Bellwood School District 88 Board of Education All Committee Board Met March 29.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
1. Call to Order by Board
2. Roll Call
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Audience Participation
5. Superintendent's Updates
6. Ms. Larson - Special Education Updates
7. Mrs. Rusike - HR/Personnel Updates
7.1 Update
8. Ms. Mitchell - Assessments & Innovation Updates
9. Ms. Baptist - Finance Updates
9.1 Updates
10. Dr. Hansen - Curriculum Updates
10.1 Updates
11. Mr. Daniels - Technology Updates
12. Mr. Stafford - Transportation Updates
12.1 Updates
13. Mr. Burdi Updates
14. Closed Session
14.1 Personnel
15. Reconvene To Open Session
16. Action Item
16.1 Adopt Board Policies
17. Unfinished Business
18. New Business
19. Adjournment