Crump gave her monthly report for the Bellwood Public Library (see attached). Elaine Spencer on Bohland - I want to piggy back on what she was saying because no one has addressed it. Mayor, if it has been brought to your attention several times why hasn't anybody addressed it? The neighbor told me that you all can't do anything about his parking and if you all can't do anything about it then take away your restrictions because you can't have both.

I came to your office Harvey two months ago and left you a message. I was trying to reach out to you regarding the streets. There are some streets that have been done and a lot that haven't. The most important one is Harrison. I know you all see it falling apart and the holes in the street. I'm wondering if you all are waiting for a real bad accident to occur before you address it. The holes in the street when you come around that corner off 25th are getting bigger and bigger. You're jeopardizing the life of the people that live here. We need these to be addressed in a timely manner. I addressed you about the car situation a year and half ago and you said you got it. I don't have a dog in this fight because I don't have a car. You guys are waiting until something happens, like you said mention mental pressure. When do you plan on addressing this. You've been getting back to us for two years. I told you before I have expectations for this time. This is one of the best towns to live in. I've been here thirty years and I'm not seeing what I need to see.

A trustee made a comment about $8 million, does the people get to know what you're spending this money on, because it's my tax money? What is it for? Do the residents have a say so?

Madeline MaGee - I want to address the bond issue. I want clarity on it. You said there's so much money that we're spending but Norfleet said we're not spending 11 million dollars for the bonds, we were refinancing not the principal but interest. My question is at the end of the time period, do the village of Bellwood have to pay the total principal amount? When will the principal get paid?

Mayor Harvey asked for a motion to close the floor for Public Comment. Trustee Ciavattone made a motion and Trustee Holman seconded to close the floor for public comment.

All Trustees were in favor to close the floor. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Harvey declared the floor for public comment closed.

Mayor Harvey addressed some of the question that were asked during public comment after the floor was closed.

Bonds - We just had a tax levy meeting before this meeting, and you could've come and asked all your questions. Every year the village, library and the school board have to make a levy. Our levy is $16,164,100. We request it from cook county because they're the ones that collect taxes. They collect and issue us that amount. We have not raised taxes within the last ten years.

If you borrow money from anywhere you have to pay the money back. The money was borrowed before I sat in this seat. We have and agreement to pay the bonds interest and principal. Just like your home loan. The 8 million dollars - Goes for everything in the budget. You can get a copy of the budget and see what every dollar goes for in Bellwood. You have the right to look at those things and hear what monies are being spent.

Car situation on Bohland – We've sent the police out to write citations on any vehicles that are not registered in the village of Bellwood and doesn't have stickers. Our building department will address the business if they don't have a business license. If they have a business license, which all home base businesses are supposed to, we can't touch that. If the cars are not registered and don't have stickers, we will cite them. I spoke with a person once or twice and they were looking for a place to put their cars. This is not a Q & A, if you want to have a meeting we can have that meeting after this meeting.

Snow Removal - If your driveway has snow call the street department. When they're free from cleaning the streets they will make every effort to come back and free you up. When they're plowing, they can't stop because they have to push snow. We have to get the main arteries open, then the secondaries, then when all those drivers are free, they can come back and help with the driveway.

Detention Pond – I've addressed this before. The village of Bellwood does not own nor paying for the detention pond. Water reclamation district purchased that land and did over $126 million project. Once they complete the project the Army Corp engineers have to come back and reevaluate the flood map. They're the only ones that can draw the flood map. If they decide to come in 1, 10, 12 months, we have nothing to do with that. We've aske the president of the water reclamation to come out and explain it to our residents, they have not come out yet.

Gas & Electric Bills - We've had ComEd and Nicor come to our Neighborhood Watch meetings and explain those things. They are their own entity. We don't have anything to do with them.


Mayor Harvey requested a motion to adjourn the Board meeting. Trustee Delgado moved, seconded by Trustee Boston to adjourn the meeting. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Harvey declared the meeting adjourned, with no further business to come before this Board, this meeting stands adjourned at 6:36p.m. If anyone want to come and meet with me, we can meet right now.




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