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Sunday, February 23, 2025

Cook County Finance Committee approves insurance claims

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The Cook County Finance Committee met Oct. 5 to approve insurance claims.

Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the committee:

--- "Board of Commissioners of Cook County\r\nFinance Committee\r\nWednesday, October

5, 2016 10:00 AM Cook County Building, Board Room, 569\r\n118 North Clark Street,

Chicago, Illinois\r\nPUBLIC TESTIMONY\r\nAccording to the Cook County Board’s Rules

of Organization and Procedure, public testimony will be\r\npermitted at regular

and special meetings of the Board and at committee meetings of the Board.\r\nAuthorization

as a public speaker shall only be granted to those individuals who have submitted

in writing,\r\ntheir name, address, subject matter, and organization (if any) to

the Secretary 24 hours in advance of the\r\nmeeting. Duly authorized public speakers

shall be called upon to deliver testimony at a time specified in\r\nthe meeting

agenda. Public testimony must be germane to a specific item(s) on the meeting agenda,

and the\r\ntestimony must not exceed three minutes; the Secretary will keep track

of the time and advise when the\r\ntime for public testimony has expired. Persons

authorized to provide public testimony shall not use vulgar,\r\nabusive, or otherwise

inappropriate language when addressing the Board; failure to act appropriately;\r\nfailure

to speak to an item that is germane to the meeting, or failure to adhere to the

time requirements may\r\nresult in expulsion from the meeting and/or disqualify

the person from providing future testimony.\r\nCOMMITTEE MINUTES\r\n16-5498\r\nApproval

of the minutes from the meeting of 09/14/2016\r\nCOURT ORDERS\r\nAPPELLATE CASES\r\n16-5051\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Eleesha Madeline O’Neill\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $2,212.50\r\nCase Name: In

Re Elias Y. (minor)\r\nTrial Court No(s): 12JA1284\r\nAppellate Court No(s): 1-16-0548\r\nPage

2 of 64\r\n16-5128\r\nAttorney/Payee: Marv Raidbard\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees:

$1,522.14\r\nCase Name: In the Interest of: Temple L., Calib L., Jacob L. (minors)\r\nTrial

Court No(s): 12JA1141, 12JA1142, 12JA1143\r\nAppellate Court No(s): 1-16-0550\r\n16-5323\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Thomas J. Esler\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $2,115.00\r\nCase Name: In the Interest

of Nathan R.\r\nTrial Court No(s): 10JA348\r\nAppellate Court No(s): 16-1011\r\n16-5362\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Thomas O’Connell\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $2,212.10\r\nCase Name: In re Omari

B.\r\nTrial Court No(s): 11JA844\r\nAppellate Court No(s): 1-15-1905, 1-15-2176\r\n16-5386\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Stephen Jaffe\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $2,152.50\r\nCase Name: In the Interest

of R.T. and M.B.\r\nTrial Court No(s): 14JA1500, 14JA1501\r\nAppellate Court No(s):


CASES TO BE APPROVED: $10,214.24\r\nCRIMINAL DIVISION\r\n16-5048\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Law Offices of Chicago-Kent College of Law\r\nPresenter: Daniel T. Coyne\r\nFees:

$1,885.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s):

legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): Mark Howard\r\nCase No(s): 98CR27218\r\nPage

3 of 64\r\n16-5058\r\nAttorney/Payee: Pradeep Roy-Singh\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees:

$1,200.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s):

legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): Thomas Davis\r\nCase No(s): 2008CR80010\r\n16-5076\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Matthew J. McQuaid\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $3,545.00\r\nService Rendered for

court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s)

of respondent(s): Hubbard Thrasher\r\nCase No(s): 14CR80007\r\n16-5263\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Dr. Gill Vikramjit\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $1,000.00\r\nService Rendered for

court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): expert witness\r\nName(s)

of respondent(s): M. L. Davis\r\nCase No(s): 2016COMH2131\r\nCRIMINAL DIVISION CASES


BE APPROVED: $7,630.00\r\nDOMESTIC RELATIONS DIVISION\r\n16-5193\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Matthew Ingram\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $463.75\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):



TO BE APPROVED: $463.75\r\nPage 4 of 64\r\nCHILD PROTECTION DIVISION\r\n16-4935\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Michael D. Stevens, Ltd.\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $1,772.50\r\nService Rendered

for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nNames(s)

of respondent(s): K. Morrow, M. Scott, A. Scott, M. Scott (minors) GAL\r\nIn Re:

K. Morrow, M. Scott, A. Scott, M. Scott (minors)\r\nCase No(s): 15JA157, 15JA158,

15JA159, 15JA552\r\n16-5034\r\nAttorney/Payee: Law office of Michael J. Vitale\r\nPresenter:

Same\r\nFees: $575.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of

indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): R. Slepicka,

Sr. (father)\r\nIn Re: R. Slepicka, Jr. (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 15JA00225\r\n16-5035\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Law Office of Michael J. Vitale\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $362.50\r\nService Rendered

for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s)

of respondent(s): Eliseo Gutierrez (father)\r\nIn Re: C. Gutierrez (minor)\r\nCase

No(s): 05JA1040\r\n16-5036\r\nAttorney/Payee: Law Office of Michael J. Vitale\r\nPresenter:

Same\r\nFees: $312.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of

indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): Patricia

Wolfe (mother)\r\nIn Re: R. Wolfe (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 12JA157\r\n16-5038\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Thomas J. Esler\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $425.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Jessica Otis (mother)\r\nIn Re: K. Jones (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 14JA1118\r\nPage

5 of 64\r\n16-5039\r\nAttorney/Payee: Thomas J. Esler\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees:

$1,235.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s):

legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): J. Williams, R. Jones (minors)

GAL\r\nIn Re: J. Williams, R. Jones (minors)\r\nCase No(s): 14JA1248, 15JA1059\r\n16-5040\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Steven Silets\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $1,131.25\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Haniff Collins (father)\r\nIn Re: N. Grier, H. Collins (minors)\r\nCase No(s): 15JA726,

15JA727\r\n16-5041\r\nAttorney/Payee: Steven Silets\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees:

$225.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s):

legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): Herbert Coleman (father)\r\nIn

Re: D. Coleman (minor)\r\nCase No(s):09JA976\r\n16-5042\r\nAttorney/Payee: Brenda

Sue Shavers\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $1,275.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of Respondent(s):

Tramayne Williams (father)\r\nIn Re: T. Williams (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 14JA1093\r\n16-5043\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Brenda Sue Shavers\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $300.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of Respondent(s):

M. Lee (father)\r\nIn Re: M. Lee (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 14JA239\r\n16-5057\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Ray Morrissey\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $1,118.75\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Zachary Swanigan (father)\r\nIn Re: N. Blankenship (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 15JA809\r\nPage

6 of 64\r\n16-5082\r\nAttorney/Payee: Theodore J. Adams\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees:

$617.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s):

legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): K. Anderson, T. Brooks, J. Anderson

(minors) GAL\r\nIn Re: K. Anderson, T. Brooks, J. Anderson (minors)\r\nCase No(s):

