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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Berwyn Park District Board met March 28.

Webp meeting372

Berwyn Park District Board met March 28.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

The Regular Meeting of the Berwyn Park District Board of Commissioners was called to order at 7:00 pm. by Mario Manfredini. The meeting was held at the Proksa Park Activity Center, 3001 S. Wisconsin Avenue, Berwyn, Illinois.

Motion carried

Commissioners In Attendance:

Mario Manfredini, President

Diego Estrella, Vice-President

Edward Karasek, Commissioner

Sandra Fejt, Commissioner

Staff In Attendance:

Jeffrey S. Janda, Executive Director

Mary Gail Corpus, Assistant to the Executive Director

Conor Cahill, Superintendent of Recreation

Joe Bzdyl, Superintendent of Parks


Mr. Brian Brock

Daniel Dalziel, 3 D Design

Mary Peranteu

Mary Karasek


Brian Essig

Jesse Kinsland, PDRMA

Rich Johnson, Attorney

II. Pledge of Allegiance Commissioner Manfredini led the assembled group in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Motion carried

III. Approval of Agenda:

Commissioner Karasek moved, seconded by Commissioner Fejt to approve the agenda as presented.

Motion carried

IV. Minutes

Commissioner Fejt moved, seconded by Commissioner Estrella to accept minutes of the February 21, 2017 Regular Board Minutes.

Motion carried

V. Public Comments


VI. Treasurer's Report

A. Commissioner Karasek moved, seconded by Commissioner Estrella to accept the Treasurer's report as presented by Commissioner Estrella and place on file for audit.

Motion carried

B. Commissioner Karasek moved seconded by Commissioner Estrella to approve the monthly payroll and payables, totaling the amount of $194,692.57.

Roll Call: Estrella, Yea

Fejt, Yea

Karasek, Yea

Manfredini, Yea

Motion carried

VII. Executive Director's Report

Commissioner Estrella moved seconded by Commissioner Karasek to accept as informational.

Motion carried


Commissioner Estrella moved seconded by Commissioner Karasek to accept as informational.

Motion carried

IX. Jesse Kinsland, Risk Management Consultant presented the PDRMA accreditation plaque to the Berwyn Park District. The Accreditation demonstrates the Berwyn Park District's commitment to safety.

X. 3 D Design Discussion on Proksa Pond

Commissioner Estrella moved, seconded by Commissioner Fejt to accept the update on Proksa Park Pond as informational.

Motion carried

XI. Correspondence

The Board reviewed the Correspondence file.

XII. Standing Committee Reports

A. Finance

A1. Commissioner Estrella moved, seconded by Commissioner Karasek to waive reading of the 2017 Budget & Appropriations Ordinance O-17-01.

Motion carried

Commissioner Estrella moved, seconded by Commissioner Karasek to adopt Ordinance O-17-01, The 2017 Budget & Appropriations Ordinance as presented at the March 28, 2017 Public Hearing.

Roll Call: Estrella, Yea

Fejt, Yea

Karasek, Yea

Manfredini, Yea

Motion carried

B. Building & Grounds

Accepted as informational

C. Personnel & Policy

C1. Commissioner Estrella moved, seconded by Commissioner Fejt to waive reading of Resolution 17-05, adopting the Board Policies and By-Law Manual.

Motion carried

Commissioner Estrella moved, seconded by Commissioner Karasek to adopt Resolution R-17-05 Board Policy and By-Laws, highlighting, all areas as reviewed by the attorney.

Roll Cal: Estrella, Yea

Fejt, Yea

Karasek. Yea

Manfredini, Yea

Motion carried

C2. Commissioner Estrella moved, seconded by Commissioner Karasek to waive reading of Resolution 17-04, creating an Electronic Communication Policy for Board Members.

Motion carried

Commissioner Estrella moved, seconded by Commissioner Karasek to adopt Resolution R-17-04, creating an Electronic Communication Policy for Board


Roll Call: Estrella, Yea

Fejt, Yea

Manfredini, Yea

Karasek, Yea

Motion carried

D. Recreation

Accepted as informational

XIII. Unfinished Business


XIV. New Business

A. Consideration of Bid Results for CDBG ADA Curb Cut Project.

Commissioner Karasek moved, seconded by Commissioner Estrella to approve awarding contract to lowest responsible bidder, pending contract cost reduction to $45,000.00 subject to attorney approval.

Roll Call: Estrella, Yea

Fejt, Yea

Manfredini, Yea

Karasek, Yea

Motion carried

B. Meeting Dates

Commissioner Fejt has scheduled a Finance Committee Meeting on Monday April 10, 2017, to begin at 4:30 p.m. Recreation, and Buildings & Grounds to follow. The meetings will be held at Proksa Park.

XV. Closed Session

Commissioner Estrella moved, seconded by Commissioner Fejt to go into closed session at 8:02 pm to discuss personnel and to conduct semi-annual review of Closed Session Minutes under 5 ILCS (c).

Roll Call: Estrella, Yea

Fejt, Yea

Karasek, Yea

Manfredini, Yea

Motion carried

Commissioner Estrella moved, seconded by Commissioner Fejt to reconvene at 8:38pm.

Roll Call: Estrella, Yea

Fejt, Yea

Karasek, Yea

Manfredini, Yea

Motion carried

XVI. Action Taken in Open Session

Commissioner Estrella moved, seconded by Commissioner Fejt to waive reading of Resolution R-17-06 releasing Minutes of Closed Session Minutes as amended.

Motion carried

Commissioner Estrella moved, seconded by Commissioner Fejt to adopt Resolution R-17-06 releasing Minutes of Closed Session Minutes as amended.

Roll call: Estrella, Yea

Fejt, Yea

Karasek, Yea

Manfredini, Yea

Motion carried

XVII. Adjournment:

There being of no further business to come before the Board, Commissioner Fejt moved, seconded by Commissioner Estrella to adjourn at 8:50 pm.

Roll Call: Estrella, Yea

Fejt, Yea

Karasek, Yea

Manfredini, Yea

Motion carried
