
West Cook News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Proviso Township High Schools District 209 Board of Education Met July 14

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Proviso Township High Schools District 209 Board of Education met July 14.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

PRESENT –   Board Members:

Mr. Rodney Alexander

Ms. Amanda Grant

Mrs. Theresa L. Kelly (via Microsoft Teams)

Mr. Ned Wagner

Mrs. Claudia Medina (arrived during closed session)

Ms. Arbdella “Della” Patterson (arrived during closed session)

ABSENT -      Board Members

Mr. Samuel Valtierrez

PRESENT –   Administration:

Mr. Dan Johnson, Interim Superintendent

Dr. Nicole Howard, Assistant Superintendent of Academics & Family Services

Mr. Paul Starck-King, Assistant Superintendent of Finance and Operations

Dr. Bessie Karvelas, Interim Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources, Safety & Athletics and Chief Innovation Officer

Mr. William Breisch, Principal, Proviso Math & Science Academy

Mr. Joe Kosina, Interim Principal, Proviso West High School

Dr. Patrick Hardy, Principal, Proviso East High School Legal:

Mr. William Gleason, Attorney, Hauser Izzo, LLC

Superintendent’s Office:

Mrs. Karen O’Shea, Secretary to the Superintendent


It was moved by Ms. Grant and seconded by Mr. Wagner, that the Board of Education of the Proviso Township High Schools District 209 retire to executive session at approximately 5:43 PM for the purpose of discussing items as listed on the agenda.

 The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees, specific individuals who serve as independent contractors in a park, recreational, or educational setting, or specific volunteers of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee, a specific individual who serves as an independent contractor in a park, recreational, or educational setting, or a volunteer of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1).

 Collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees 5 ILCS 1

 Litigation, when an action against, affecting or on behalf of the particular public body has been filled and is pending before a court or administrative tribunal, or when the public body finds that an action is probable or imminent, in which case the basis for the finding shall be recorded and entered into the minutes of the closed meeting. 5 ILCS 120/2(c) (11).

Upon roll call, the following members voted:

4 Ayes: Mr. Alexander, Ms. Grant, Mrs. Kelly, Mr. Wagner

0 Nays: None

0 Abstain: None

3 Absent: Mrs. Medina, Ms. Patterson, Mr. Valtierrez



It was moved by Mr. Wagner, seconded by Ms. Grant, that the Board of Education of Proviso Township High Schools District 209 reconvene the Regular Meeting at approximately 7:43 PM.

Upon roll call, the following members voted:

6 Ayes: Mr. Alexander, Ms. Grant, Mrs. Kelly, Mrs. Medina,

Ms. Patterson, Mr. Wagner

0 Nays: None

0 Abstain: None

1 Absent: Mr. Valtierrez



Mr. Alexander asked for those present to stand for a moment of silence.


Mr. Alexander led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance.


Ms. Grant read the D209 Vision Statement into the record.


Ms. Grant read the following citizen comments into the record:

 Marsha Watson commented on support staff union concerns and hiring practices.


Mr. Alexander thanked the community and his thoughts and prayers are with the community at this time during the pandemic. He further thanked the Board member and the administration for not missing a beat in the transition of the superintendent. Mr. Alexander also stated that the Board is focused on the safety and wellness of the students and staff of Proviso Township High Schools District 209. He further stated this is a monumental time it will be essential to help build relationships with the students and staff while continuing to focus on the social emotional needs of the students.


Mr. Alexander announced there would be a brief 30-minute recess due to technical difficulties.


The regular meeting of the Board of Education reconvened at 8:23PM.


Mr. Johnson introduced Dr. Howard to present the school opening plan. Dr. Howard began by stating that the team worked with key stakeholders to develop the plan. She stated the team carefully examined all guidelines from ISBE. She then reviewed the use of PPE during the school day and the social distancing guidelines and how they will be implemented. Dr. Howard stated all schools were being divided into Group A and Group B, however the team had not determined how Group A and Group B would be formed yet. She next reviewed the screening process for the Board. She stated that staff was currently using a basic screener for symptoms, and security was performing temperature checks via touchless thermometer. She stated the District was reviewing screening apps that are available for schools and security would be performing temperature checks via touchless thermometers. She stated any student or staff member with a temperature of 100.4 or higher would be sent to the quarantine room. Mr. Johnson answered questions from the Board regarding the reasoning for 100.4 temperature level. Dr. Howard stated that all students would be discouraged from bringing non-essential items to school every day. Dr. Howard reviewed the advanced school wide cleaning that would be performed and stated that every building would be deep cleaned on Wednesdays.

Dr. Howard next answered questions from the Board regarding they type of instruction students would be receiving versus the instruction received during remote learning.