10JA147, 11JA984, 14JA74\r\n16-5086\r\nAttorney/Payee: Paul D. Katz, Attorney at

Law\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $975.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Brett Sollis (father)\r\nIn Re: N. Stoffey (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 11JA00449\r\n16-5089\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Paul D. Katz, Attorney at Law\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $350.00\r\nService Rendered

for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s)

of respondent(s): R. Wesley, Sr. (father)\r\nIn Re: R. Wesley, Jr. (minor)\r\nCase

No(s): 14JA00045\r\n16-5100\r\nAttorney/Payee: Thomas J. Esler\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees:

$690.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s):

legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): Lawrence Jackson (father)\r\nIn

Re: K. Cole (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 13JA0702\r\n16-5110\r\nAttorney/Payee: Sherri

Williams\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $643.75\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Tamika Gatlin (mother)\r\nIn Re: T. Jones (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 16JA00051 \r\nPage

7 of 64\r\n16-5111\r\nAttorney/Payee: Sherri Williams\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees:

$956.25\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s):

legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): Ieshia Lomax (mother)\r\nIn Re:

A. Lomax (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 16JA00177\r\n16-5115\r\nAttorney/Payee: Gilbert

C. Schumm\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $368.75\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Rene Armendariz (father)\r\nIn Re: A. Armendariz, K. Armendariz, E. Armendariz (minors)\r\nCase

No(s): 14JA526, 14JA529, 14JA530\r\n16-5116\r\nAttorney/Payee: Gilbert C. Schumm\r\nPresenter:

Same\r\nFees: $873.75\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of

indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): David

Coleman (father)\r\nIn Re: M. Surrell, D. Surell, M. Surell, A. Surrell, A. Surrell

(minors)\r\nCase No(s): 15JA904, 15JA905, 15JA906, 15JA907, 15JA908\r\n16-5119\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Donna L. Ryder\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $465.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

John Conners (father)\r\nIn Re: A. Mendoza (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 14JA247\r\n16-5148\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Ray Morrissey\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $412.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Floyd Brown (father)\r\nIn Re: A. Brown (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 12JA124\r\nPage 8

of 64\r\n16-5149\r\nAttorney/Payee: Ray Morrissey\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $525.00\r\nService

Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s)

of respondent(s): K. Jones (minor) GAL\r\nIn Re: K. Jones (minor)\r\nCase No(s):

14JA1118\r\n16-5150\r\nAttorney/Payee: Steven O. Ross\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees:

$790.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s):

legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): Deangelo Roberts (father)\r\nIn

Re: J. Farias (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 15JA707\r\n16-5151\r\nAttorney/Payee: Steven

O. Ross\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $300.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Melchor Navarette (father)\r\nIn Re: J. Navarette (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 15JA786\r\n16-5158\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Paul D. Katz\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $750.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Timothy Wilson (father)\r\nIn Re: K. Johnson (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 14JA00108\r\n16-5159\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Thomas J. Esler\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $1,465.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

M. Bieglow, S. Bieglow (minor) GAL\r\nIn Re: M. Bieglow, S. Bieglow (minor)\r\nCase

No(s): 16JA0334, 16JA0336\r\n16-5160\r\nAttorney/Payee: Thomas J. Esler\r\nPresenter:

Same\r\nFees: $600.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of

indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): S. Chaitman

(minor) GAL\r\nIn Re: S. Chaitman (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 14JA0856\r\nPage 9 of 64\r\n16-5161\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Paul S. Kayman\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $350.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Toney Campbell (father)\r\nIn Re: T. Campbell (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 07JA00468\r\n16-5163\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Eleesha Madeline O’Neill\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $1,031.25\r\nService Rendered

for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s)

of respondent(s): Brandon Gibson (father)\r\nIn Re I. Ramos, K. Ramos (minors)\r\nCase

No(s): 12JA0447, 12JA0445\r\n16-5171\r\nAttorney/Payee: Paul D. Katz\r\nPresenter:

Same\r\nFees: $262.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of

indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): Darryl

Livsey (father)\r\nIn Re: D. Livsey-Jackson (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 15JA00494\r\n16-5172\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Paul D. Katz, Attorney at Law\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $162.50\r\nService Rendered

for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s)

of respondent(s): William Hooks (minor) GAL\r\nIn Re: W. Hooks (minor)\r\nCase No(s):

04JA00125\r\n16-5175\r\nAttorney/Payee: Dean C. Morask\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees:

$812.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s):

legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): D. Gary, M. Gary (minors) GAL\r\nIn

Re: D. Gary, M. Gary (minors)\r\nCase No(s): 03JA733, 03JA734 \r\nPage 10 of 64\r\n16-5177\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Sherri Williams\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $1,125.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

T. Aliprandi (minor) GAL\r\nIn Re: T. Aliprandi (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 14JA01130\r\n16-5178\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Sherri Williams\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $387.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Carolyn Robinson (mother)\r\nIn Re: S. Ware (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 03JA01495\r\n16-5187\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Robert A. Horwitz\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $193.75\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

D. Blackman, D. Blackman, D. Blackman, D.\r\nBlackman, D. Blackman (minors) GAL\r\nIn

Re: D. Blackman, D. Blackman, D. Blackman, D. Blackman, D. Blackman (minors)\r\nCase

No(s): 12JA1024, 12JA1025, 12JA1026, 13JA22, 14JA492\r\n16-5188\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Paul D. Katz, Attorney at Law\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $337.50\r\nService Rendered

for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s)

of respondent(s): Anthony Lockhart (father)\r\nIn Re: K. Lockhart (minor)\r\nCase

No(s): 12JA00123\r\n16-5189\r\nAttorney/Payee: Ray Morrissey\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees:

$287.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s):

legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): Heidi Holder (father)\r\nIn Re:

L. Holder, S. Holder (minors)\r\nCase No(s): 12JA956, 12JA955\r\nPage 11 of 64\r\n16-5190\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Paul Karoll\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $625.00\r\nService rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName of respondent(s):

Latoya Paige (mother)\r\nIn Re: J. Paige, J. Paige (minors)\r\nCase No(s): 14JA104,

14JA106\r\n16-5191\r\nAttorney/Payee: Paul Karoll\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $462.50\r\nService

rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName

of respondent(s): Kalso Sullivan (father)\r\nIn Re: K. Sullivan (minor)\r\nCase

No(s): 15JA347\r\n16-5192\r\nAttorney/Payee: Paul Karoll\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees:

$162.50\r\nService rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s):

legal representation\r\nName of respondent(s): Christian Conners (father)\r\nIn

Re: C. Conners (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 10JA313\r\n16-5194\r\nAttorney/Payee: Ellen

J Morris Attorney at Law\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $362.50\r\nServices Rendered

for court appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s)

of respondent(s): Sherme Berry (mother)\r\nIn Re: T. Berry, L. Berry, S. Williams,

