City of Berwyn Committee of the Whole met June 25.
Here is the agenda as provided by the committee:
6:00 PM OPEN:
1. CDBG 2019 Action Plan-by CDBG Director, Regina Mendicino.
2. Inducement resolution - Ridgeland TIF by BDC Director, Dave Hulseberg.
3. Inducement resolution - Harlem TIF extension along Cermak to Lombard Road- by BDC Director, Dave Hulseberg.
4. Cannabis Discussion - change to zoning code- by BDC Director, Dave Hulseberg.
5. Sale of real property - 6710 Cermak- by BDC Director, Dave Hulseberg.
6. Community survey - informational- by BDC Director, Dave Hulseberg.
Closed to Follow
Contract Negotiations:
Real Estate:
Pending Litigation:
Land Acquisition:
Review ofClosed Minutes: