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Saturday, February 22, 2025

Millington Board of Trustees ratifies fire department donations

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The village of Millington Board of Trustees met Dec. 12 to ratify fire department donations.

Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the board:


Monday, December 12, 2016

Call to Order: Mayor Doug Holley called the regularly scheduled meeting of the board of trustees to order at 7:00 PM.

Roll Call/Establishment of Quorum: Present: President Doug Holley. Also present were Trustees Terry Lobdell, Pat Aloisio, Brad Pekoc, Jordan Thibault, Travis King and Kevin Jensen. Sandy White, treasurer present. Lenee Kissel, Clerk present. Ron Rithaler/Building Inspector present. Erin Baker, Attorney, present.

President’s Comments: Doug said that the only thing he knows about Comcast is that their prices are going up.

Trustee’s Comments: Brad stated that we are missing an ornament on his corner. Pat thanked Doug for all of the work that he is doing around town.

Citizen’s Comments: Gary Lechowicz stated that the homeowner, Kyle Kumperda’s title insurance company is stating that they have no liability since Millington issued an occupancy permit. Gary asked if the Village was willing to make things right now. Kevin stated that the title insurance company is liable. Continued discussion on this topic. Erin suggested putting on the next agenda if information comes in from the other attorney.

Minutes for November Meetings: Pat made a motion to accept the minutes from the November meeting. Terry seconded, motion carried unanimously. Pat made a motion to accept (but not release) the Executive Session minutes from the November meeting. Brad seconded, motion carried unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report: Read by Sandy. Net income for the month of November was $-1,653.84 YTD net income $-18,399.97. Checking has $80,342.24. Savings has $35,805.83. Playground fund has $15,042.37. Motor fuel has $48,273.05. Terry made a motion to accept the November treasurer’s report. Pat seconded, motion carried unanimously.

Bills to Pay:

Lenee Kissel 110.75 Ron Rithaler 88.60 S. White 119.61 Doug Holley 45.74 Postmaster 49.00 Ancel Glink 10,375.44 MCI 33.32 Illinois Department of Revenue 42.94 Newark BP 64.30 John Deere 39.90 Theodore Larson, Ins. 100.00 Department of Treasury 163.96 AT&T Internet 49.00 AT&T 313.00 Waste Management 51.25 R. Rithaler 188.14 Ameren IP 801.04 Total From General Checking 12,635.99

Jordan made a motion to pay the bills. Kevin asked for an itemized bill for Ancel Glink and Sandy stated that this is 2 months worth of billing. Terry seconded, motion carried. Kevin Jensen opposed.

Police Report: Deputy Novak –Kendall County got a grant to reduce youth access to tobacco. Reported on an 11/4 incident where Kendall County apprehended a fugitive through a tip on their Crime Stoppers program. The department has brought on a volunteer auxiliary deputy.

Building Report: Ron stated there was one new permit in the last 30 days. There were three inspections done. 12 permits were issued in 2016. Continued to report all of the items in 2016. 100 Belle Rive Drive has resolved the issue of too many fowl on the property. Ron would like to discontinue this case and the Board stated that they were fine as long as he is in compliance. Kevin asked about the expense and trying to collect the fines. It was stated that going after them legally would cost more money than we would ever recapture with the fines. He thanked the Board for a good year and wished everyone a Merry Christmas.

New Business:

• Travel Reimbursement Ordinance-Terry made a motion to adopt Ordinance 12-01-16, “An Ordinance Establishing a Travel Reimbursement Policy in Accordance with the Local Government Travel Expense Control Act (Public Act 099-0604)”. Kevin seconded, motion carried unanimously.

• Tax Levy- Kevin made a motion to adopt Ordinance 12-02-16, “An Ordinance Levying Taxes for all Corporate Purposes for the Village of Millington, LaSalle and Kendall Counties, Illinois for the Fiscal Year Commencing on the 1st day of April, 2017 and Ending on the 31st day of March 2018.” Jordan seconded motion carried unanimously including Doug Holley who was required to vote as well.

• Ratify 100.00 Donation to Newark Fire Department- Pat made a motion to ratify the vote from the November meeting to donate $100 to the Newark Fire Department. Jordan seconded, motion carried unanimously.

• Public Comment Rules Ordinance-Erin explained how municipalities often have rules in place for public comments. She stated that the ones provided to us by the attorney are actually fairly permissive. Kevin made a motion to adopt Resolution 12-03-16, “A Resolution Approving Public Comment Rules for Village Board Meetings.” Terry seconded, motion carried unanimously.

• Pledge of Allegiance start January 2017-Pat made a motion to start the Pledge of Allegiance at the January 2017 meeting. Travis seconded, motion carried unanimously. Doug would like to purchase a flag. Kevin has one to donate.

Old Business:

• International Truck?-Lisbon doesn’t want the truck anymore. We will hold onto it and table to a later date.

• Doug asked for an executive session-can’t be done as it was not on the agenda.

No further business discussed. Terry made a motion to adjourn, Pat seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Adjourned at 7:40 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Lenee Kissel, Village Clerk