D. Melvin (minors)\r\nCase NO(s): 08JA495, 08JA496, 08JA497, 08JA498\r\n16-5195\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Ellen J Morris\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $425.00\r\nServices Rendered for court

appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s)

of respondent(s): D. Hale (minor) GAL\r\nIn Re: D. Hale (minor)\r\nCase NO(s): 14JA57

\r\nPage 12 of 64\r\n16-5199\r\nAttorney/Payee: Sherri Williams\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees:

$675.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s):

legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): Prince Patterson (father)\r\nIn

Re: A. Weaver (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 16JA239\r\n16-5207\r\nAttorney/Payee: Stephen

Jaffe\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $693.75\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Kewand Henry (father)\r\nIn Re: J. Williams (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 06JA379\r\n16-5208\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Stephen Jaffe\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $468.75\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

A. Johnson, C. Johnson (minors) GAL\r\nIn Re: A. Johnson, C. Johnson (minors)\r\nCase

No(s): 11JA573, 13JA041\r\n16-5209\r\nAttorney/Payee: Stephen Jaffe\r\nPresenter:

Same\r\nFees: $925.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of

indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): Kali Moody

(mother)\r\nIn Re: T. Moody, T. Patterson (minors)\r\nCase No(s): 16JA137, 16JA138\r\n16-5231\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Paul S. Kayman\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $500.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Michael Johnson (father)\r\nIn Re: K. C. Johnson (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 13JA01144

\r\nPage 13 of 64\r\n16-5232\r\nAttorney/Payee: Paul S. Kayman\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees:

$487.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s):

legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): Charles Chrapla (father)\r\nIn

Re: J. Korte, A. Korte (minors)\r\nCase No(s): 05JA01289, 05JA01291\r\n16-5239\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Marv Raidbard\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $837.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

T. Matheny (minor) GAL\r\nIn Re: T. Matheny (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 10JA373\r\n16-5240\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Marv Raidbard\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $1,250.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Annie Irizarry (mother)\r\nIn Re: A. Reyes, G. Oliver, M. Oliver, L. Colon (minors)\r\nCase

No(s): 12JA579, 16JA286, 15JA671, 15JA672\r\n16-5241\r\nAttorney/Payee: Marv Raidbard\r\nPresenter:

Same\r\nFees: $737.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of

indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): J. Smith,

M. Smith, M. Smith (minors) GAL\r\nIn Re: J. Smith, M. Smith, M. Smith (minors)\r\nCase

No(s): 15JA729, 15JA730, 15JA731\r\n16-5242\r\nAttorney/Payee: Marv Raidbard\r\nPresenter:

Same\r\nFees: $662.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of

indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): Janyah

Dejareaux (mother)\r\nIn Re: T. Tunstall (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 16JA139 \r\nPage

14 of 64\r\n16-5243\r\nAttorney/Payee: Marv Raidbard\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees:

$1,350.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s):

legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): R. Sosa (minor) GAL\r\nIn Re:

R. Sosa (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 15JD40070\r\n16-5244\r\nAttorney/Payee: Marv Raidbard\r\nPresenter:

Same\r\nFees: $600.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of

indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): Ebony

Parker (mother)\r\nIn Re: D. Jones, D. Jones (minors)\r\nCase No(s): 11JA650, 11JA651\r\n16-5245\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Gilbert C. Schumm\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $443.75\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Brittany Brown (mother)\r\nIn Re: M. Brown, S. Johnson (minors)\r\nCase No(s): 14JA564,

14JA457\r\n16-5246\r\nAttorney/Payee: Marv Raidbard\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees:

$725.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s):

legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): Sean Young (father)\r\nIn Re:

A. Young, Z. Young (minors)\r\nCase No(s): 15JA361, 14JA482\r\n16-5247\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Marv Raidbard\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $375.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Alexandria Rodriguez (mother)\r\nIn Re: A. Rodriguez, A. Turner (minors)\r\nCase

No(s): 13JA963, 13JA353 \r\nPage 15 of 64\r\n16-5248\r\nAttorney/Payee: Marv Raidbard\r\nPresenter:

Same\r\nFees: $400.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of

indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): T. Matheny

(minor) GAL\r\nIn Re: T. Matheny (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 10JA373\r\n16-5249\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Marv Raidbard\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $487.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

P. Bell (minor) GAL\r\nIn Re: P. Bell (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 15JA1284\r\n16-5250\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Gilbert C. Schumm\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $490.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Sheri Rose (Guardian)\r\nIn Re: B. Spindler (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 00JA1031\r\n16-5251\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Gilbert C. Schumm\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $312.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Carmen Riva (Guardian)\r\nIn Re: A. Vazquez (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 15JA914\r\n16-5261\r\nAttorney/Payee:

John Benson\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $327.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

B. Pendelton (father)\r\nIn Re: B. Pendelton (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 15JA879\r\nPage

16 of 64\r\n16-5262\r\nAttorney/Payee: Dean C. Morask\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees:

$768.75\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s):

legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): Jozef Gacek (father)\r\nIn Re:

S. Gacek (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 15JA1256\r\n16-5265\r\nAttorney/Payee: Steven Silets\r\nPresenter:

Same\r\nFees: $387.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of

indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): E. Orozco

(minor) GAL\r\nIn Re: E. Orozco (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 13JA161\r\n16-5272\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Dean N. Bastounes\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $393.75\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

D. Maxwell (minor) GAL\r\nIn Re: D. Maxwell (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 15JA00673\r\n16-5274\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Dean N. Bastounes\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $343.75\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Latissa Watson (mother)\r\nIn Re: I. Watson (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 14JA01401\r\n16-5275\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Dean N. Bastounes\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $287.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Kimberly Payton (mother)\r\nIn Re: A. Sykes, J. Sykes (minors)\r\nCase No(s): 08JA00548,

08JA00578 \r\nPage 17 of 64\r\n16-5281\r\nAttorney/Payee: Ellen Sidney Weisz\r\nPresenter:

Same\r\nFees: $531.25\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of

indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): A. Bell

(minor) GAL\r\nIn Re: A. Bell (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 14JA167\r\n16-5283\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Ray Morrissey\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $662.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Joel Foster (father)\r\nIn Re: A. Mimms (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 13JA223\r\n16-5288\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Victoria Almeida\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $1,100.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s) legal representation\r\nName(s) of Respondent(s):

K. Franklin (minor) GAL\r\nIn Re: K. Franklin (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 10JA0480\r\n16-5290\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Paul D. Katz\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $1,062.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Sara Wells (mother)\r\nIn Re: E. Wilson, J. Wells (minors)\r\nCase No(s): 15JA00241,

15JA01257\r\n16-5293\r\nAttorney/Payee: John Benson\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees:

$1,481.25\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s):

legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): M. Lukaszewski (mother)\r\nIn

Re: S. Lukaszewski (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 15JA195 \r\nPage 18 of 64\r\n16-5295\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Marilyn L. Burns\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $537.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent:

A. Parker (father)\r\nIn Re: A. Parker (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 08JA1044\r\n16-5296\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Marilyn L. Burns\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $950.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent:

