
West Cook News

Friday, January 31, 2025

City of Berwyn City Council met May 23.

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City of Berwyn City Council met May 23.

Here is the minutes provided by the Council:

1. The regular meeting of the Berwyn City Council was called to order by Mayor Lovero at 8:00 p.m. Upon the call of the roll, the following responded present: Lennon, Ramirez, Reardon, Fejt, Santoy, Ruiz, Avila and Garcia.

2. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and a moment of silence was given for the family of Virginia Lucero Rubio, grandmother of Administrative Assistant to the Mayor, Virginia G. Pacheco and for men and women protecting our safety on the streets of Berwyn, in the Armed Forces, all Veterans.

3. The open forum portion of the meeting was announced. The Mayor recognized Komensky Elementary School teacher, Mr. King, Superintendent Ms. Havis, and Komensky students. Mr. King spoke regarding the 5th grade program “Our American Voice” and participating students’ project to redesign the Komensky school playground to make it handicap accessible. The children raised most of the funds needed and KaBOOM!, a nonprofit corporation, will cover the remaining cost balance through financial contributions by participating corporations. KaBOOM! and volunteers have completed four parks within the city. Mr. King then asked for volunteers to help build the park on June 10, 2017 and contributions of any other items that may be needed. Tony Ward of Combined Veterans of Berwyn spoke regarding Memorial Day observances by the organization. 3rd Ward resident Katie Sullivan spoke regarding her concerns regarding the bond issuance on Council’s agenda and how passage will affect property taxes, she raised a question concerning Red Light Camera proceeds and where those proceeds are recorded in the city budget, she also spoke in favor of the City Council voting to not opt out of the Cook County minimum wage ordinance. The Mayor invited Ms. Sullivan to meet with the Finance Director, City Administrator and Treasurer. Alderman Lennon invited all to attend the upcoming Depot District events: Cruise Nites and Clean Sweep. Resident Will Hudson spoke regarding his support of the Cook County minimum wage ordinance in favor of the City Council not opting out of the county’s ordinance. City Treasurer Gutierrez spoke offering to attend Aldermanic Ward meetings; announced an event by Pilsen Wellness Center offering training to aid in helping identify, understand and respond to people experiencing a mental health issue; and invited residents to contact her with questions regarding any city financial concerns. Alderman Ramirez invited all to attend a 2nd Ward meeting on May 24th at 7 pm at Unity Lutheran Church located, 6720 W. 31st Street. Alderman Avila invited all to attend a 7th Ward meeting on May 25th at 8:30 pm at First Reformed Church of Berwyn located, 1900 Oak Park Ave. Alderman Santoy invited all to attend a 5th Ward meeting on May 25th at 6:30 pm at Department of Community Development, 6420 16th Street. Alderman Ruiz invited all to attend a 6th Ward meeting on May 25th at 6:30 pm at Italian-American Civic Organization, 6710 16th Street. Alderman Reardon invited all to attend a 3rd Ward meeting on May 29th and noted more details will be announced at a later time.

4. The minutes of the First and Second regular Berwyn City Council meetings held on May 9, 2017 were submitted. Thereafter, Avila made a motion, seconded by Fejt, to concur, approve as submitted and place same on file for audit. The motion carried by a voice vote.

5. The Berwyn Development Corporation submitted a communication regarding Commercial Loan Program – Renewal of Bank Participation, Forest Park National Bank & Trust Company. The Mayor recognized Berwyn Development Corporation Executive Director Anthony Griffin, who reviewed same. Thereafter, Fejt made a motion, seconded by Avila, to concur, approve the Business Loan Agreement as submitted and authorize the corporate authorities to affix their signatures thereto. The motion carried by a unanimous roll call vote.

6. The City Clerk submitted a communication regarding the Official Certificate of Results from the April 4, 2017 Consolidated General Election and presented Elected Officials with the Certificates. Thereafter, Avila made a motion, seconded by Santoy, to accept as informational. The motion carried by a voice vote.

7. Police Chief Cimaglia submitted a communication requesting authorization to contact the Fire and Police Commission in regards to hire one Probationary Police Officer from the current eligibility list. Thereafter, Avila made a motion, seconded by Fejt, to concur and approve as submitted. The motion carried by a voice vote.

8. The Assistant City Administrator submitted a communication regarding the Property and Auto Physical Damage Insurance Renewal. The Mayor recognized Assistant City Administrator Ruth Volbre, who reviewed same. Thereafter, Fejt made a motion, seconded by Ruiz, to concur and approve for payment in an amount not to exceed $121,910. The motion carried by a unanimous roll call vote.

