
West Cook News

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Northlake City Council met Nov. 14

City of Northlake City Council met Nov. 14.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

PRESENT: Aldermen Straube, Feldmann, Contreras, Johnson, Urbina, Grochowski And Patti

ABSENT: Alderman Garcia

OTHERS PRESENT: Jeffrey T. Sherwin, Mayor

Nancy Pauletto, City Clerk

Carol Lampard, Finance Director

Ken Beres, Chief Of Police

Tony Faciano, Superintendent Public Works

The council reviewed the proposed 2023 budget. Mayor Sherwin noted we are in good financial shape. We are anticipating an aggressive 2023 infrastructure program including work on the pumping station and the reconstruction of Railroad Avenue. This will be accomplished with the help of several grants the city has received. Also, there are funds in reserve.

For the 5th year in row there is no increase in the aggregate property tax levy.

Chief Beres stated the police budget was in line for last year almost to the dollar. In 2023 they will need to purchase 3 new squad cars and they will be adding a third code enforcement officer. There will be a substantial communication equipment upgrade, which was approved at the last city council meeting.

Tony Faciano noted that because of inflation, many product prices were up last year. He has adjusted the 2023 budget to prepare for this next year. The department is currently well-staffed. Most expenditures will be for maintenance; nothing needs replacing as of now. Water main break numbers are down throughout the city.

The new garbage pickup/recycling supplier has proved worth the change, as the budget is now lower in that area. The budgeted amount for repairs to the Rec Center has been raised as a precautionary measure. The budgeted amount for the elevator in the City Center remains the same as that has not occurred yet.

The Creekside Apartments budget allows for lock replacement on all units and concrete work that needs to be done. The city received a $500,000 grant to stabilize the creek bed.

All of the city commission budgets are holding steady, however, the city will advertise for additional members.

Alderman Straube made a motion to adjourn; seconded by Alderman Patti. Mayor Sherwin called for a voice vote. All were in favor. The motion carried.