M. Williams (father)\r\nIn Re: J. Williams, C. Williams (minors)\r\nCase No(s):

14JA1002, 14JA1003\r\n16-5297\r\nAttorney/Payee: Steven Silets\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees:

$300.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s):

legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): DuRhonda Palmore (mother)\r\nIn

Re: M. Palmore (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 14JA641\r\n16-5307\r\nAttorney/Payee: Francine

N. Green-Kelner\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $2,827.24\r\nServices rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Forrest Bieghtol (mother)\r\nIn Re: M. Coorsen, D. Davis, Jr. (minor)\r\nCase No(s):

2013JA0046, 2014JA00221\r\n16-5308\r\nAttorney/Payee: Francine N. Green-Kelner\r\nPresenter:

Same\r\nFees: $826.75\r\nServices rendered for court-appointed representation of

indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): Nelson

Galan (father)\r\nIn Re: C. Galan (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 08JA00507 \r\nPage 19 of

64\r\n16-5309\r\nAttorney/Payee: Francine N. Green-Kelner\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees:

$1,259.75\r\nServices rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s):

legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): Angelo Wakefield (father)\r\nIn

Re: A. Wakefield, D. Wakefield (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 10JA0409, 10JA1006\r\n16-5310\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Francine N. Green-Kelner\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $907.50\r\nServices rendered

for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s)

of respondent(s): Anita Jackson (mother)\r\nIn Re: J. Jackson (minor)\r\nCase No(s):

2013JA00678\r\n16-5312\r\nAttorney/Payee: Dean N. Bastounes\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees:

$375.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s):

legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): Donzell Frasier (father)\r\nIn

Re: M. Hayden (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 13JA00176\r\n16-5313\r\nAttorney/Payee: Dean

N. Bastounes\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $325.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

A. Yameen (minor) GAL\r\nIn Re: A. Yameen (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 15JA01197\r\n16-5314\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Dean N. Bastounes\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $200.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Anastasia Owens (mother)\r\nIn Re: S. Owens (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 14JA00343 \r\nPage

20 of 64\r\n16-5315\r\nAttorney/Payee: Dean N. Bastounes\r\nPresenter: Sam\r\nFees:

$381.25\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s):

legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): William Carter (father)\r\nIn

Re: M. Mclemore (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 15JA01170\r\n16-5316\r\nAttorney/Payee: Dean

N. Bastounes\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $425.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

T. Parker, T. Parker (minors) GAL\r\nIn Re: T. Parker, T. Parker (minors)\r\nCase

No(s): 16JA00114, 15JA00113\r\n16-5317\r\nAttorney/Payee: Dean N. Bastounes\r\nPresenter:

Same\r\nFees: $243.75\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of

indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): Oliver

Poindexter (father)\r\nIn Re: O. Poindexter (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 09JA00187\r\n16-5318\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Dean N. Bastounes\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $356.25\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Kedzie McKenzie (mother)\r\nIn Re: Z. McKenzie (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 14JA00603\r\n16-5319\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Dean N. Bastounes\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $418.75\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Lechauna Lewis (mother)\r\nIn Re: J. Rogers (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 14JA01507 \r\nPage

21 of 64\r\n16-5321\r\nAttorney/Payee: Ellen Sidney Weisz\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees:

$687.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s):

legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): X. Rayford (minor) GAL\r\nIn Re:

X. Rayford (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 15JA359\r\n16-5322\r\nAttorney/Payee: Judith Hannah\r\nPresenter:

Same\r\nFees: $307.21\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of

indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): Brian

Stewart, Sr. (father)\r\nIn Re: B. Stewart, Jr. (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 01JA1568\r\n16-5325\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Patrick K. Schlee\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $387.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Vincent Perez (father)\r\nIn Re: J. Lopez, S. Perez (minors)\r\nCase No(s): 12JA1021,

13JA107\r\n16-5327\r\nAttorney/Payee: Patrick K. Schlee\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees:

$375.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s):

legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): Ira Williams, Jr. (father)\r\nIn

Re: J. Osborne (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 13JA275\r\n16-5329\r\nAttorney/Payee: Patrick

K. Schlee\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $250.22\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Houston Rudolph (father)\r\nIn Re: L. Marshall (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 13JA809 \r\nPage

22 of 64\r\n16-5337\r\nAttorney/Payee: Stephen Jaffe\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees:

$812.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s):

legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): Darell Thomas (father)\r\nIn Re:

D. Thomas (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 15JA1058\r\n16-5338\r\nAttorney/Payee: Stephen

Jaffe\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $850.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

James Garner (father)\r\nIn Re: J. Garner (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 16JA593\r\n16-5339\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Stephen Jaffe\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $300.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Veronica Johnson (mother)\r\nIn Re: D. Johnson, V. Johnson (minors)\r\nCase No(s):

13JA434, 13JA437\r\n16-5340\r\nAttorney/Payee: Stephen Jaffe\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees:

$150.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s):

legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): Kathleen Clarke (mother)\r\nIn

Re: S. McGrath (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 07JA741\r\n16-5342\r\nAttorney/Payee: Donna

Ramey\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $1,516.25\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

D. Wright, T. Johnson, M. Johnson (minors) GAL\r\nIn Re: D. Wright, T. Johnson,

M. Johnson (minors)\r\nCase No(s): 13JA00861, 13JA00862, 13JA00863\r\nPage 23 of

64\r\n16-5343\r\nAttorney/Payee: Donna Ramey\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $906.25\r\nService

Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s)

of respondent(s): Melissa Quezada (mother)\r\nIn Re: Queszada, Flores\r\nCase No(s):

09JA00544, 09JA00545, 11JA411\r\n16-5344\r\nAttorney/Payee: Donna Ramey\r\nPresenter:

Same\r\nFees: $772.23\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of

indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): J. Henry,

K. Henry (minors) GAL\r\nIn Re: J. Henry, K. Henry (minors)\r\nCase No(s): 09JA139,

11JA1030\r\n16-5345\r\nAttorney/Payee: Donna Ramey\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $1,781.25\r\nService

Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s)

of respondent(s): Theodore Brady (parent)\r\nIn Re: Brady\r\nCase No(s): 13JA1121\r\n16-5346\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Ezra Hemphill\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $825.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Stephanie J. Vega (mother)\r\nIn Re: D. Riddle (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 15JA420\r\n16-5350\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Robert A. Horwitz\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $606.25\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Wynnetta Welch (mother)\r\nIn Re: J. Welch, I. Green (minors)\r\nCase No(s): 13JA532,

13JA533 \r\nPage 24 of 64\r\n16-5351\r\nAttorney/Payee: Robert A. Horwitz\r\nPresenter:

Same\r\nFees: $243.75\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of

indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): Scott

Schiavone (father)\r\nIn Re: A. Schiavone (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 14JA326\r\n16-5352\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Robert A. Horwitz\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $225.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Frenchetta Jones (mother)\r\nIn Re: C. Lawrence (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 13JA552\r\n16-5353\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Robert A. Horwitz\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $487.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Delores Collins (mother)\r\nIn Re: M. Collins (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 16JA260\r\n16-5354\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Steven Silets\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $2,475.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Samantha Cobbs (mother)\r\nIn Re: N. Cobbs, A.Cobbs, S. Cobbs, S. Cobbs (minors)\r\nCase

No(s):14JA59, 14JA60, 15JA1180, 15JA1181\r\n16-5358\r\nAttorney/Payee: Monica M.