She stated with the proposed plan the students will be receiving both remote and in person learning that will be synchronized to what is being taught in the classrooms via promethean boards in every classroom. She further stated that students and families could elect to receive all remote learning through an online application. She next reviewed the staggered start for students. She stated that Freshmen would start in school on Monday, August 17 and become acclimated to the buildings and protocols. She stated this would allow teachers to assess if there was learning loss over the summer. Dr. Howard then stated that the sophomores would be in the schools the week of August 24 to and the juniors and seniors would be in the buildings the week of August 31 to review the protocols and safety measures and become acclimated to the new restrictions in each building. Dr. Howard stated that each class is 75 minutes long, and the remote learning will give teachers more opportunity to support the students.

Dr. Howard next answered questions from the Board regarding how the schedules were developed. Dr. Howard stated that the blended learning plan will assist students in the transition back to onsite learning. She reviewed the plan so that the accommodations regarding IEP students and EL students are received. She stated that students will still be receiving lunch and any student attending remotely can still pick up a lunch from the buildings. She reviewed the plan to hold two training sessions for parents live streamed. She answered questions from the Board regarding the movement between classes for all students and bathroom policies. Mr. Johnson answered questions from the Board regarding who goes to the quarantine room, how long they will be held in the room and where the room is in the building. Mr. Johnson stated this will provide better instructional opportunities for our students. He answered questions from the board regarding consideration for teachers with pre-existing conditions and that the team is working through the best scenarios for students and staff and developing criteria for a variety of situations. Dr. Howard and Mr. Johnson answered questions regarding staff concerns and if the District needs a higher level of personnel protective equipment for students and staff. Mr. Johnson stated that the district is continuing to follow the existing guidelines to ensure the health and safety for all students and staff. Mr. Johnson answered questions regarding exposure guidelines and close contact. He also explained the quarantine procedure if a student is diagnosed. Mr. Johnson stated that he is impressed with the planning and the work being done by the teams. He also pointed out the items on the consent agenda that will help with the remote and blended learning plan.

Mr. Johnson stated that the facility master plan update would be next on the agenda. Mr. Dolter provided the board with an update on the auto shop and the bids that have been received. He stated the schedule remains the same for the project, the bids in early June and construction will begin in the fall. He then reviewed the Proviso East stadium project and the benefits of the improvements. Mr. Dolter reviewed the design of the stadium, ticket booth, locker rooms. He answered questions from the Board regarding the visitor area, and track practice areas. Mr. Dolter stated that the design developments drawings have been released to Gilbane for pricing.

Mr. Slattery from Gilbane commented on the status of the ongoing construction projects. He stated the HVAC is installed and the inspection has been completed. He reviewed the flooring process and the rooms for the culinary lab. He also reviewed the storm trap location at Proviso East. Mr. Slattery reviewed the change order tracking how the costs are calculated. Mr. Slattery answered questions on how many women and minority owned business participation. There was a discussion regarding the community outreach to students and the promise of community job availability. Mr. Slattery was directed by the Board to do better and continue to push for the minority and women owned business and the community jobs that were promised during the initial hiring of Gilbane. Mr. Dolter explained the delay on the PMSA parking lot was due to the Metropolitan Water Reclamation Department permit process. After the village for forest park reviewed the project there were additional comments regarding the plan for the parking lot. Mr. Dolter stated that Perkins+Will has requested an expedited review of the permit and there is anticipated review by July 27. Mr. Aaron Burger from Erickson Engineering stated that due to the MWRD ordinance being nonspecific, it resulted in delays in the project, he further states the East MWRD permit was twice as fast due to a different reviewer. He stated Erickson has now proceeded with an aggressive approach for the MWRD design, the project has not received approval yet. Mr. Dolter stated that due to the delays it was uncertain if the parking lot project would proceed this summer, however Perkins+Will was working closely with Mr. Breisch reviewing potential options, such as completing the parking lot in phases. Mr. Slattery reviewed the next steps for the auto shop project and the parking lot. Mr. Alexander stated that if there are any significant changes or delays to please ensure the Board is aware of the issue through the superintendent’s office. He also stated that the engineer needs to attend the committee meetings to ensure that the Board members can ask their questions in committee.

Dr. Howard presented information on the District Equity study. She stated that the study presented findings in six areas: Student/school characteristics, access to high quality programing and high-quality educators, distribution of funding resources, disciplinary procedures and distribution, student achievement and school culture and climate. She stated the study showed we had four areas of needed growth. She reviewed the four starting points for the initial equity work would be: promoting an inclusive climate the fosters positive relationships and treats student diversity as an asset, improving restorative disciplinary practices, increasing access to high quality, culturally relevant curriculum including the study of African-American History, increasing student voice, leadership and engagement in decision making. She stated the advisory council that was to be established in the SASI Committee will begin the work of the inclusiveness campaign. Dr. Howard answered questions regarding the how students will be able to participate in the advisory council and have the ability to contact board members with concerns.

