
West Cook News

Monday, March 10, 2025

Village of Stickney Board of Trustees met April 18.

Webp chairs

Village of Stickney Board of Trustees met April 18.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

The Board of Trustees of the Village of Stickney met in regular session on Tuesday, April 18, 2017, at 7:00 p.m. in the Stickney Village Hall, 6533 W. Pershing Road, Stickney, Illinois.

Upon the roll call, the following Trustees were present:

Trustees Fuentes, Hrejsa, Milenkovic, Rivadeneria, Savopoulos and White

Trustee White moved, duly seconded by Trustee Milenkovic, to approve the minutes of the previous regular session on Wednesday, April 5, 2017.

Upon the roll call, the following Trustees voted:

Ayes: Trustees Fuentes, Hrejsa, Milenkovic, Rivadeneria, Savopoulos and White

Nays: None

Mayor Morelli declared the motion carried.

Trustee White moved, duly seconded by Trustee Savopoulos that the bills, approved by the various committees of the Board, be approved for payment, and to approve warrants which authorize the Village Treasurer to draw checks to pay the bills, to be signed by the authorized signers, as provided for by the Ordinances of the Village of Stickney.

Upon the roll call, the following Trustees voted:

Ayes: Trustees Fuentes, Hrejsa, Milenkovic, Rivadeneria, Savopoulos and White

Nays: None

Mayor Morelli declared the motion carried.

Trustee Fuentes moved, duly seconded by Trustee Savopoulos to accept the report from the Illinois Department of Revenue for sales tax collected for the month of January, 2017 indicating the sum of $37,157.41.

Upon the roll call, the following Trustees voted:

Ayes: Trustees Fuentes, Hrejsa, Milenkovic, Rivadeneria, Savopoulos and White

Nays: None

Mayor Morelli declared the motion carried.

Trustee White moved, duly seconded by Trustee Milenkovic to accept the report from the Illinois Department of Transportation for the month of March, 2017 in the amount of $12,440.41.

Upon the roll call, the following Trustees voted:

Ayes: Trustees Fuentes, Hrejsa, Milenkovic, Rivadeneria, Savopoulos and White

Nays: None

Mayor Morelli declared the motion carried.

Trustee White moved, duly seconded by Trustee Savopoulos to approve Resolution 08-2017, “A Resolution Authorizing and Approving a Certain Agreement with GW & Associates for the Village of Stickney.”

Prior to the vote, Village Attorney Mike Del Galdo explained, “My understanding is that this request came from the transition team to certain members of the board. It is a common request when a new administration takes over and for accountants from the outside to be hired to summarize the Village’s finances and to provide the transition team with an independent report. That is my understanding as to the purpose and intent of this resolution.”

Upon the roll call, the following Trustees voted:

Ayes: Trustees Hrejsa, Milenkovic, Rivadeneria, Savopoulos and White

Nays: Trustee Fuentes

Mayor Morelli declared the motion carried.

Trustee Savopoulos moved, duly seconded by Trustee White to pass and approve Ordinance 2017-05, “An Ordinance Amending Chapter 2, Section 2-45 of the Municipal Code, Village of Stickney, Illinois regarding Board of Trustee Committees.”

Upon the roll call, the following Trustees voted:

Ayes: Trustees Hrejsa, Milenkovic, Rivadeneria, Savopoulos and White

Nays: Trustee Fuentes

Mayor Morelli declared the motion carried.

Trustee Milenkovic moved, duly seconded by Trustee Savopoulos to grant permission to The Salvation Army to conduct their Donut Days Campaign fundraising event June 2 & 3, 2017 in the Village of Stickney.

Upon the roll call, the following Trustees voted:

Ayes: Trustees Fuentes, Hrejsa, Milenkovic, Rivadeneria, Savopoulos and White

Nays: None

Mayor Morelli declared the motion carried.

