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Village of Stickney Board of Trustees met December 5.

Webp meeting 11

Village of Stickney Board of Trustees met December 5.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

The Board of Trustees of the Village of Stickney met in regular session on Tuesday, December 5, 2017, at 7:03 p.m. in the Stickney Village Hall, 6533 W. Pershing Road, Stickney, Illinois.

Upon the roll call, the following Trustees were present:

Trustees Kapolnek, Milenkovic, Savopoulos, Torres and White

Absent: Trustee Hrejsa

Trustee Milenkovic moved, duly seconded by Trustee Savopoulos to approve the minutes of the previous Regular Session held on November 21, 2017.

Upon the roll call, the following Trustees voted:

Ayes: Trustee Kapolnek, Milenkovic, Savopoulos, Torres and White

Absent: Trustee Hrejsa

Nays: None

Mayor Walik declared the motion carried.

Trustee White moved, duly seconded by Trustee Kapolnek that the bills, approved by the various committees of the Board, be approved for payment, and to approve warrants which authorize the Village Treasurer to draw checks to pay the bills, to be signed by the authorized signers, as provided for by the Ordinances of the Village of Stickney.

Upon the roll call, the following Trustees voted:

Ayes: Trustee Kapolnek, Milenkovic, Savopoulos, Torres and White

Absent: Trustee Hrejsa

Nays: None

Mayor Walik declared the motion carried.

Prior to the vote, Treasurer Paul Nosek provided a summary indicating the source of funds used to pay the bills and the totals to be approved.

Corporate Fund: $65,059.42

Motor Fuel Tax Fund: $0

Badge: $0

Water Fund: $5,908.56

Police Pension Fund: $0 911

Account: $0 1505

Account: $0

Family Day: $0

Police Revenue Sharing $0

Capital Projects Fund: $17,287.69

Bond & Interest Fund: $159,146.25

Subtotal: $247,401.92

General Fund Payroll: $142,948.77

Water Fund Payroll: $11,771.20

Subtotal: $154,719.97

Total to be approved by Village Trustees: $402,121.89

Trustee White moved, duly seconded by Trustee Savopoulos to Pass and Approve Ordinance 2017-27, “The 2017 Tax Levy Ordinance for the Fiscal Year, beginning May 1, 2017 and ending April 30, 2018”

Upon the roll call, the following Trustees voted:

Ayes: Trustee Kapolnek, Milenkovic, Savopoulos, Torres and White

Absent: Trustee Hrejsa

Nays: None

Mayor Walik declared the motion carried.

Prior to the vote Treasurer Paul Nosek explained, “We are not raising the taxes at all this year. Any increases that are needed we are absorbing through the collections of other funds and/or reductions in expenditures. The tax levy is staying the same dollar amount this year.”

Trustee Kapolnek moved, duly seconded by Trustee Torres to Pass and Approve Ordinance 2017-28, “An Ordinance Authorizing and Approving the Purchase of a Breathalyzer Machine for the Village of Stickney.”

Upon the roll call, the following Trustees voted:

Ayes: Trustee Kapolnek, Milenkovic, Savopoulos, Torres and White

Absent: Trustee Hrejsa

Nays: None

Mayor Walik declared the motion carried.

Mayor Walik explained that ours expires on December 31. It is a need. Nobody helps us with this, the State or the County.

Trustee White moved, duly seconded by Trustee Savopoulos to Pass and Approve Ordinance 2017-29, “An Ordinance Authorizing and Approving the Purchase of Certain Software for the Village of Stickney”

Upon the roll call, the following Trustees voted:

Ayes: Trustee Kapolnek, Milenkovic, Savopoulos, Torres and White

Absent: Trustee Hrejsa

Nays: None

Mayor Walik declared the motion carried.

Prior to the vote, Treasurer Paul Nosek explained, “This is accounting and payroll software for the Village. We did go out back in June when I first got here. I received some other information and bids. The first one was $61,640. The other one was for $130,000. We are going to spend $13,000. We will get the same effect with the software we are going to get. For the record, we did not go through a formal bid process. But, we did seek out other bids and quotes from other venders.” Trustee White mentioned, “We budgeted considerably more for this software.” Treasurer Nosek confirmed, “We budgeted $25,000 for this software. The savings that we will see will allow us to purchase the Breathalyzer Machine and additional computer equipment for the police department.” Trustee Milenkovic asked about our current accounting program. We were told by Treasurer Nosek, “It is out of date. It doesn’t operate on the server platform. It is very outdated.”

Trustee Savopoulos moved, duly seconded by Trustee Kaolnek to approve Resolution 21-2017, “A Resolution Approving a Certain Proposal from Lyons & Pinner Electric Company for Certain Emergency Repairs for the Village of Stickney”

Upon the roll call, the following Trustees voted:

Ayes: Trustees Kapolnek, Milenkovic, Savopoulos, Torres and White

Absent: Trustee Hrejsa

Nays: None

Mayor Walik declared the motion carried.

Prior to the vote Public Works Supervisor Joe Lopez explained that this emergency resolution has to do with our water electrical system that runs underground from our pump station to our generator. It seems that water is coming in from the pipe. He is afraid it will short out. The effect could be that no water could be pumped.

