Bellwood School District 88 All Committee Board met Sept. 22.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
1. Call to Order by Board
2. Roll Call
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Audience Participation
5. Presentation
5.1 Mr. Brad Minniefield - Little Free Library
6. Action Item
6.1 FY2022-23 Budget
7. Dr. Hansen - Superintendent's Updates
8. Ms. Mitchell - Innovation & Assessment Updates
9. Mrs. Rusike - Personnel/HR Updates
10. Dr. Hamlin/Mrs. Stamps - Curriculum Updates
11. Ms. Banks - Special Education/Student Services Updates
12. Mr. Daniels - Technology Updates
13. Ms. Baptist - Finance Updates
14. Ms. Blackwell - State & Federal Grant Updates
15. Mr. Stafford - Buildings & Grounds Updates
16. Mr. Stafford - Transportation Updates
17. Fundraisers
18. Facility Usage
19. Closed Session
20. Reconvene to Open Session
21. New Business
21.1 Update
22. Unfinished Business
23. Adjournment