Torres\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $837.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

S. Reese (minor) GAL\r\nIn Re: S. Reese (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 16JA437\r\nPage 25

of 64\r\n16-5359\r\nAttorney/Payee: Brian Danloe\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $262.50\r\nService

Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s)

of respondent(s): J. Jackson, K. Bryant (minors) GAL\r\nIn Re: J. Jackson, K. Bryant

(minors)\r\nCase No(s): 12JA262, 13JA449\r\n16-5360\r\nAttorney/Payee: Dean N. Bastounes\r\nPresenter:

Same\r\nFees: $312.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of

indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): Dantrell

Johnson (father)\r\nIn Re: N. Perry (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 16JA00574\r\n16-5361\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Thomas O’Connell\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $445.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

J. Rosas, C. Williams (minors) GAL\r\nIn Re: J. Rosas, C. Williams (minors)\r\nCase

No(s): 14JA1094, 14JA1095\r\n16-5363\r\nAttorney/Payee: Thomas O’Connell\r\nPresenter:

Same\r\nFees: $643.75\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of

indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): Dwain

Rogers (father)\r\nIn Re: J. Rogers, J. Lewis (minors)\r\nCase No(s): 14JA70, 14JA1507\r\n16-5364\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Thomas O’Connell\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $325.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Catherine Wrencher (mother)\r\nIn Re: G. Marzette (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 08JA655

\r\nPage 26 of 64\r\n16-5365\r\nAttorney/Payee: Thomas O’Connell\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees:

$242.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s):

legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): Darrius Steward (father)\r\nIn

Re: D. Steward, S. Steward (minors)\r\nCase No(s): 14JA1196, 14JA1197\r\n16-5366\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Thomas O’Connell\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $780.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Freda Hawkins (mother)\r\nIn Re: M. Hawkins (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 12JA556\r\n16-5367\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Thomas O’Connell\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $585.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

A. Partington-Patterson (minor) GAL\r\nIn Re: A. Partington-Patterson (minor)\r\nCase

No(s): 09JA401\r\n16-5368\r\nAttorney/Payee: Thomas O’Connell\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees:

$1,382.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s):

legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): Chardonae Bostic (mother)\r\nIn

Re: L. Sankey (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 14JA829\r\n16-5369\r\nAttorney/Payee: Thomas

O’Connell\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $437.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Charletta Lawson (mother)\r\nIn Re: J. Lawson, E. Isaac (minors)\r\nCase No(s):

06JA238, 06JA240\r\nPage 27 of 64\r\n16-5370\r\nAttorney/Payee: Thomas O’Connell\r\nPresenter:

Same\r\nFees: $602.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of

indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): Willie

Mae Allen (mother)\r\nIn Re: S. Allen (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 13JA452\r\n16-5371\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Thomas O’Connell\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $2,177.45\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Moynaie Murry\r\nIn Re: S. Reeves (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 16JA16\r\n16-5372\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Paul D. Katz, Attorney at Law\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $650.00\r\nService Rendered

for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s)

of respondent(s): D. Houston, D. Houston (minors) GAL\r\nIn Re: D. Houston, D. Houston

(minors)\r\nCase No(s): 08JA00044, 09JA00553\r\n16-5373\r\nAttorney/Payee: Brian

Danloe\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $425.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Gregory Freeman (father)\r\nIn Re: L. Freeman-Washington, D. Freeman-Washington

(minors)\r\nCase No(s): 12JA672, 12JA673\r\n16-5374\r\nAttorney/Payee: Brian Danloe\r\nPresenter:

Same\r\nFees: $862.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of

indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): C. Vaval

(minor) GAL\r\nIn Re: C. Vaval (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 14JA1408 \r\nPage 28 of 64\r\n16-5375\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Brian Danloe\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $850.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

M. Vaval, D. Vaval (minors) GAL\r\nIn Re: M. Vaval, D. Vaval (minors)\r\nCase No(s):

09JA1012, 09JA1014\r\n16-5376\r\nAttorney/Payee: Maureen T. Murphy\r\nPresenter:

Same\r\nFees: $1,931.25\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of

indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): Shelton

Brooks (father)\r\nIn Re: S. Brooks (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 16JA46\r\n16-5377\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Maureen T. Murphy\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $800.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Malinda Barren (mother)\r\nIn Re: S. Burns, V. Rodriguez, M. Rodriguez, E. Rodriguez,

E. Rodriguez (minors)\r\nCase No(s): 15JA33, 15JA34, 15JA35, 15JA36, 15JA37\r\n16-5378\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Maureen T. Murphy\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $812.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Mercedes Johnson (mother)\r\nIn Re: M. Taylor (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 12JA1086\r\n16-5380\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Maureen T. Murphy\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $356.68\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Louis Lockett (father)\r\nIn Re: A. Lockett (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 15JA922 \r\nPage

29 of 64\r\n16-5383\r\nAttorney/Payee: Stephen Jaffe\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees:

$337.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s):

legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): E. Hernandez, M. Lopez, Y. Ortiz

(minors) GAL\r\nIn Re: E. Hernandez, M. Lopez, Y. Ortiz (minors)\r\nCase No(s):

12JA580, 12JA581, 12JA582\r\n16-5384\r\nAttorney/Payee: Stephen Jaffe\r\nPresenter:

Same\r\nFees: $268.75\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of

indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): Theodore

Enochs (father)\r\nIn Re: M. Smith, D. Enochs (minors)\r\nCase No(s): 12JA061, 12JA062\r\n16-5385\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Stephen Jaffe\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $500.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

Aaron Mackey (father)\r\nIn Re: M. Warner (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 10JA717\r\nCHILD


DIVISION CASES TO BE APPROVED: $87,390.03\r\nJUVENILE JUSTICE DIVISION\r\n16-5078\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Paul S. Kayman\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $1,000.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

S. Flax (minor) Markita AKA: Marquetta Flax (mother)\r\nCase No(s): 15JD02650\r\n16-5105\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Gilbert Schumm\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $562.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

A. Leinard (minor), Melissa Leinard (mother)\r\nCase No(s): 12JD3456 \r\nPage 30

of 64\r\n16-5127\r\nAttorney/Payee: Stephen Jaffe\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $1,262.50\r\nService

Rendered for court-appointed representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s)

of respondent(s): C. Garcia (minor), Maria Castrejon (mother)\r\nCase No(s): 15JD3876\r\n16-5233\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Paul S. Kayman\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $1,275.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

K. Russell (minor), Kesha Braggs (mother)\r\nCase No(s): 15JD01423\r\n16-5260\r\nAttorney/Payee:

John Benson\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $670.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

D. Aguado (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 15JD03913\r\n16-5266\r\nAttorney/Payee: Marilyn

L. Burns\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $862.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent:

