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Village of Stickney Board of Trustees met May 2.

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Village of Stickney Board of Trustees met May 2.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

The Board of Trustees of the Village of Stickney met in regular session on Tuesday, May 2, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. in the Stickney Village Hall, 6533 W. Pershing Road, Stickney, Illinois.

Upon the roll call, the following Trustees were present:

Present: Trustees Fuentes, Hrejsa, Milenkovic, Rivadeneira, Savopoulos and White

Trustee Milenkovic moved, duly seconded by Trustee Fuentes, to approve the minutes of the previous regular session on Tuesday, April 18, 2017.

Upon the roll call, the following Trustees voted:

Ayes: Trustees Fuentes, Hrejsa, Milenkovic, Rivadeneira, Savopoulos and White

Nays: None

Mayor Morelli declared the motion carried.

Trustee White moved, duly seconded by Trustee Savopoulos that the bills, approved by the various committees of the Board, be approved for payment, and to approve warrants which authorize the Village Treasurer to draw checks to pay the bills, to be signed by the authorized signers, as provided for by the Ordinances of the Village of Stickney.

Upon the roll call, the following Trustees voted:

Ayes: Trustees Fuentes, Hrejsa, Milenkovic, Rivadeneira, Savopoulos and White

Nays: None

Mayor Morelli declared the motion carried.

Trustee White moved, duly seconded by Trustee Hrejsa to adjourn sine die.

Upon the roll call, the following Trustees voted:

Ayes: Trustees Fuentes, Hrejsa, Milenkovic, Rivadeneira, Savopoulos and White

Nays: None

Mayor Morelli declared the motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 7:02 p.m.

At this time Trustee Jeff White recognized the Honorable Judge Peter Felice who will be swearing in the newly elected officials.

Trustees Tim Kapolnek, Sam Savopoulos and Leandra Torres were sworn in.

Clerk Audrey McAdams was sworn in.

Mayor Jeff Walik was sworn in. He gave a sincere statement of appreciation to those in attendance.

Trustee Milenkovic moved, duly seconded by Trustee White to reconvene the meeting at 7:08 p.m.

Upon the roll call, the following Trustees voted:

Ayes: Trustee Hrejsa, Kapolnek, Milenkovic, Savopoulos, Torres and White

Nays: None

Mayor Walik declared the motion carried.

Trustee White took this time to acknowledge the various dignitaries attending this meeting.

Trustee Savopoulos moved, duly seconded by Trustee Hrejsa to approve Resolution 09-2017, “A Resolution Adopting the County Clerk’s Proclamation of the Results of the April 4, 2017 Election and Declaring the Election of the Village of Stickney Officials.

Upon the roll call, the following Trustees voted:

Ayes: Trustee Hrejsa, Kapolnek, Milenkovic, Savopoulos, Torres and White

Nays: None

Mayor Walik declared the motion carried.

Trustee Savopoulos moved, duly seconded by Trustee Hrejsa to Grant permission to the Stickney American Legion to conduct their Poppy Days Solicitation May-22 to May 29, 2017 in the Village of Stickney.

Upon the roll call, the following Trustees voted:

Ayes: Trustee Hrejsa, Kapolnek, Milenkovic, Savopoulos, Torres and White

Nays: None

Mayor Walik declared the motion carried.

Effective May 2, 2017, the following Trustees are on the committees indicated. The first named Trustee of each committee is designated as the chairperson; the second, as Vice-Chairperson. Terms end April 30, 2018.

Committees; Chairperson Co-Chairperson:

Finance, License, State And Federal Grants, Air Pollution Committee; Trustees White, Savopoulos

Public Building And Grounds, Private Buildings And Construction, Zoning/Zoning Ordinances, Streets And Sidewalks Committee; Trustees Savopoulos, White

Insurance And Safety, Parks & Recreation, Recycling And Waste Committee; Trustees Hrejsa, Torres

Police, Homeland Security/Disasters, And Blight Committee; Trustees Torres, Hrejsa

Trees, Public Works, Public Water, Ordinances And Public Printing; Trustees Milenkovic, Kapolnek

Fire, Drainage, Water And Light, Railroad And Bridges Committee; Trustees Kapolnek, Milenkovic

Professional Appointments:

Effective May 2, 2017 with all terms expiring April 30, 2018.

Michael T. Del Galdo

Village Attorney and Prosecutor

Anthony Bertuca

Village Adjudicator

Daniel Babich

Chief of Police

Jeffery Boyajian

Fire Chief

Joseph Lopez

Village Supervisor, Public Works and Water Department

Paul Nosek

Village Treasurer/Collector and IMRF Agent

Josh Brniak Building Inspector

Vito Martinkus

Plumbing Inspector

Frederich Kuchta, Jr.