9. The Assistant City Administrator submitted a communication regarding the Police and Fire Pension Fiduciary Fund Renewal. The Mayor recognized Assistant City Administrator Ruth Volbre, who reviewed same. Avila made a motion, seconded by Santoy, to excuse Fejt from the vote to approve the policy for fiduciary insurance for the Berwyn Fire Pension Fund. The motion carried. Garcia made a motion, seconded by Santoy, to approve the policy for fiduciary insurance for the Berwyn Police Pension Fund with ULLICO and approve for payment not to exceed $6,165. The motion carried by the following call of the roll: Yeas: Lennon, Ramirez, Reardon, Fejt, Santoy, Ruiz, Avila and Garcia. Thereafter, Lennon made a motion, seconded by Santoy, to approve the policy for fiduciary insurance for the Berwyn Fire Pension Fund with ULLICO and approve for payment not to exceed $4,964. The motion carried by the following call of the roll: Yeas: Lennon, Ramirez, Reardon, Santoy, Ruiz, Avila and Garcia. Excused: Fejt.

10. The Finance Director submitted a communication regarding Garbage Rate Increase and an attached ordinance entitled:

An Ordinance Amending Section 1060.05 Of The Codified Ordinances Regarding The Garbage And Rubbish Collection And Disposal Code Of The City Of Berwyn, County Of Cook, State Of Illinois

Thereafter, Santoy made a motion, seconded by Lennon, to concur, adopt the ordinance and authorize the corporate authorities to affix their signatures thereto. The motion carried by a unanimous roll call vote.

11. The Finance Director submitted a communication regarding 2017A Bond and an attached ordinance entitled:

An Ordinance Providing For The Issuance Of General Obligation Bonds (Taxable), Series 2017A Of The City Of Berwyn, Cook County, Illinois, In The Aggregate Principal Amount Not To Exceed $31,000,000 For The Purpose Of Funding A Portion Of The Net Pension Liability Of The Police Pension Fund And The Firefighters Pension Fund And Costs Related Thereto And To The Issuance Of Such Bonds And For The Levy Of A Direct Annual Tax Sufficient To Pay The Principal Of And Interest On Said Bonds

Santoy made a motion, seconded by Avila, to excuse Fejt. The motion carried. Thereafter, Santoy made a motion, seconded by Avila, to concur, adopt the ordinance and authorize the corporate authorities to affix their signatures thereto. The motion carried by the following call of the roll: Yeas: Lennon, Ramirez, Reardon, Santoy, Ruiz, Avila and Garcia. Excused: Fejt.

12. The Finance Director submitted a communication regarding the 2017 Line of Credit and an attached ordinance entitled:

An Ordinance Authorizing And Providing For A $15,000,000 Revolving Line Of Credit Loan From BMO Harris Bank N.A. To The City Of Berwyn, Cook County, Illinois

Thereafter, Santoy made a motion, second by Ruiz, to concur, adopt the ordinance and authorize the corporate authorities to affix their signatures thereto. The motion carried by a unanimous roll call vote.

13. The Library Director submitted a communication requesting to advertise and hire library staff to fill five vacancies. Thereafter, Lennon made a motion, seconded by Fejt, to concur and approve as submitted. The motion carried by a unanimous roll call vote.

14. Reardon made a motion, seconded by Santoy, to suspend rules and bring forward item K-11 from the Consent agenda. The motion carried. Item K-11 is a request from Outtaspace regarding Groovin’ on Grove. Thereafter, Reardon made a motion, seconded by Avila, to concur, approve as amended and grant permission for the event to extend until 11 pm. The motion carried by a voice vote.

15. The consent agenda, items K-1 through K-10 and K-12 were submitted:

1. Payroll: 5/17/2017 $1,248,226.59

2. Payables: 5/23/2017 $898,442.59

3. Hiawatha: Olympic Fun Day 6/2/2017

4. Fire Chief: Firefighters Local 506 Muscular Dystrophy Drive (MDA) 6/3/2017, 7/1/2017 & 8/19/2017

5. Block Front Yard Sale: 1600 block of Grove 6/10/2017 Rain Date 6/17/2017

6. Christian Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses: Community Service 7/1/2017 through 9/30/2017

7. Block Party: 3500 block of Maple 6/24/2017 Rain date 7/15/2017

8. Block Party: 1600 Grove 7/8/2017 Rain date 7/9/2017

9. St. Odilo: Odilopalooza (Block Party) 7/9/2017

10. Block Party: 3400 block of Maple 7/22/2017 Rain date 7/23/2017

11. Urban Mutt: Bow-wow-Luau 7/30/2017

Thereafter, Avila made a motion, seconded by Santoy, to concur, approve as amended by omnibus vote designation. The motion carried by a voice vote.

16. There being no further business to come before the meeting, same was after a motion by Lennon, seconded by Avila, to adjourn at the hour of 8:35 p.m. The motion carried by a voice vote.
