
West Cook News

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Community Park District of LaGrange Park Board met April 5.

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Community Park District of LaGrange Park Board met April 5.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

1. Call to Order

President Boyd called the special meeting to order in room 101 of the Recreation Center, 1501 Barnsdale Road, La Grange Park, IL at 6:11 p.m. Other Commissioners present were Bob Corte, Jeff Kilrea and Tim Ogden. Also present was Executive Director Aleks Briedis.

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Park District Mission

The Community Park District of La Grange Park shall offer high quality, affordable and accessible park and recreation facilities, programs and services in a financially responsible manner.

4. Additions/Deletions to Agenda

There were no additions or deletions

5. Recognition of Visitors

There were no visitors in attendance.

6. Unfinished Business

A. 2017-18 Proposed Budget Review

Executive Director Briedis included a memo in the packet from the March 27th meeting and included changes to the proposed budget since the memo. He stated that there were not many changes from the previous years.

Commissioner Kilrea asked about the Separation Pay line item. Director Briedis explained that this line item is used to pay out sick time and vacation time when an employee ends employment with the District.

Director Briedis reviewed the proposed budget by each fund. Other than highlighting what was included in the memo, he added that he had budgeted for a TV screen to be installed in the Conference Room for presentations and for the National Parks & Recreation Association Conference.

President Boyd asked why the Part Time Wages line item had increased in the Corporate Fund. Director Briedis explained that this was due to increased staffing at the front desk.

Commissioner Kilrea asked about the Coop Fees line item. Director Briedis explained that this was the amount we pay to the other Park Districts where we collect the funds for the program but the other district hosts the program. The benefit to the residents is that they receive the resident rate at the other district and by collaborating, less programs are cancelled due to low enrollment. Commissioner Corte asked where the funds are reported when we run a coop program and the other district pays us. Director Briedis stated that it is included in the Program Fees revenue line item.

Director Briedis noted that the IMRF rate for 2018 will be decreasing to 8.35% from 9.25% in 2017.

Director Briedis stated that the Bond & Interest Fund does not need to be included in the Budget and Appropriations Ordinance as the Ordinance approving the bond specifies the income and expenses of this fund during the duration of the bond. Ancel Glink, the District’s new attorney firm, informed Director Briedis of this.

Commissioner Ogden asked about the OSLAD grant for Memorial Park Improvements. Director Briedis stated that this was a reimbursement grant and that we will get our funds after the project is completed.

Other questions were asked and answered.

7. Adjourn to Executive Session

Commissioner Corte made a motion to move into executive session in accordance with the Open Meetings Act under Section 2(c)(1) to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees. Seconded by Commissioner Kilrea. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote.

8. Reconvene Open Meeting & Roll Call

President Boyd reconvened the open meeting at 7:07 p.m. Other Commissioners present were Bob Corte, Jeff Kilrea and Tim Ogden. Also present was Executive Director Aleks Briedis.

9. New Business

A. Consider Approval of Tentative Budget and Appropriation Ordinance 04-2017

Commissioner Ogden made a motion to approve Ordinance 04-2017 in tentative form. Seconded by Commissioner Corte. Motion passed unanimously by roll call vote.

10. Adjournment

Commissioner Kilrea made the motion to adjourn the regular meeting at 7:12 p.m. Seconded by Commissioner Ogden. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote.