Electrical Inspector

Clerk Audrey McAdams appointed Paul Nosek the Deputy Clerk.

Standing Appointments of the Following Boards and Commissions:

Zoning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals-

Mike Wolthusen May 2, 2017 - April 30, 2022

Keith Arndt May 2, 2017 - April 30, 2022

Police Pension Board-

Rosa Villanueva May 2, 2017 - April 30, 2019

Michael Baumgartner May 1, 2016 - April 30, 2018

Police and Fire Board of Commissioners-

Al Brinker May 2, 2017 - April 30, 2020

Executive Safety Board; (Effective May 2, 2017 to April 30, 2018)-

Trustee Mary Hrejsa; Village Trustee, Chairman

Paul Nosek, Treasurer; Administration

Darlene Pregara; Administration

Beth Lukas; Administration

Richard Jaczak; Police Department

Daniel Babich; Police Department

Joseph Lopez; Public Works (executive director)

Sam Alonzo; Public Works

Jeffery Boyajian; Fire Department

Andrea Acosta; Fire Department

John Babinec; Fire Department

Emergency Telephone Systems Board (911) Effective May 2, 2017 to April 30, 2018-

John Babinec; Fire Department and Chairman

David Gesiorski; Telecommunicator

Andrea Acosta; Fire Department

Richard Jaczak; Police Department

Joseph Lopez; Public Works Department

Sam Jahiri; Public resident

Mark Kusper; Public resident

Non-voting members-

Daniel Babich Police Chief

Jeffery Boyajian Fire Chief

Tree Board; Effective May 2, 2017 to April 30, 2018-

Trustee Mitch Milenkovic; Village Trustee, Chairman

Sam Alanzo; Public Works Department

Edward Bartunek; Resident

Joseph Lopez; Public Works Supervisor

Beth Lukas; Administration

Colette Pawlowski; Resident

Parks and Recreation Commission; (Effective May 2, 2017 to April 30, 2018)-

Trustee Mary Hrejsa Village Trustee, Chairman

Trustee Lea Torres Village Trustee, Co-Chairman

Linda Bruscato

Edward Dabrowski

Natasa Dzolic

Joanne Hulubetz

Debra Johnson

Mark Kusper

Denise Reiter

Lori Schuler

Shea Reiter, Teen Representative

Julia Gregor, Teen Representative

Trustee White moved, duly seconded by Trustee Savopoulos to approve through “Omnibus Vote” the Mayor’s appointments.

Upon the roll call, the following Trustees voted:

Ayes: Trustee Hrejsa, Kapolnek, Milenkovic, Savopoulos, Torres and White

Nays: None

Mayor Walik declared the motion carried.

At this time, Mayor Walik asked, “The people who were appointed as a Department Head or to a committee to stand and raise your right hand.” The Oath of office was then read to them at one time.

The Mayor thanked everybody for coming out including the dignitaries, department heads, family and friends. He said, “I just want the residents know that myself, the wonderful Clerk Audrey, these six Trustees and the Department Heads will give you all 100%. If you need anything please don’t hesitate to call or email one of us. They all have their committees. You will be taken care or right away.” He continued to provide information about the Arbor Day celebration on Friday. Due to the timing we didn’t have trees for the kids. We did have a nice presentation at Edison and Home Schools. We are going to donate a tree to both schools in the future. The Mayor then thanked Ed Bartunek for donating $200 to go toward a tree for Edison School.

Mayor Walik then thanked Mayor Morelli for her time here for the last four years.

Trustee’s Reports: Trustee Kapolnek gave the fire department report for the month of April, 2017 as follows: Ambulance calls: 55; Mutual Aid Calls: 15; Service Calls: 3; Fire Calls: 14; Hazardous Condition Calls: 1; Motor Vehicle Accidents: 3; Working Fires: 0; Brush/Trash Fire Calls: 1; Car Fires: 0; Outside Equipment Fires: 0; Total calls for the month of: April: 92; Total calls for 2017: 357

The Trustees gave sentiments of appreciation to all those who are newly elected. Trustee White asked those in attendance to enjoy the refreshments that were available.

Mayor Walik then introduced our new Police Chief, Daniel Babich. The Mayor mentioned that the Deputy Chief will be Richard Jaczak. The Fire Chief, Jeff Boyajian was also recognized. Public Works Supervisor, Joe Lopez was acknowledged. Our new treasurer Paul Nosek was mentioned. Our Village Attorney Mike Del Galdo was recognized. The Village Adjudicator, Anthony Bertuca was acknowledged.

There being no further business, Trustee White moved, duly seconded by Trustee Savopoulos that the meeting be adjourned. Upon which the Board adopted the motion at 7:29 p.m.
