Village of Franklin Park Village Board of Trustees met May 1.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
I. Call to Order: President Pedersen called to order the Board of Trustees of the Village of Franklin Park in regular session at 7:00 p.m.
Members of Boy Scout Troop 158 presented the colors followed in procession by members of the American Legion
Pledge Of Allegiance
Father Eryk Czarnecki from St. Gertrude’s Church gave the invocation
II. Roll Call; Establishment of Quorum
Village Clerk Tommy Thomson called the roll: Present: Trustees Mr. Caporusso, Mr. Johnson, Ms. McLean, Mr. Ruhl, Ms. Special, and Mr. Ybarra. The Village Clerk declared a quorum was present Legal Representation Present: Joe Montana, Village Attorney Staff Members Present: Lisa Anthony (Health and Human Resources Director), Frank Grieashamer (Treasurer), Cynthia Perez (Deputy Comptroller), John Schneider (Community Development Director), Chief William Brehm (Fire Department), Director of Police Mike Witz and Deputy Chief Ruch (Police Department)
III. Swearing In Of Nicolas Padilla, Manuel Quinones And Nicholas Pellikan As Franklin Park Police Officers Village Clerk Tommy Thomson swore in Nicolas Padilla as a Franklin Park Police Officer Village Clerk Tommy Thomson swore in Manuel Quinones as a Franklin Park Police Officer Village Clerk Tommy Thomson swore in Nicholas Pellikan as a Franklin Park Police Officer
IV. Public Comments (Limit to 2 minutes per speaker, Ordinance No. 1415-G-43)
1. None
V. Consent Agenda
(Items on the Consent Agenda will be enacted/approved by one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless so requested by a member of the Village Board, in which case that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in the normal sequence of the Agenda.)
Village Clerk Tommy Thomson read aloud public recital of Consent Agenda items
1. Approval Of The Minutes From:
(a) Regular Meeting Of The President And Board Of Trustees Held On Monday, April 17, 2017
2. Approval Of Voucher Expenditures List In The Amount Of $1,755,193.65
Motion made by Mr. Caporusso, seconded by Mr. Johnson to approve the Consent Agenda. Roll Call: Ayes – Mr. Caporusso, Mr. Ybarra, Mr. Ruhl, Mr. Johnson, Ms. Special, and Ms. McLean. Nay – 0. Absent – 0. Abstain – 0.
Tommy Thomson gave a farewell speech speaking of his accomplishments and also thanked coworkers and residents
VI. Adjournment Sine Die (Momentarily without assigning a future time or day)
Motion made by Mr. Caporusso, seconded by Ms. McLean to adjourn temporarily at 7:23 p.m. Roll Call: Ayes – Mr. Caporusso, Mr. Ybarra, Mr. Ruhl, Mr. Johnson, Ms. McLean, and Ms. Special. Nay – 0. Absent – 0. Abstain – 0.
VII. Administration Of The Oath Of Office Of Newly Elected
Officials: Illinois Supreme Court Justice Mary Jane Theis Administered the oath of office to Barrett F. Pedersen as President
Cook County Circuit Judge Joanne Rosado administered the oath of office to John C. Johnson as Trustee Cook County Circuit Judge Joanne Rosado administered the oath of office to Karen C. Special as Trustee Cook County Circuit Judge Joanne Rosado administered the oath of office to Andy Ybarra as Trustee Cook County Circuit Judge Joanne Rosado administered the oath of office to Irene Avitia as Clerk
President Pedersen recognized various dignitaries attending the meeting. President Pedersen read a statement regarding the Village Board’s vision for Franklin Park
VIII. Call To Return To Order
Return to order
IX. Roll Call; Establishment Of Quorum (New Village Board)
Village Clerk Irene Avitia called the roll: Present: Trustees Mr. Caporusso, Mr. Johnson, Ms. McLean, Mr. Ruhl, Ms. Special, and Mr. Ybarra. The Village Clerk declared a quorum was present Legal Representation Present: Joe Montana, Village Attorney Staff Members Present: Lisa Anthony (Health and Human Resources Director), John Schneider (Community Development Director), John Hildago (Director, Department of Building), Ron Heller (Comptroller), Joe Lauro (Utilities Commissioner), Dave Talbott (Engineer Consultant for Smith LaSalle), Tom Dailly (I.T. Manager), Chief William Brehm (Fire Department), Director of Police Mike Witz and Deputy Chief Ruch (Police Department)
X. Staff Reports And Comments; Discussion Of Agenda Items
1. None
Xi. Consent Agenda
(Items on the Consent Agenda will be enacted/approved by one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless so requested by a member of the Village Board, in which case that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in the normal sequence of the Agenda.)
Village Clerk Irene Avitia read aloud public recital of Consent Agenda items
1. Resolution No. 1718 R
A Resolution Of The Village Of Franklin Park, Cook County, Illinois Honoring Tommy Thomson
2. Ordinance No. 1718 G
An Ordinance Of The Village Of Franklin Park, Cook County, Illinois, Authorizing And Approving A Sales Contract By And Between Fire Services, Incorporated And The Village Of Franklin Park For The Acquisition Of An E-One, Hp100 Aerial Quint, On An E-One Cyclone Ii Aerial Chassis, Quote No. 77622 (Fire Truck)
3. Ordinance No. 1718 G
An Ordinance Authorizing The Execution Of A Master Tax- Exempt Lease/Purchase Agreement By And Between U.S. Bancorp Government Leasing And Finance, Incorporated And The Village Of Franklin Park, Cook County, Illinois For The Acquisition And Financing Of A New Fire Truck
Motion made by Mr. Caporusso, seconded by Ms. McLean to approve the Consent Agenda. Roll Call: Ayes – Mr. Caporusso, Mr. Johnson, Ms. McLean, Mr. Ruhl, Ms. Special, and Mr. Ybarra. Nay – 0. Absent – 0. Abstain – 0.
President Pedersen read a resolution honoring Tommy Thomson
XII. New Business
1. None
XIII. Appointments
1. None
XIV. Comments From The Clerk
1. Village Clerk Irene Avitia thanked her family, friends, and residents for their support and trust in allowing her to serve the community
XV. Comments From The President
1. President Pedersen welcomed everyone to celebrate at the Underpass Lounge. He also thanked the judges who administered the oath of office to the trustees and Village clerk
XVI. Closed/Executive Session
1. None
XVII. Adjournment
Motion made by Ms. McLean, seconded by Mr. Caporusso to adjourn at 7:45 p.m. Voice vote carried