
West Cook News

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Analysis: Melrose Park pays $6.60 for every $1 pensioners contribute to Melrose Park Police Pension Fund

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Taxpayers contributed 86.8 percent of the $4,826,613 the Melrose Park Police Pension Fund brought in 2018, or $6.60 for every $1 from pension members, according to a West Cook News analysis of the latest data reported to the Illinois Department of Insurance Pension Division.

In all, Melrose Park contributed $4,190,868 to the fund, which saw a $1,171,297 increase in revenue over 2017. Members contributed $634,799, or 13.2 percent, in 2018. Another $946 came from other unspecified sources.

Melrose Park Police Pension Fund revenue over 5 years
20142015201620172018Change 2014-2018
Pension members$756,019$606,618$616,461$962,677$634,799-16%
Other Revenue$1,353-$774$10,855$8,948$946-30.1%