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Berwyn Park District Board met April 18.

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Berwyn Park District Board met April 18.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

The Regular Meeting of the Berwyn Park District Board of Commissioners was called to order at 7:00 pm. by Board President Mario Manfredini. The meeting was held at the Proksa Park Activity Center, 3001 S. Wisconsin Avenue, Berwyn, Illinois.

Commissioners in Attendance:

Mario Manfredini, President

Diego Estrella, Vice-President

Edward Karasek, Commissioner

Sandra Fejt, Commissioner

Staff in Attendance:

Jeffrey S. Janda, Executive Director

Mary Gail Corpus, Assistant to the Executive Director

Conor Cahill, Superintendent of Recreation

Joe Bzdyl, Superintendent of Parks


Mr. Brian Brock

Daniel Dalziel, 3 D Design

Mary Karasek


Ana Espinoza

II. Pledge of Allegiance

Commissioner Manfredini led the assembled group in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Motion carried

III. Approval of Agenda

Commissioner Karasek moved, seconded by Commissioner Fejt to approve the agenda as presented.

Motion carried

IV. Minutes

Commissioner Karasek moved, seconded by Commissioner Fejt to accept minutes of the following March 28, 2017 Regular Board Meeting, Closed Session milinutes from March 28, 2017, and the 2017 Budget Hearing minutes.

Motion carried

V. Public Comments


VI. Treasurers Report

A. Commissioner Karasek moved, seconded by Commissioner Estrella to accept the Treasurer's report as presented by Commissioner Estrella and place on file for audit.

Motion carried

B. Commissioner Karasek moved seconded by Commissioner Estrella to approve the monthly payroll and payables, totaling the amount of $148,296.54.

Roll Call: Estrella, Yea

Fejt, Yea

Karasek, Yea

Manfredini, Yea

Motion carried

VII. Executive Director's Report

Commissioner Estrella moved seconded by Commissioner Fejt to accept as informational.

Motion carried


No Meeting

IX. Correspondence

Passed around

X. Standing Committee Meeting Reports

A. Finance

Accepted as informational

B. Buildings & Grounds

Accepted as informational

C. Personnel & Policy

No Meeting

D. Recreation

Accepted as informational

XI. Unfinished Business

Commissioner Estrella moved, seconded by Commissioner Fejt to accept the communication from Novotny & Associates awarding of the contract for the CDBGADA Curb Cuts to Davis Concrete Construction Co. for $41,325.00.

Roll Call: Estrella, Yea

Fejt, Yea

Karasek, Yea

Manfredini, Yea

Motion carried

There was no need for a Closed Session at this Board Meeting.

XII. New Business

A. Commissioner Fejt moved, seconded by Commissioner Estrella to accept bid recommendation from 3D Design and award contract to Elanar Construction Company for the OSLAD Proksa Pond Renovation Project at a final contract price to be negotiated by staff based on the line item based contract not to exceed $746,000.00.

Roll Call: Estrella, Yea

Fejt, Yea

Karasek, Nay

Manfredini, Yea

Motion carried

B. Commissioner Estrella moved, seconded by Commissioner Fejt to approve a 3-year Employment Contract with Jeffrey S. Janda to serve as Executive Director with a starting base annual salary of $102,000, vehicle stipend of $750 per month, and benefits consistent with other full-time staff members employed by the Berwyn Park District.

Roll Call: Estrella, Yea

Fejt, Yea

Karasek. Yea

Manfredini, Yea

Motion carried

C. Meeting Dates

Commissioner Fejt has scheduled a Finance Committee Meeting on Monday May 08, 2017, to begin at 4:30 p.m. Recreation, and Buildings & Grounds to follow. The meetings will be held at Freedom Park.

C1. Commissioner Estrella moved seconded by Commissioner Karasek to reschedule the May Board Meeting to Tuesday May 23, 2017.

Motion carried

XIII. Adjournment

There being of no further business to come before the Board, Commissioner Fejt moved, seconded by Commissioner Estrella to adjourn at 7:53 pm.

Roll Call: Estrella, Yea

Fejt, Yea

Karasek, Yea

Manfredini, Yea

Motion carried
