
West Cook News

Friday, January 31, 2025

Central Stickney School District 110 Board met June 21.

Central Stickney School District 110 Board met June 21.

Here is the agenda provided by the Board:

A. Call to Order

B. Roll Call

C. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

D. Mission Statement

a. The Mission of Charles J. Sahs School, in cooperation with students, parents and community, is to provide a safe educational environment that encourages all children to reach their fullest potential while promoting academic growth, building character, developing citizenship, and creating lifelong learners.

E. Public Comment

F. Motion to Approve Consent Agenda

a. Minutes;

i. Minutes of the Special Meeting held May 3, 2017

ii. Minutes of the Regular Meeting held May 17, 2017

iii. Minutes of the Executive Session held May 17, 2017

iv. Minutes of the Special Meeting held May 25, 2017

b. Approval of Bills for Payment:

i. Regular Vendor Bills dated June 21, 2017 in the amount of $ 308,170.96.

ii. Regular Payrolls and Overtime/Additional Payrolls and associated Benefits for the month of May 2017 in the amount of $ 251,369.75

G. Reports

a. Representatives:


ii. Illinois Association of School Boards

iii. Illinois Association of School Administrators / SCOPE

b. Staff:

i. Building:

1. Mr. Zapata will report on summer projects

c. Administrative / Board

i. Correspondence

1. FOIA: None

2. Electronic Submission: Submission from Mr. Michael Zelinski

3. Other: None

ii. Financial:

1. Summary of Monthly Financial Report

iii. Student Welfare: Ms. Toschi will update the Board on year-end events, Tech Camp, and Summer Step-Up

iv. Strategic Plan: None

v. Board In-service: None

vi. Board Policy: Review of Section 7

vii. Other: None

H. Action Items

a. Motion to approve recommended purchase of computer switches, firewall, and server.

b. Motion to adopt resolution regulating wages as identified in the “Prevailing Wages Act” (P.A. 86-693) making the prevailing wage available for inspection, filing a certified copy with the Secretary of State Index Division and the Department of Labor and publishing a notice in the newspaper.

c. Motion to authorize approval of AERO Budget

d. Motion to approve the Cooperative Liability Insurance Cooperative (CLIC) Risk Management Policy for the 2017-2018 school year as presented.

e. Motion to approve change order to bathroom project as presented.

f. Motion to approve donation or disposal of XP computers as listed.

I. Executive Session

a. Motion to enter into Executive Session to discuss student disciplinary cases.

i. Entered Closed @___________________

ii. Motion____________________________

iii. 2nd_______________________________

iv. Roll Call Vote_______________________

v. to Open at__________________

J. Following Executive Session

a. Discussion of field trip philosophy

b. Motion to approve 7th/8th grade overnight field trip to Washington D.C., IL pending appointment of appropriate chaperones.

c. Motion to approve 5th grade overnight field trip to Camp Edwards pending appointment of appropriate chaperones.

K. Adjournment

a. Closed @:___________________________

b. Motion:______________________________

c. 2nd: ________________________________