L. Mann (mother)\r\nIn Re: M. Ali (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 12JD4659\r\n16-5267\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Marilyn L. Burns\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $787.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent:

L. Mann (mother)\r\nIn Re: M. Ali (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 14JD00188\r\n16-5298\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Michael D. Carey\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $1,362.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

J. Kelly (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 13JD60223 \r\nPage 31 of 64\r\n16-5299\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Michael D. Carey\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $1,212.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

D. Ford (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 16JD60032\r\n16-5300\r\nAttorney/Payee: Michael D.

Carey\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $1,387.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

S. Watson (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 15JD60366\r\n16-5301\r\nAttorney/Payee: Michael

D. Carey\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $1,350.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

A. McClendon (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 16JD60024\r\n16-5311\r\nAttorney/Payee: Victoria

Almeida\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $2,237.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of Respondent(s):

Irma Burrage (mother)\r\nIn Re: K. Purnell (minor)\r\nCase No(s): 15JD2243, 15JD2425,

15JD2761, 15JD2861\r\n16-5379\r\nAttorney/Payee: Maureen T. Murphy\r\nPresenter:

Same\r\nFees: $437.50\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed representation of

indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s): O. Davis

(minor), Dominique Ross (mother)\r\nCase No(s): 13JD81\r\n16-5381\r\nAttorney/Payee:

Maureen T. Murphy\r\nPresenter: Same\r\nFees: $275.00\r\nService Rendered for court-appointed

representation of indigent respondent(s): legal representation\r\nName(s) of respondent(s):

T. Cannon (minor), T. Allen (mother)\r\nCase No(s): 13JD2345\r\nJUVENILE JUSTICE


TO BE APPROVED: $14,682.50\r\nPage 32 of 64\r\nSPECIAL COURT CASES\r\n16-5215\r\nFirm:

Querrey & Harrow, Ltd.\r\nSpecial State's Attorney(s): Terrence F. Guolee and Larry

S. Kowalczyk\r\nCase Name: Hernandez v Cook County Sheriff’s Department, et al.\r\nCase

No(s): 07 C 855\r\nTime period: 04-10-2016 - 06-26-2016\r\nThis Court Ordered Amount

for fees and expenses: $15,930.86\r\nPaid to Date: $938,631.98\r\nFixed Charges

Department: 499 (Public Safety)\r\n16-5481\r\nFirm: Rock Fusco & Connelly, LLC\r\nSpecial

State's Attorney(s): John J. Rock\r\nCase Name: Percy Taylor v Sheriff Dart et al.\r\nCase

No(s): 13 C 1856, 13 C 6512, 15 C 5919\r\nTime period: 06-01-2016 - 07-31-2016\r\nThis

Court Ordered Amount for fees and expenses: $19,841.60\r\nPaid to Date: $23,534.42\r\nFixed

Charges Department: 499 (Public Safety)\r\nLitigation Subcommittee Approval: 09-13-2016\r\n16-5487\r\nFirm:

Rock Fusco & Connelly, LLC\r\nSpecial State's Attorney(s): John J. Rock\r\nCase

Name: USA et al. v Triad et al\r\nCase No(s): 11 C 8098\r\nTime period: 06-01-2016

- 07-31-2016\r\nThis Court Ordered Amount for fees and expenses: $811.60\r\nPaid

to Date: $67,667.16\r\nFixed Charges Department: 899 (Health)\r\nLitigation Subcommittee

Approval: 09-13-2016\r\n16-5291\r\nCompliance/Complaint Administrator: Compliance

Administrator Cardelle Spangler\r\nCase Name: Michael Shakman et al. v Cook County

Recorder of Deeds, et al.\r\nCase No(s): 69 C 2145\r\nDate of This Order: 09-08-2016\r\nUnopposed

Petition Number: 146\r\nThis Court Ordered Amount of this petition: $10,418.20\r\nPaid

to Date: $1,629,644.78\r\nFixed Charges Department: 490 (Corporate) \r\nPage 33

of 64\r\n16-5331\r\nCompliance/Complaint Administrator: Compliance Administrator

Mary T. Robinson\r\nCase Name: Michael L. Shakman et al. v Democratic Organization

of Cook County et al.\r\nCase No(s): 69 C 2145\r\nDate of This Order: 08-08-2016\r\nUnopposed

Petition Number: 133\r\nThis Court Ordered Amount of this petition: $42,104.42\r\nPaid

to Date: $8,132,826.55\r\nFixed Charges Department: 490 (Corporate)\r\n16-5332\r\nCompliance/Complaint

Administrator: Compliance Administrator Mary T. Robinson\r\nCase Name: Michael Shakman

et al. v Democratic Organization of Cook County et al.\r\nCase No(s): 69 C 2145\r\nDate

of This Order: 09-09-2016\r\nUnopposed Petition Number: 134\r\nThis Court Ordered

Amount of this petition: $48,364.44\r\nPaid to Date: $8,132,826.55\r\nFixed Charges

Department: 490 (Corporate)\r\nSPECIAL COURT CASES APPROVED FISCAL YEAR 2016 TO



for this meeting.\r\nWORKERS' COMPENSATION CLAIMS\r\n16-3815\r\nEmployee: Micah

Coleman\r\nJob Title: Correctional Officer\r\nDepartment: Department of Corrections\r\nDate

of Incident: 02/11/2008\r\nIncident/Activity: The Petitioner slipped on ice during

a perimeter check injuring his left foot.\r\nAccidental Injuries: Left foot\r\nPetition

and Order No: 08 WC 34737\r\nClaim Amount: $1,500.00\r\nAttorney: David Nemeroff

of Nemeroff Law Offices, Ltd.\r\nDate of Subcommittee Approval: N/A\r\nPrior/pending

claims: None \r\nPage 34 of 64\r\n16-5437\r\nEmployee: Rubina Anees\r\nJob Title:

Pharmacy Tech\r\nDepartment: Cermak Health Services\r\nDate of Incident: 02/04/2015\r\nIncident/Activity:

The Petitioner slipped and fell on ice and snow while delivering medications from\r\nCermak

to Division 11 at Cook County Jail, injuring her back and right knee.\r\nAccidental

Injuries: Back and right knee\r\nPetition and Order No: 15 WC 10614\r\nClaim Amount:

$7,500.00\r\nAttorney: Jim M. Vainikos of Cornfield and Feldman, L.L.P.\r\nDate

of Subcommittee Approval: N/A\r\nPrior/pending claims: None\r\n16-5438\r\nEmployee:

Shelly A. Coleman\r\nJob Title: Vital Records Clerk\r\nDepartment: County Clerk's

Office\r\nDate of Incident: 07/21/2014 and 07/07/2015\r\nIncident/Activity: The

Petitioner slipped and fell while leaving her work area, injuring her left foot.

