Village of Franklin Park President and Board of Trustees met April 3.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
I. Pledge of Allegiance
II. Call to Order: President Pedersen called to order the Board of Trustees of the Village of Franklin Park in regular session at 7:00 p.m.
III. Roll Call; Establishment of Quorum
Village Clerk Tommy Thomson called the roll:
Present: Trustees Mr. Caporusso, Mr. Johnson, Ms. McLean, Mr. Ruhl, Ms. Special, and Mr. Ybarra. The Village Clerk declared a quorum was present
Legal Representation Present: Joe Montana, Village Attorney
Staff Members Present: Lisa Anthony (Health and Human Resources Director), John Schneider (Community Development Director), John Hildago (Director, Department of Building), Dave Talbott (Engineer Consultant for Smith LaSalle), Chief William Brehm (Fire Department), Deputy Chief Ruch (Police Department)
IV. Public Comments (Limit to 2 minutes per speaker, Ordinance No. 1415-G-43)
1. None
V. Committee Reports
A. Finance and special events committee (Mr. Johnson, chair) 1. Mr. Johnson announced the next meeting for the Franklin Park fest will be held at village hall on Thursday, April 6. The meeting will begin at 10:00 a.m. Mr. Johnson announced the next meeting for the village’s 125th anniversary will be held at village hall on Wednesday, April 12. The meeting will begin at 6:00 p.m.
B. Water and Sewer/Fleet Maintenance Committee (Mr. Caporusso, Chair)
1. Mr. Caporusso stated he had nothing to report
C. Police and Fire Committee (Mr. Ruhl, Chair)
1. Mr. Ruhl reported the fire department responded to 119 emergency calls for the month of March. These calls were for structural and vehicle fires along with carbon monoxide detection calls. The fire department has received a grant for new carbon monoxide detection equipment
D. Streets, Alleys and Fleet Maintenance Committee (Mr. Ybarra, Chair)
1. Mr. Ybarra reported since the last board meeting, the fleet department has performed 45 hours of work. The department was short two mechanics but now they are only short one
2. Mr. Ybarra stated street sweeping has commenced early due to the nice weather. Grass pickup has also begun
3. Mr. Ybarra announced april 5 is the bid opening for the 50/50 sidewalk program
E. Property, Planning, Zoning, and Building Committee (Ms. Special, Chair)
1. Ms. Special reported village staff met with Brownfield Coalition last Tuesday regarding the Brownfield assessment grant
2. Ms. Special stated village staff met with the truck routing and infrastructure policy and technical committees last Thursday. Truck routes were discussed
3. Ms. Special reported during the first quarter of the year, the building department had 70 residential closings, 15 commercial occupancies, 180 building permit applications, 50 electric permit applications, 86 presale applications, 73 transfer stamps, 149 contractors registered, 400-plus sign inspection fees (for fiscal year 2016), and 30 issued citations
F. Health, human resources, sustainable practices and senior services committee (Ms. Mclean, chair)
1. Ms. Mclean reported 96 residents have signed up for the senior grass cutting program
2. Ms. Mclean announced the park district will be hosting their annual earth day celebration on April 22. The event will be held at north park from 12:00 to 2:00 p.m.
3. Ms. Mclean announced April is distracted driving awareness month
4. Ms. Mclean stated the reverse-mortgage seminar for seniors was held last week
VI. Staff Reports and Comments; Discussion on Agenda Items
1. None
VII. Consent Agenda
(Items on the Consent Agenda will be enacted/approved by one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless so requested by a member of the Village Board, in which case that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in the normal sequence of the Agenda.)
Village Clerk Tommy Thomson read aloud public recital of Consent Agenda items
1. Approval of the Minutes From:
(a) Regular meeting of the president and board of trustees held on Monday, March 20, 2017
2. Approval of Voucher Expenditures List in the Amount of $1,614,702.43
3. Resolution No. 1617 R
A resolution of the village of Franklin park, cook county, Illinois, urging residents to participate in kids to parks day on may 20, 2017
4. Ordinance No. 1617 Vc
An ordinance amending chapter six of title six of the village code of the village of Franklin park, cook county, Illinois (handicapped reserved parking space for 2541 willow street)
5. Ordinance No. 1617 G
An ordinance authorizing and approving engineering services agreement for the 2017 50-50 curb and sidewalk replacement program by and between smith Lasalle, incorporated and the village of Franklin park, cook county, Illinois
6. Motion to Approve J. Congdon Sewer Service, Incorporated, 170 Alexandra way, carol stream, Illinois 60188, as being both the lowest responsible and most responsive bidder for the Reuter subdivision improvements project, phase I, stages 1 and 2 in the amount of $1,390,000.00, in accordance with and pursuant to the analysis and recommendation undertaken by the village engineer, and authorize the required officers and officials of the village to execute the necessary documents and undertake such further action to effectuate same
Motion made by Mr. Johnson, seconded by Ms. McLean to approve the Consent Agenda. Roll Call: Ayes – Mr. Caporusso, Mr. Ybarra, Mr. Ruhl, Mr. Johnson, Ms. Special, and Ms. McLean. Nay – 0. Absent – 0. Abstain – 0.
VIII. New Business
1. None
IX. Appointments/Swearing In
1. None
X. Comments from the Clerk
1. None
XI. Comments from the President
1. None
XII. Closed/Executive Session
1. None
XIII. Adjournment
Motion made by Mr. Caporusso, seconded by Ms. McLean to adjourn at 7:13 p.m. Voice vote carried