
West Cook News

Friday, January 31, 2025

Forest Park School District 91 Board of Education met April 13.

Forest Park School District 91 Board of Education met April 13.

Here is the agenda provided by the Board:

1. Roll Call

2. Closed Session

3. Pledge of Allegiance and Reading of Mission and Vision Statements

4. Consent Agenda Items

A. Approval of Minutes, March 6, 2017, Special Open Meeting

B. Approval of Minutes, March 9, 2017, Regular Meeting

C. Approval of Payrolls, April 13 and April 28, 2017

D. Approval of Financial Data as Provided by the Township Treasurer’s Office

E. Approval of the Destruction of Any Recorded Executive Session Minutes of September 2015

F. Personnel

1. Consider Recommendation to Accept the Resignation of an Instructional Assistant at GAR, Effective 4/13/2017

2. Consider Recommendation to Accept the Resignation of the Director of Innovative Learning, Effective 6/30/2017

3. Consider Recommendation to Employ a Special Education Teacher (Multi-Needs) at FPMS for the 2017-18 School Year

4. Consider Recommendation to Dismiss the Health Services Coordinator, Effective 6/2/2017

5. Consider Approval of Closed Session Minutes of March 6, 2017

6. Consider Approval of Closed Session Minutes of March 9, 2017

7. Introductions and Matters of Consideration from the Audience

8. Correspondence

9. Items for Discussion

A. Dr. Cavallo, Superintendent of Schools

1. NSBA Annual Conference Reports

B. Edward Brophy, Asst. Superintendent of Operations

1. Status of District Finances

2. Review Pooled Investment Report from Township Treasurer’s Office

3. FY2017 3rd Quarter Financial Report

4. FY2017 End of Year Financial Projection

10. Items for Action

A. Dr. Cavallo, Superintendent of Schools

1. Consider Approval of the Superintendent’s Annual Performance Evaluation

2. Consider Declaration of June 2, 2017, as Official School Closing Date for FY2017

3. Consider Adoption of Proclamation Honoring Teachers for National Teacher Appreciation Day on May 2, 2017

B. Edward Brophy, Asst. Superintendent of Operations

1. Consider Resolution Authorizing the Preparation of the FY2018 Annual Budget

2. Consider Approval of Proposed FY2018 Budget Review/Adoption and 2017 Tax Levy Review/Adoption Schedule

3. Consider Approval of Hootsuite Inc. Final Payment of $1,620.00

4. Consider Approval of Laserfiche Content Management Proposal for $44,395.00 and Laserfiche Software Assurance Plan (LSAP) for $5,000.00 Annually

5. Consider Approval of Comcast Fiber-Optic Service 3-Year Agreement for $52,800.00 Per Year (Before Taxes)

11. Superintendent’s Report

A. Professional Progress Committee - Next Meeting April 26, 2017

B. Residency


D. Other

12. Committee Reports

A. Citizens’ Advisory Council/Community Engagement - Next Meeting April 26, 2017

B. Superintendent Evaluation

13. Additional Matters for Consideration from the Board

14. Additional Matters for Consideration from the Audience

15. Adjourn