Trustee Kapolnek moved, duly seconded by Trustee Torres to Grant Permission to the Girl Scouts of Greater Chicago and Northwest Indiana to Conduct their Cookie Program with Door-to-Door Sales January 1-21, 2018 and product Delivery in February, 2018. Request also includes Cookie Booths”

Upon the roll call, the following Trustees voted:

Ayes: Trustees Kapolnek, Milenkovic, Savopoulos, Torres and White

Absent: Trustee Hrejsa

Nays: None

Mayor Walik declared the motion carried.

Mayor’s Report: Mayor Walik thanked Public Works for their hard work decorating the Village with lights. The garbage and yard waste has been heavy for the last few weeks. The leaf program will continue this week. Tree trimming is going on. There were thirty on their list. A couple of bad trees had to be taken down. He thanked Bluders Tree Service for doing a good job.

Clerk’s Report: The clerk provided information on a public IDOT meeting to be held on December 6. The issue will be an update I-55 Managed Lanes Project.

The Clerk also introduced the 2018 Regular Board Meeting Schedule for a vote.

Trustee Milenkovic moved, duly seconded by Trustee Kapolnek to approve the 2018 Regular Board Meeting Schedule

Upon the roll call, the following Trustees voted:

Ayes: Trustees Kapolnek, Milenkovic, Savopoulos, Torres and White

Absent: Trustee Hrejsa

Nays: None

Mayor Walik declared the motion carried.

The Clerk explained that she included the 2018 Administrative Office Holiday Schedule for a vote.

Trustee White moved, duly seconded by Trustee Torres to approve the 2018 Administrative Office Holiday Schedule

Upon the roll call, the following Trustees voted:

Ayes: Trustees Kapolnek, Milenkovic, Savopoulos, Torres and White

Absent: Trustee Hrejsa

Nays: None

Mayor Walik declared the motion carried.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Kapolnek Thanked Fire Chief Boyajian, Deputy Chief Andrea Acosta and whoever else was involved in the 50 year Anniversary program at the Stickney Fire House on Saturday. The event was well done.

Trustee Torres thanked those who donated for the veterans. We hope to take the items over to the drop-off-point sometime next week. She also thanked our Blight Director Ed Bartunek. He has written up quite a few people. Many have complied. He is slowing down at this point. She mentioned the Christmas party this Saturday for the seniors starting at 10:00 to 1:00. The children party is from 2:00 to 5:00. It will be held at the clinic building at 40th and Euclid.

Trustee Savopoulos informed the audience that he and the Mayor attended the ribbon-cutting-ceremony for the McCook Reservoir. There were many political officials in attendance. He then gave a history of the highlights of this facility. When it is completed, it will be the largest reservoir in the world.

Trustee White warned the people of a recent scam where people knocked on their door trying to sell them meat. We do not have any solicitors in our town. People who want to solicit must have a permit and a background check. It is for your safety. At this time of the year there are more scam artists around. Don’t be afraid to call the police.

Police Chief Dan Babich addressed the new Breathalyzer. We can’t operate without it. We will keep it in house. We have to observe the offender for 20 minutes straight. It is beneficial. They last approximately 30 years. Purchasing this will keep us from joining forces with the state police in order to use their breathalyzer. Then they could store prisoners. That would be a liability. The speed sign was put into action. The lockup has been painted. The security cameras have been repositioned. Processing equipment has been moved so that it enhances officer safety, and we made secured areas for prisoner’s personal property by placing in new locks that are keyed all the same for officer safety. They got a new laptop so a prisoner never has to leave that area and never brought into the main part of the building. The officer can do his reports right there. There is also a printer. The officer will have a visual on the prisoner at all times. Some of the cameras and equipment have been moved around so the officer is more secure. When he has a prisoner, the officer never takes his eyes off of him. The Chief then gave his appreciation on the completion of the front of the building. We are opened up for business again. He thanked the elected officials for doing his. Our building is now secure. It makes a better atmosphere to work in. In additional, the police department will start focusing on stop signs and yield signs. It seems to be a big problem in this area.

Fire Chief Jeff Boyajian showed his appreciation for the excellent weather for the 50th Anniversary Celebration on Saturday at the fire house. It was attended by 25 alumni, including three of the original founding members. There were activities for the kids. They did the “Bells Ceremony” for remembrance of the fire fighters who have passed away in the line of duty. Each one was given a 50-year Anniversary badge and patch. Each elected official was also given these items. We were also told that the Fire Chief went to Appleton Wisconsin to tour the Pierce Fire Apparatus plant. They were looking at a replacement ladder truck. Ours is twenty years old. There have been a lot of ambulance calls.

Public Works Supervisor Joe Lopez notified us that there were several trees that were extremely bad. Some overgrown evergreens in the parkway were also trimmed. Tree trimming is done for the year. The leaf program will be extended to another week. The garbage trucks keep breaking hydraulic lines. A remedy was found for one of the trucks to provide heat.

There being no further business, Trustee White moved, duly seconded by Trustee Savopoulos that the meeting be adjourned. Upon which the Board adopted the motion at 7:35 p.m.
