
West Cook News

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Elmwood Park trustees award tree planting project

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The village of Elmwood Park Board of Trustees met Nov. 21 to award tree planting project.

Here is the meeting's agenda, as provided by the board:




The 2204th Regular Meeting of the President and Board of Trustees

Monday, November 21, 2016

1) Meeting Called to Order

a) Pledge of Allegiance

b) Roll Call

2) Public Comments

3) Reports of Committees:

a) Village Clerk

b) Village Trustees

c) Village Attorney

d) Village Manager

e) Village President

4) Consent Agenda:

a) Approval of the minutes of a meeting of the President and Board of Trustees November 7, 2016.

b) Receive and File minutes of the Finance Committee meeting held October 3, 2016.

c) Receive and File minutes of the Traffic and Safety Commission meeting held October 28, 2016.

d) Receive and File minutes of the Plan Zoning Commission meeting held September 12, 2016.

e) Various license applications submitted to the Village Clerks office.

f) A Resolution Regarding Illinois Department of Transportation Right of Way Permits.

g) A Resolution Approving and Ratifying the Execution of a Memorandum of Understanding for Participation in the Regional 2016-17 Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program.

h) A Resolution Authorizing the Award of a Contract to St. Aubin Nursery for the 2017 Tree Planting Program, in an Amount Not to Exceed $17,500.00.

5) Communications

6) Old Business

7) New Business

a) Motion to approve recommendation from the Traffic & Safety Commission to finish double yellow center line striping on Sunset from Diversey to Conti Parkway.

b) Motion to approve recommendation from the Traffic & Safety Commission to install one speed bump in the alley behind North Avenue at 7608 W. North Ave and install one speed bump in the alley behind Grand Ave between 75th Ct and 75th Ave, from 75th Ave West to alley.

8) Adjournment

Gina Pesko - Village Clerk