The\r\nPetitioner slipped and fell while at work, fracturing her right fifth metatarsal.\r\nAccidental

Injuries: Left foot and right fifth finger\r\nPetition and Order No: 15 WC 25602

& 15 WC 25603\r\nClaim Amount: $10,000.00\r\nAttorney: Howard H. Ankin of Ankin

Law Office, LLC\r\nDate of Subcommittee Approval: N/A\r\nPrior/pending claims: None\r\n16-5439\r\nEmployee:

Pedro De La Torre\r\nJob Title: Transportation Driver\r\nDepartment: Stroger Hospital\r\nDate

of Incident: 02/15/2016\r\nIncident/Activity: The Petitioner sustained a hernia

while transporting and lifting a patient, requiring\r\nsurgery.\r\nAccidental Injuries:

Hernia\r\nPetition and Order No: 16 WC 09593\r\nClaim Amount: $6,687.60\r\nAttorney:

Al Koritsaris of Argionis & Associates, LLC\r\nDate of Subcommittee Approval: N/A\r\nPrior/pending

claims: 03/26/2014 ($24,990.00)\r\nPage 35 of 64\r\n16-5440\r\nEmployee: Lisa DeLisio-Elliott\r\nJob

Title: Forensic Radiologist\r\nDepartment: Medical Examiner's Office\r\nDate of

Incident: 09/25/2012\r\nIncident/Activity: The Petitioner was pushing a decedent

out of the crypt onto a metal cart when she\r\ninjured her right wrist.\r\nAccidental

Injuries: Right wrist with permanent restrictions\r\nPetition and Order No: 14 WC

06170\r\nClaim Amount: $205,728.17\r\nAttorney: Frank D. Kress of Rubens and Kress\r\nDate

of Subcommittee Approval: 09/13/2016\r\nPrior/pending claims: None\r\n16-5441\r\nEmployee:

Charlotte Hunt-Davis\r\nJob Title: Court Liaison\r\nDepartment: Adult Probation\r\nDate

of Incident: 02/09/2015\r\nIncident/Activity: The Petitioner slipped on black ice

in the employee parking lot, sustaining a torn\r\nmeniscus of her left knee that

required surgery.\r\nAccidental Injuries: Left knee\r\nPetition and Order No: 16

WC 27222\r\nClaim Amount: $24,500.00\r\nAttorney: Pro Se: Charlotte Hunt-Davis,

9663 S. Yates, Chicago, IL 60617\r\nDate of Subcommittee Approval: N/A\r\nPrior/pending

claims: 02/29/1996 ($5,500.00); 11/28/2011 ($0.00)\r\n16-5443\r\nEmployee: Eric

Lape\r\nJob Title: Correctional Officer\r\nDepartment: Department of Corrections\r\nDate

of Incident: 05/06/2014\r\nIncident/Activity: The Petitioner was punched in the

face by a detainee, resulting in a nasal fracture\r\nrequiring surgery.\r\nAccidental

Injuries: Nasal fracture\r\nPetition and Order No: 14 WC 16722\r\nClaim Amount:

$21,649.80\r\nAttorney: Donald I. Burnes of Burnes & Libman\r\nDate of Subcommittee

Approval: N/A\r\nPrior/pending claims: None \r\nPage 36 of 64\r\n16-5446\r\nEmployee:

Rudy Little\r\nJob Title: Correctional Officer\r\nDepartment: Department of Corrections\r\nDate

of Incident: 07/19/2012\r\nIncident/Activity: The Petitioner injured his lower back,

suffering a herniated disc, when he was struck\r\nby a motor vehicle.\r\nAccidental

Injuries: Back\r\nPetition and Order No: 12 WC 28935\r\nClaim Amount: $30,283.38\r\nAttorney:

Randall Sladek of Krol, Bongiorno, Given, Ltd.\r\nDate of Subcommittee Approval:

07/13/2016\r\nPrior/pending claims: None\r\n16-5447\r\nEmployee: Richard Murphy\r\nJob

Title: Clerk\r\nDepartment: Recorder of Deeds\r\nDate of Incident: 08/28/2009 and

07/19/2013\r\nIncident/Activity: The Petitioner injured his left shoulder and right

hip when he tripped and fell over a\r\nwaste basket. The Petitioner injured his

left shoulder while pulling a heavy microfilm drawer. The\r\nPetitioner’s accidents

resulted in a torn rotator cuff of the left shoulder.\r\nAccidental Injuries: Left

shoulder and right hip\r\nPetition and Order No: 14 WC 08841 and 14 WC 12021\r\nClaim

Amount: $24,500.00\r\nAttorney: Lane Allan Corday, Bowman & Corday, Ltd.\r\nDate

of Subcommittee Approval: N/A\r\nPrior/pending claims: None\r\n16-5448\r\nEmployee:

Shawn Phillips\r\nJob Title: Counselor\r\nDepartment: Juvenile Temporary Detention

Center\r\nDate of Incident: 01/30/2016\r\nIncident/Activity: The Petitioner injured

his right elbow while restraining combative detainees.\r\nAccidental Injuries: Right

elbow\r\nPetition and Order No: 16 WC 03510\r\nClaim Amount: $11,030.67\r\nAttorney:

Mark L. Fromm of Kumlin & Fromm, Ltd.\r\nDate of Subcommittee Approval: N/A\r\nPrior/pending

claims: None \r\nPage 37 of 64\r\n16-5449\r\nEmployee: Jewel Wallace\r\nJob Title:

Administrative Assistant\r\nDepartment: Stroger Hospital\r\nDate of Incident: 12/19/2011\r\nIncident/Activity:

The Petitioner sustained a labral tear of the left hip after she was assaulted by

a\r\nco-worker.\r\nAccidental Injuries: Left hip\r\nPetition and Order No: 13 WC

02470\r\nClaim Amount: $24,500.00\r\nAttorney: Marc M. Pekay of Marc M. Pekay, P.C.\r\nDate

of Subcommittee Approval: N/A\r\nPrior/pending claims: None\r\nWORKERS' COMPENSATION


CLAIMS TO BE APPROVED: $367,879.62\r\nSUBROGATION RECOVERIES\r\n16-5173\r\nResponsible

Party: Crothall Healthcare, owner and Edward F. Lara, driver, 45 West Hintz Road,\r\nWheeling,

Illinois\r\nDamage: John H. Stroger, Jr. Hospital of Cook County truck\r\nDate of

Accident: 11/02/2015\r\nLocation: 1901 W. Harrison Street, Chicago, Illinois\r\nAmount:

$5,631.01\r\nFixed Charges Department: 899 (Health)\r\nClaim Number: 97012523\r\nDepartment:

John H. Stroger, Jr. Hospital of Cook County\r\nAccount: (898-444)\r\n16-5185\r\nResponsible

Party: Jacqueline Booker, owner and driver, 5325 S. Cottage Grove, Chicago, Illinois\r\nDamage:

Oak Forest Health Center of Cook County vehicle\r\nDate of Accident: 03/17/2016\r\nLocation:

159th near Birch Drive, Bremen, Illinois\r\nAmount: $1,382.72\r\nFixed Charges Department:

899 (Health)\r\nClaim Number: 201600769\r\nDepartment: Oak Forest Health Center

of Cook County\r\nAccount: (899-444) \r\nPage 38 of 64\r\n16-5198\r\nResponsible

Party: Ronald L. Leek, owner and Daniel E. Shoemaker, driver, 1924 23rd Avenue,\r\nRockford,