Mr. Johnson congratulated the Board of Education and Ms. Moreno and Dr. Rodriguez for receiving two NSPA Golden Achievement Awards. One was for the One Team One Goal One Proviso Community Outreach movement and the other was for the District Back to School Bash. He also recognized Mrs. Schmitt and the Proviso East Special Education department for receiving national coverage for their extended school year program.


Ms. Grant read the FOIA report into the record.


It was moved by Mr. Wagner, seconded by Ms. Grant that the Board of Education of Proviso Township High Schools District 209 accepts the Superintendent’s recommendation to approve the consent agenda as presented.

During discussion, Ms. Patterson stated that on the Board Member and Staff Community Engagement Expenses it states approval for expenses of up to $80 per Board Member listed, however she paid for her own expense.

 SY21 School Opening Update

 Classroom Technology to Support Remote Learning

 Bill List

 Proviso West Furniture for the Manufacturing Lab

 Disposal of Assets - Student Desks

 Proviso East Furniture

 Proviso East Waste Line Repair

 MasteryConnect Assessment Management System

 IXL Progress Monitoring Assessment and Skill-Building Program

 Schoology Contract

 Solution Tree

 Policy Manual Updates

 Donations to the District

 Board Member and Staff Community Engagement Expenses

 Auto Shop Bid

 2020 – 2021 Student Code of Conduct

 IHSA Phase 4 Return to Play

 Athletic Trainer Contract Approval - Athletico

 Approval of PTAB Stipulation of Assessment

 Minutes- May 24, 2020 Board of Education Special Meeting

 Minutes- June 11, 2020 Board of Education Special Meeting

 Minutes- June 16, 2020 Board of Education Regular Meeting

 Compensation for Administrators and Special Payroll Employees

 Personnel Report and Addendum – Administration - Employment

 Personnel Report and Addendum – Administration – Resignations - Retirement

 Personnel Report and Addendum – Certified - Employment

 Personnel Report and Addendum – Certified – Resignation - Retirement

 Personnel Report and Addendum – Non-Certified Staff – Transfers

 Personnel Report and Addendum – Other Employment – Proviso East

 Personnel Report and Addendum – Other Employment – Summer School 2020

 Personnel Report and Addendum – Approved Leave

Upon roll call, the following members voted:

6 Ayes: Mr. Alexander, Ms. Grant, Mrs. Kelly, Mrs. Medina, Ms. Patterson, Mr. Wagner

0 Nays: None

0 Abstain: None

1 Absent: Mr. Valtierrez



Ms. Grant stated the Finance and Facilities Committee Meeting is on July 27 at PMSA. Mrs. Kelly requested that the Pirate should be placed on the Proviso East Crest

There was a discussion among the Board regarding policing in the district with regard to the uniformed officers in the schools.


It was moved by Mr. Wagner and seconded by Ms. Grant, that the Board of Education of the Proviso Township High Schools District 209 retire to executive session at approximately 10:41 PM for the purpose of discussing items as listed on the agenda.

 The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees, specific individuals who serve as independent contractors in a park, recreational, or educational setting, or specific volunteers of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee, a specific individual who serves as an independent contractor in a park, recreational, or educational setting, or a volunteer of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1).

 Collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees 5 ILCS 1

 Litigation, when an action against, affecting or on behalf of the particular public body has been filled and is pending before a court or administrative tribunal, or when the public body finds that an action is probable or imminent, in which case the basis for the finding shall be recorded and entered into the minutes of the closed meeting. 5 ILCS 120/2(c) (11).

Upon roll call, the following members voted:

6 Ayes: Mr. Alexander, Ms. Grant, Mrs. Kelly, Mrs. Medina, Ms. Patterson, Mr. Wagner

0 Nays: None

0 Abstain: None

1 Absent: Mr. Valtierrez



It was moved by Mr. Wagner, seconded by Ms. Grant, that the Board of Education of Proviso Township High Schools District 209 reconvene the Regular Meeting at approximately 12:30 AM.

Upon roll call, the following members voted:

6 Ayes: Mr. Alexander, Ms. Grant, Mrs. Kelly, Mrs. Medina, Ms. Patterson, Mr. Wagner

0 Nays: None

0 Abstain: None

1 Absent: Mr. Valtierrez



It was moved by Mr. Wagner, seconded by Ms. Grant, that the Board of Education of Proviso Township High Schools District 209 be adjourned at approximately 12:32 AM.

Upon roll call, the following members voted:

6 Ayes: Mr. Alexander, Ms. Grant, Mrs. Kelly, Mrs. Medina, Ms. Patterson, Mr. Wagner

0 Nays: None

0 Abstain: None

1 Absent: Mr. Valtierrez


Adjourned 12:32 AM.
