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Friday, January 31, 2025

Central Stickney School District 110 Board met April 26.

Meeting 09

Central Stickney School District 110 Board met April 26.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Call to Order:

President Basa called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m.

Roll Call:

R. Navarro

C. Passmann, Vice President

J. Basa, President

L. Witek

K. Gilbert

A. Diaz, Secretary

Absent: C. Torres

Also Present:

C. Leahy, Superintendent

J. Toschi, Principal

M. Murdaugh, Recording Secretary

Audience: 9

Pledge of Allegiance:

President Basa called for the Pledge of Allegiance.

Mission Statement:

Member Diaz read School District #110’s Mission Statement. The Mission of Charles J. Sahs School in cooperation with students, parents, and community is to provide a safe educational environment that encourages all children to reach their fullest potential while promoting academic growth, building character, developing citizenship, and creating life-long learners.

Public Comment:

A staff member representing the teacher’s union thanked the outgoing Board members for their support over the years.

Motion to Approve Consent Agenda:

Vice President Passmann motioned, Member Witek seconded, to approve the following Consent Agenda items:


Minutes of the Regular Monthly Meeting held on March 15, 2017.

Minutes of the Executive Session held on March 15, 2017.

Minutes of the Special Meeting held March 22, 2017.

Minutes of the Executive Session held March 22, 2017.

Approval of Bills for Payment:

Regular Vender Bills dated April 26, 2017 in the amount of $166,715.55.

Regular Payrolls and Overtime/Additional Payrolls and associated Benefits for the month of March 2017 in the amount of $247,865.64.




Illinois Public Health Institute’s fitness testing supplies valued at $142.00. Motion for annual approvement of Safe Schools Program Agreement and Short-Term Program Agreement with R.I.S.E.

Roll Call: Ayes: Passmann, Witek, Gilbert, Basa, Navarro, Diaz


Motion carried.



Aero-DuPage West Cook-

AERO’s budget is up less than 2% next year. Their staff contract give a 2% raise, so AERO was very frugal in other program areas.

Illinois Association of School Boards-


Illinois Association of School Administrators/Scope-

Dr. Leahy attended the annual financial overview meeting. Information was provided on the state and impact of our national and state finances on education. We continue to wait on Springfield to settle budget, pension reform, and funding formula decisions.



Mr. Zapata reported that Metropolitan Corporation came in with the lowest bid in the amount of $195,800.00 for the washroom renovations.

Mr. Zapata received certification from IASBO in the area of school facilities management.

Administrative/Board Reports:


FOIA: None

Electronic Submissions: None

Other: None


We are 75% of the way through our fiscal year and 87% of expected revenue is in. Several large grant reimbursement requests were submitted this week. We have spent 61% of our budget.

Student Welfare: None

Strategic Plan:

Dr. Leahy reported on teacher’s ability to post classroom information online and give parents access to this information. Also Student Council provided child care during our recent Community Coffee.

Board In-Service:


Board Policy:

First reading of policies 2:100, 3:70, 4:15, 4:180, 5:230, 5:300, 6:70, 7:100


Action Items:

Member Gilbert motioned, Vice President Passmann seconded, to approve employment of Maribel Ruiz as full-time custodian at a rate of $33,875.00 annually plus family health benefits upon successful completion of all required application materials.

Ayes: Gilbert, Passmann, Navarro, Witek, Basa, Diaz

Nays: None

Motion carried.

Member Gilbert motioned, Member Witek seconded, to employ Natalie Bonello as Bilingual Teacher per the Negotiated Agreement terms for the 2017-2018 school year upon successful completion of all required application materials.

Ayes: Gilbert, Witek, Basa, Passmann, Navarro, Diaz

Nay: None

Motion carried.

Member Witek motioned, Vice President Passmann seconded to motion to employ Rebecca Martin-Berry as Technology Specialist per the Negotiated Agreement terms for the 2017-2018 school year upon successful completion of all required application materials.

Ayes: Witek, Passmann, Gilbert, Basa, Navarro, Diaz

Nays: None

Motion carried.

Member Navarro motioned, Member Witek seconded to motion to approve the Final FY17 Calendar as presented.

Ayes: There were no objections to the previous roll call

Motion carried.

Member Navarro motioned, Vice President Passmann seconded to approve fees for 2017-2018 at $1.00 for extra lunch entree’ and $.30 for milk

Ayes: Navarro, Passmann, Basa, Witek, Gilbert, Diaz

Nays: None

Motion carried.

Vice President Passmann motioned, Member Navarro seconded to approve the bathroom project bid as recommended.

Ayes: Passmann, Navarro, Basa, Witek, Gilbert, Diaz

Nays: None

Motion carried.

Vice President Passmann motioned, Member Navarro seconded to engage Baker Tilly as bookkeeper per the standard terms and conditions as described.

Ayes: Navarro, Passmann, Basa, Basa, Witek, Gilbert, Diaz

Nays: None

Motion carried.

Dr. Leahy asked for Board direction on Healthy Community Investment Grants. The Board agreed to pursue the grant.

Executive Session:

Member Witek motioned, Member Navarro seconded to enter into Executive Session to discuss collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees. (5ILCS 120/2 (2)), and to discuss the placement of individual students in special education programs.

Ayes: Witek, Navarro, Passmann, Basa, Gilbert, Diaz

Nays: None

Motion carried.

7:25 p.m. Entered Closed Session

7:52 p.m. Resumed Regular Meeting

Member Navarro motioned, Vice President Passmann seconded to approve resolutions of appreciation for exiting Board members.

Ayes: Navarro, Passmann, Gilbert, Witek, Basa, Diaz

Nays: None

Motion carried.

Review of Results: Results of the April 4, 2017 School Board Election: 1389 registered voters and there were 169 ballots cast.

Declaration of Board:

Member Witek motioned, Vice President Passmann seconded to incorporate the names of the official winners of the April 4, 2017 Consolidated Election into the official minutes of the Board of Education:

1. Ms. Kristy Gilbert 106 votes (4 year term)

2. Ms. Rose Navarro 118 votes (4 year term)

3. Mr. Joshua M. Sears 99 votes (4 year term)

Ayes: Witek, Passmann, Navarro, Basa, Gilbert, Diaz

Nays: None

Motion carried.

Oath of Office and Seating of New Board Members:

President Basa swore in the newly elected Board Members.

Adjournment: (Sine Die)

Member Navarro motioned, Member Gilbert seconded, to adjourn the meeting (sine die).

Voice Vote: Ayes were in favor

Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m.