Illinois\r\nDamage: Cook County Sheriff’s Court Services Division vehicle\r\nDate

of Accident: 05/10/2016\r\nLocation: I-90 west of Lake Street, Chicago, Illinois\r\nAmount:

$1,270.92\r\nFixed Charges Department: 499 (Public Safety)\r\nClaim Number: 201600665\r\nDepartment:

Cook County Sheriff’s Court Services Department\r\nAccount: (499-444)\r\n16-5200\r\nResponsible

Party: George Dragicevich, owner and driver, 562 Cedar Court, Munster, Indiana\r\nDamage:

Cook County Sheriff’s Police Department vehicle\r\nDate of Accident: 07/18/2016\r\nLocation:

218 Lawndale, Munster, Indiana\r\nAmount: $892.95\r\nFixed Charges Department: 499

(Public Safety)\r\nClaim Number: 201600762\r\nDepartment: Cook County Sheriff’s

Police Department\r\nAccount: (499-444)\r\n16-5206\r\nResponsible Party: Jane J.

Yon, owner and Issac M. Yon, driver, 520 Lawler Avenue, Wilmette, Illinois\r\nDamage:

Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management vehicle\r\nDate of Accident:

07/12/2016\r\nLocation: 1330 Glenview Road, Glenview, Illinois\r\nAmount: $998.31\r\nFixed

Charges Department: 499 (Public Safety)\r\nClaim Number: 201600765\r\nDepartment:

Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management\r\nAccount: (265-444)\r\n16-5220\r\nResponsible

Party: Vaclav Klimunda, owner and driver, 4220 Oak Park Avenue, Stickney, Illinois\r\nDamage:

Cook County Sheriff’s Police Department vehicle\r\nDate of Accident: 03/20/2016\r\nLocation:

1st Avenue near Ogden Avenue, Lyons, Illinois\r\nAmount: $1,100.00\r\nFixed Charges

Department: 499 (Public Safety)\r\nClaim Number: 201600016\r\nDepartment: Cook County

Sheriff’s Police Department\r\nAccount: (499-444) \r\nPage 39 of 64\r\n16-5264\r\nResponsible

Party: Advocate Home Care Products, owner and Anthony Abner, driver, 949 N. Larch\r\nAvenue,

Elmhurst, Illinois\r\nDamage: Cook County Sheriff’s Police Department vehicle\r\nDate

of Accident: 07/08/2016\r\nLocation: 3758 S. Dr. Martin Luther King Drive, Chicago,

Illinois\r\nAmount: $246.95\r\nFixed Charges Department: 499 (Public Safety)\r\nClaim

Number: 201600828\r\nDepartment: Cook County Sheriff’s Police Department\r\nAccount:

(499-444)\r\n16-5432\r\nResponsible Party: Jason Costello, owner and driver, 14111

Kedzie Avenue, Blue Island, Illinois\r\nDamage: Cook County Sheriff’s Police Department

vehicle\r\nDate of Accident: 07/12/2016\r\nLocation: 159th Street near 94th Avenue,

Orland Park, Illinois\r\nAmount: $4,484.42\r\nFixed Charges Department: 499 (Public

Safety)\r\nClaim Number: 201600770\r\nDepartment: Cook County Sheriff’s Police Department\r\nAccount:


RECOVERIES TO BE APPROVED: $16,007.28\r\nSELF-INSURANCE CLAIMS\r\n16-5469\r\nDepartment:

County Clerk\r\nClaim Number: 97012889\r\nClaim Payment: $219.21\r\nAccount Number:

490-826\r\nFixed Charges Department: 490 (Corporate)\r\nClaimant: Carol J. Kral\r\nProperty

Damage/Bodily Injury: 2007 Saturn ION\r\nCounty Driver: Cata Truss\r\nUnit/Plate

Number: 194434\r\nPrior Accidents: 1\r\nDate of Accident: 02/29/2016\r\nLocation:

1900 Hassel Road, Hoffman Estates, Illinois\r\nIncident/Activity: Cook County Clerk

employee was exiting a leased van while parked at 1900 Hassel\r\nRoad in Hoffman

Estates, when the wind gust forced the driver’s side door into the passenger side

mirror\r\nof the claimant's vehicle causing damages.\r\nInvestigated by: CorVel\r\nPage

40 of 64\r\n16-5470\r\nDepartment: Department of Transportation and Highways\r\nClaim

Number: 201600311\r\nClaim Payment: $759.58\r\nAccount Number: 490-826\r\nFixed

Charges Department: 490 (Corporate)\r\nClaimant: Jeffrey Holdsberg\r\nProperty Damage/Bodily

Injury: 2007 Audi A6\r\nDate of Accident: 06/04/2016\r\nLocation: Brinker and Otis

Roads, Barrington Hills, IL\r\nIncident/Activity: Claimant was traveling near Brinker

and Otis Roads in Barrington Hills and struck a\r\npothole causing damages to his

vehicle's tires.\r\nInvestigated by: CorVel\r\n16-5471\r\nDepartment: 201600490\r\nClaim

Number: 201600490\r\nClaim Payment: $3,500.00\r\nAccount Number: 499-826\r\nFixed

Charges Department: 499 (Public Safety)\r\nClaimant: Manish Patel\r\nProperty Damage/Bodily

Injury: 2000 Dodge Intrepid/Neck and Back Soreness\r\nCounty Driver: John Pradun\r\nUnit/Plate

Number: 4633\r\nPrior Accidents: 0\r\nDate of Accident: 07/07/2016\r\nLocation:

Meacham Road south of Mallard Crossing, Elk Grove Village, IL\r\nIncident/Activity:

Cook County Sheriff's vehicle was traveling northbound on Meacham Road, just south\r\nof

the intersection with Mallard Crossing in Elk Grove Village and rear-ended the claimant's

vehicle\r\ncausing rear-end damages. The claimant also sustained bodily injuries

to his neck and back.\r\nInvestigated by: CorVel\r\nSELF-INSURANCE CLAIMS APPROVED


$4,478.79\r\nPROPOSED SETTLEMENTS\r\n16-5334\r\nCase: Aurea Mendez v. County of

Cook, John H. Stroger Jr. Hospital of Cook County\r\nCase No: 13 L 2578\r\nSettlement

Amount: $75,000.00\r\nFixed Charges Department: 899 (Health)\r\nPayable to: Aurea

Mendez and her attorneys, John M. Molloy & Associates\r\nLitigation Subcommittee

Approval: N/A\r\nSubject matter: Personal Injury \r\nPage 41 of 64\r\n16-5205\r\nCase:

In the matter of Nana Appah-Dankyi\r\nCase No: 2015-05\r\nSettlement Amount: $10,000.00\r\nFixed

Charges Department: 899 (Health)\r\nPayable to: Nana Appah-Dankyi and his attorney,

Steven A. Klem\r\nLitigation Subcommittee Approval: N/A\r\nSubject matter: Terminatio



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