
West Cook News

Monday, March 10, 2025

Kimberly Clark earns $94,000 at Illinois Department of Natural Resources in 2019

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Kimberly Clark earned $94,000 during 2019 working for the Illinois Department of Natural Resources as an executive, according to data provided by the Illinois Comptroller Office.

The average salary as an executive was $85,448 in 2019.

Top 100 highest paid executives in Illinois listed below
RankEmployee2019 amount earned
1Patricia Brown$152,700
2Quinlyn Whitaker$152,500
3Ronald Delay$150,500
4Tanya Jones$146,000
5Phyllis Saad$142,200
6Larry Austin$138,600
7Nancy Ferguson$137,300
8Byron Curry$136,500
9Karen Ogden$136,400
10Stacey Burke$135,100
11Tara Alexander$134,600
12Kevin Behl$134,000
13Janatha Thrasher$133,400
14Kimberly Pappas$131,900
15Todd Robertson$131,400
16Tamara Roberts$129,200
17Sean Hannah$128,700
18Anthony Cooper$128,500
18Dara Matson$128,500
20Randal Wilson$127,800
21Debra Fortman$126,500
22Taunia Fair$126,300
23Scott Riech$125,200
24Joseph Gordon$124,300
25Ryan Woodward$124,000
26Joseph Petrosky$123,500
27John Hamrock$123,300
28Michelle Defrates$122,900
28Sabrina Manci$122,900
30Justin Weigler$122,700
31Maria Gallardo$122,500
31Daphne Hayes$122,500
33Mary Ross$122,400
34Lisa Spradlin$122,000
35Charles Cox$121,700
36Susan Scully$121,600
37Benaye Foster$120,300
38Mario Jimenez$119,800
39Delores Shelton$119,700
40Ramona Whitlock$119,600
41Diniah Jefferson$119,200
42Marla Carter$119,100
43Kimberly Navarro$118,600
43Tommy Saunders$118,600
45Marilyn Rosenthal$118,500
46Jennifer Morrell$118,300
47Melissa Robbins$118,200
48Fintan Fassero$118,100
48Lila Robinson$118,100
50Gregory Armstrong$117,900
51Steven Aherin$117,800
52Stacy Burton$117,700
52Angela Caudill$117,700
54Melissa Bilyeu$117,600
55Sharie Ryan$117,500
56Amy Madigan-Brown$117,400
57Tahney Fletcher$117,200
58Jean Cannon$117,000
59Dawn Stewart-Lipscomb$116,900
60Samantha Morgan$116,600
61Paula Conrady$116,500
62Craig Burge$116,400
63Sarah Johnson$116,200
63Deana Madonia$116,200
65Shirley Bryant$116,000
66Andreas Walker$115,800
67Carolyn Eilering$115,500
68Charles Oseland$115,400
69Patricia Wesley$115,300
70Robert Huck$115,200
70Diane Smith$115,200
72Brenda Sigler$114,900
73Nicole Bergee$114,600
73William Minder$114,600
75Thomas Brenner$114,500
75Anthony Weyant$114,500
77Shannon Tribble$114,400
77Travis Wentworth$114,400
77Elizabeth Wilding$114,400
80Edith Wood$114,300
81Rebecca Patton$114,200
82Cherri Price$114,100
83Dawn Scroggins$113,800
84Audrey Collins-Curry$113,700
85Angela McClelland$113,600
86Cynthia Sims$113,500
87Mary Belke$113,400
88Martin Fruchtl$113,300
88Danette Mohr$113,300
90John Estergard$113,100
90Brandy Hayes$113,100
90Elizabeth Rolando$113,100
93Minatu Onasanya$113,000
94Brian Brewer$112,800
94Francis Morkeh$112,800
96Christopher Stalets$112,400
97Sasitharan Nair$112,300
98Barbara Johnson$111,900
98Christopher Miles$111,900
100Paula Bartz$111,800