Mayor’s Report: Mayor Morelli read the following letter: “Date April 18, 2017; To the Honorable Deborah E. Morelli and the Board of Trustees for the Village of Stickney, from John M. Sladetz, Chief of Police, Stickney Police Department. Dear Mayor Morelli: I would like to take this opportunity to announce my retirement from the Stickney Police Department effective April 28, 2017. I have served the Village in a full-time sworn capacity for over 30 years. It has been a great honor to serve as Chief of Police for the department I have served over half of my lifetime, not to mention the great Village that I was born and raised in. Thank you and the Village residents for all of your past support. Respectfully, John Sladtez”

Trustees’ Reports: Trustee Rivadeneira gave the Police Department report for the month of March, 2017: Total number of calls for service; 1,462: Total number of E911 calls received; 401: Arrest by type: Traffic: 78; Village Ordinance Offences: 40; Warrants and Complaints: 7; Parking violations: 211; Total number of arrests/citations issued: 336; Total number of squad miles: 9,297; Total amount of gasoline used: 1,233.6 gallons; Average gas mileage/squad: 7.536 mpg.

Ordinance Activity Report for the month of March, 2017. Ordinance Investigations: 356; Business License Investigations: 6; Violation Notices Issued: 8; Miscellaneous Details: 266; S.L.O. Tickets: 3; Parking Citations Issued: 36; Tow Tag: 1;

In addition, Trustee Rivadeneria thanked the Chief for his service.

Trustee Milenkovic reported that the last Friday in April is Arbor Day. We will be having our celebration on April 28, at Edison School at 9:15 and at Home School at 10:30. The Tree Committee is putting this on.

Trustee White moved, duly seconded by Trustee Fuentes to accept the treasurer’s report for January, 2017.

Upon the roll call, the following Trustees voted:

Ayes: Trustees Fuentes, Hrejsa, Milenkovic, Rivadeneria, Savopoulos and White

Nays: None

Mayor Morelli declared the motion carried.

Department Reports: Police Chief John Sladetz reported that our TCF Bank got hit on April 11 for the fourth time. This time our Ashley Sinkowitz was on the ball and caught him on Harlem and I55. He had an accomplice. He has cleared up so far nine bank robberies. Four of them are ours including that one. She is one hell of a copper. She and Bill Merrill were on that one.

The Police Chief continued, “It is a little bit emotional right now. I wanted to tell everyone right now; once again, it is the greatest honor of my life to serve, not only as a patrol officer, a Sergeant, Deputy Chief and Chief in my hometown. For the last time, I am going to tell everyone to watch for scammers. If anyone has a driveway watch for scammers. He finished by saying, God Bless and stay safe.”

Public Works Supervisor, Jeff Boyajian, informed us that this week he received the J.U.L.I.E. request for putting up signs along Harlem Avenue. He has been told that the construction is to begin at the beginning of May. They will be resurfacing from I55 to 26th Street in Berwyn. They are reconfiguring the whole intersection of 47th and Harlem. According to the Public Works Director of Forest View, they have to move their water main to accommodate a sewer that is being erected to take care of a water problem they have there. He personally is going to avoid Harlem Avenue by all costs. There is a preconstruction meeting tomorrow at 1:00 in Forest View. As I get more information I will pass it on.

Fire Chief Larry Meyer reminded us about calling J.U.L.I.E. that is the joint utility locator that is free. It is actually a state law if you are going to dig, even if it is in your yard, call J.U.L.I.E. They use those colored flags to mark the utilities. Other fire department news involved the discovery of a bed bug. The pest control company identified it. They were told that if it was a female they mate once in their lifetime and can lay thousands of eggs. The pest control person sprayed the chair where it was found and did an inspection of the rest of the firehouse. Encapsulating mattress covers were purchased.

There being no further business, Trustee White moved, duly seconded by Trustee Savopoulos that the meeting be adjourned. Upon which the Board adopted the motion at 7:14 p.m.
