
West Cook News

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Community Park District of LaGrange Park Board met May 8.

Webp hall

Community Park District of LaGrange Park Board met May 8.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

1. Call to Order and Roll Call

President Boyd called the meeting to order in room 101 of the Recreation Center, 1501 Barnsdale Road, La Grange Park, IL at 6:31 p.m. Other Commissioners present were, Bob Corte, Jeff Kilrea, Tim Ogden, and Lucy Stastny. Also present were Executive Director Aleks Briedis, Superintendent Dean Carrara, Recreation Supervisor Ashley Simoncelli, Office Manager Peggy Ronovsky, and Financial Coordinator Phil Mesi.

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Park District Mission

President Boyd recited as follows: The Community Park District of La Grange Park shall offer high quality, affordable and accessible park and recreation facilities, programs, and services in a financially responsible manner.

4. Additions/Deletions to Agenda

There were no additions or deletions.

5. Approve Meeting Minutes

President Boyd requested that 11c be amended to include a verb “.to encourage Board members to go.”. Commissioner Kilrea made a motion to approve the April 10, 2017 minutes as amended. Seconded by Commissioner Corte. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote.

6. Recognition of Visitors

Lauren Mlade of the La Grange Park Public Library gave a presentation on Little Free Libraries in the Parks. Partnering with Forest Road school, they are requesting permission of the Board to install Little Free Libraries at Hanesworth, Beach Oak and possibly Robinhood Parks. They would be purchased, installed and maintained at no cost to the District. The Board requested that Lauran Mlade send a photo of the Little Free Libraries to Director Briedis for distribution to the Board. The Board directed Director Briedis and Superintendent Healy to work with Lauren Mlade on coordinating the installation.

Commissioner Stastny made a motion to approve the installation of Little Free Libraries in Hanesworth, Beach Oak and possibly Robinhood Parks subject to assurances that Forest Road PTO will work with Director Briedis and maintenance staff on design and installation. Seconded by Commissioner Kilrea. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote.

7. Staff Reports

A. Executive Director

A written report was included in the packet by Executive Director Briedis. He reminded the Board that the OMA and FOIA trainings must be completed by Board members within 90 days of appointment. Other questions were asked and answered.

B. Buildings & Grounds

A written report was included in the packet by Maintenance Supervisor Martin Healy and was presented by Director Briedis. There were no questions.

C. Superintendent of Recreation

A written report was included in the packet by Superintendent of Recreation Dean Carrara. Questions were asked and answered.

D. Recreation Supervisor – Early Childhood, Special Events & Rentals

A written report was included in the packet by Recreation Supervisor Ashley Simoncelli. She reported that they are finishing up preschool next week. Other questions were asked and answered.

E. Recreation Supervisor – Marketing, Publicity & Artistic Director

A written report was included in the packet by Recreation Supervisor Dave Romito and presented by Director Briedis. Questions were asked and answered.

F. Office Manager

A written report was included in the packet by Office Manager Peggy Ronovsky. President Boyd commended Nancy Baum for getting another yoga class added. Other questions were asked and answered.

G. Safety Coordinator

A written report was included in the packet by Safety Coordinator Megan Jadron. There were no questions.

H. Financial Coordinator

Financial statements were included in the packet for the month ending April 30, 2017 by Financial Consultant Phil Mesi. He explained that there were two separate check runs for the fiscal year ending April 30th and the current new fiscal year. President Boyd noted that program fees had increased over $20,000 from the previous year. There were no other questions.

8. Approve Monthly Disbursements

A motion was made by Commissioner Kilrea to approve the monthly disbursements in the amount of $170,103.82. Seconded by Commissioner Ogden. Motion passed 5-0 by a roll call vote.

9. Unfinished Business

A. Consider approval of Ordinance 04-2017 Budget and Appropriation for the fiscal year beginning May 1, 2017 and ending April 30, 2018.

Director Briedis noted that the only change from the draft ordinance that was passed was a transfer of $30,000 from the Special Recreation Fund to the Capital Fund.

Commissioner Corte made a motion to approve Ordinance 04-2017 Budget and Appropriation for the fiscal year May 1, 2017 thru April 30, 2018. Seconded by Commissioner Stastny. Motion passed 5-0 by a roll call vote.

B. Memorial Park Update

Director Briedis gave an update on the construction of the park. He included a spreadsheet in the packet showing the changes that needed to be made in the park with costs associated to which costs were known. He is awaiting costs for the line items with question marks. He asked for Board approval of not upgrading the tennis court fencing and using those funds instead for other areas in the park. The Board approved. He explained how he is looking for other places in the park by changing some of the design elements to save on construction costs. He explained that he is waiting on IDNR to approve the change order from when the cost was updated after the grant “freeze”, which already was approved and noted in the contract addendum that was sent to IDNR. With not having the change order approved yet, he did not include Kee Constructions pay application in the payables, but requested Board approval to cut a check to them once IDNR approves the change order. Commissioner Ogden asked about the completion date. Director Briedis stated that they still hope to have the majority completed by the end of June. They will be focusing on completing the southwest corner to be ready for the first concert on June 28th. He also noted that the parks maintenance staff saved a couple of trees from the construction zone and replanted them at the Recreation Center.

Commissioner Corte made a motion to approve an expenditure in the amount of $46,653.60 to Kee Construction. Seconded by Commissioner Stastny. Motion passed 5-0 by a roll call vote.

10. New Business

A. Appoint Park District Board Officers

i. President

Commissioner Kilrea made a motion to nominate Commissioner Boyd for President. Seconded by Commissioner Corte. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote.

ii. Vice President

President Boyd made a motion to nominate Commissioner Kilrea for Vice President. Seconded by Commissioner Corte. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote.

iii. Secretary

Commissioner Kilrea made a motion to nominate Commissioner Stastny for Secretary. Seconded by Commissioner Corte. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote.

iv. Treasurer

Commissioner Stastny made a motion to nominate Commissioner Ogden for Treasurer. Seconded by Commissioner Kilrea. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote.

President Boyd appointed Commissioner Corte, Director Briedis and Manager Ronovsky as the Freedom of Information Officers.

11. Open Forum

A. Comments from the Floor

B. Comments from Commissioners

C. Comments from the President

President Boyd thanked the Board for voting her in as the president. She stated that she attended Representative Welch’s Coffee event. It was very well attended. She said he stated that there is still talk in Springfield about a property tax freeze but if it did happen it would be a two-year freeze. She also brought back some literature that she would be willing to share with the Board. She stated that the Village’s birthday celebration planning is going well and gave kudos to the Village for reaching its fundraising goal.

12. Adjournment

Commissioner Corte made a motion to adjourn the regular meeting at 7:31 p.m. Seconded by Commissioner Ogden. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote.
