
West Cook News

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Village of Westchester Village President and Board of Trustees met November 14.

Webp hall

Village of Westchester Village President and Board of Trustees met November 14.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Call To Order:

President Gattuso Called the Meeting to Order at 7:00p.m.

Pledge Of Allegiance:

President led all in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call:

Present: President Paul Gattuso, Trustees Angelo Calcagno, Carl Celestino, Sherby Miller, Frank Perry, Tom Yurkovich Also Present: Village Clerk Stan Kolodziej, Attorney Mike Durkin, Police Chief Steven Stelter, Fire Chief Jim Adams, Consultant Jay Dalicandro, I.T. Manager Greg Hribal, Public Works Director Robert Lewis, Community Development Director Melissa Headley

Absent: Trustee Nick Steker



Public Comments And Questions:


Consent agenda:

A. Approval of the Record of Bills ending 11-14-2017 in the amount not to exceed $1,020,427.58

B. Approval of Minutes

l. Minutes of the October 24, 2017 Village Board Meeting

II. Minutes of the October 24, 2017 Committee of the Whole Meeting

President Gattuso asked for a Motion to Approve the Consent Agenda

Motion made by Trustee Perry, Seconded by Trustee Miller

Village Clerk Kolodziej Called the Roll

Trustee Calcagno Aye Trustee Perry Aye

Trustee Celestino Aye Trustee Steker Absent

Trustee Miller Aye Trustee Yurkovich Aye

President Gattuso Aye

President Gattuso Declared the Motion Carried

Active Agenda

A. A resolution Designating Freedom of Information Act Officers for the Village of Westchester. Appointees are Frank Esposito and Andrea Harty. This Resolution also removes Jessica Spencer as FOIA Officer.

President Gattuso asked for a Motion to Approve the Resolution

Attorney Durkin indicated the COW Requirements needed to be waived.

Motion made by Trustee Perry, Seconded by Trustee Miller to Waive the COW Requirements

Village Clerk Kolodziej Called the Roll

Trustee Calcagno Aye Trustee Perry Aye

Trustee Celestino Aye Trustee Steker Absent

Trustee Miller Aye Trustee Yurkovich Aye

President Gattuso Aye

President Gattuso Declared the Motion Carried

President Gattuso asked for a Motion to Approve the Resolution

Motion made by Trustee Celestino, Seconded by Trustee Miller

Village Clerk Kolodziej Called the Roll

Trustee Calcagno Aye Trustee Perry Ay

Trustee Celestino Aye Trustee Steker Absent

Trustee Miller Aye Trustee Yurkovich Ауе

President Gattuso Aye

President Gattuso Declared the Motion Carried

B. A Resolution Designating Open Meetings Act Compliance Officers for the Village of Westchester. Appointees are Frank Esposito and Andrea Harty. This Resolution also removes Jessica Spencer as Compliance Officer.

Attorney Durkin indicated this Resolution also needed the COW Requirements waived.

President Gattuso asked for a motion to waive the COW Requirements

Motion made by Trustee Yurkovich, Seconded by Trustee Calcagno

Village Clerk Kolodziej Called the Roll

Trustee Calcagno Aye Trustee Perry Aye

Trustee Celestino Aye Trustee Steker Absent

Trustee Miller Aye Trustee Yurkovich Aye

President Gattuso Aye

President Gattuso Declared the Motion Carried

President Gattuso asked for a Motion to Approve the Resolution

Motion made by Trustee Calcagno, Seconded by Trustee Celestino

Motion Passed by Acclamation 6-0

Manager's Report:

Mr. Dalicandro reported that Budget Reports were forthcoming. He is attempting to make these reports as accurate as possible.

Mr. Dalicandro suggested that the December Board/COW Meeting be rescheduled from December 19 to December 12. After some discussion the Board approved the December 12th date for the December meeting. Mr. Dalicandro also gave the Board a Schedule of Meetings for 2018. Attorney Durkin asked Mr. Dalicandro to include this Schedule on the next Board Meeting Agenda.

Mr. Dalicandro then acknowledged Fire Chief Adams on achieving an ISO Rating from a 3 to a 2. This is an upgrade and a compliment to Chief Adams and his entire Fire Department.

Board Members Reports And New Business:

Trustee Celestino reported that the Document Shredding event held the previous Saturday was a success. In conjunction with the Shredding Event was Food Collection for the Food Pantry and the Grass Roots Garden Club sold bags of Tulip Bulbs for $5.00 per bag and the proceeds were donated to the Food Pantry.

Executive Session:

(5ILCS 120/2(C)(2)) - To discuss collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees.

President Gattuso asked for a Motion to Adjourn the Board Meeting to Executive Session after the COW Meeting.

Motion made by Trustee Yurkovich, Seconded by Trustee Calcagno

Village Clerk Kolodziej Called the Roll

Trustee Calcagno Aye Trustee Perry Aye

Trustee Celestino Aye Trustee Steker Absent

Trustee Miller Aye Trustee Yurkovich Aye

President Gattuso Aye

President Gattuso Declared the Motion Carried

President Gattuso asked for a Motion to Adjourn the Board Meeting

Motion made by Trustee Yurkovich, Seconded by Trustee Perry

Motion Passed by Acclamation 6-0
