Mayor Rory E. Hoskins | Village of Forest Park
Mayor Rory E. Hoskins | Village of Forest Park
Village of Forest Park Environmental Control Commission met Feb. 26
Here is the agenda provided by the commission:
Roll Call:
Approval of minutes from the meeting of October 23, 2024
Unfinished Business:
1. Trex Collection
a. Discuss formal direction around this, to send emails out.
2. Awards
3. Single Use Plastics
4. Administrative
a. Ordinances
i. Single Use Plastics
ii. Possible Leaf Collection
iii. Possible Gas powered blowers - Waiting
iv. Possible Parkways - Presentation
v. Leaving leaves and reducing mowing
vi. Fruit trees
5. Monthly format and message for December
a. Theme discussion
6. Bike friendly Forest Park
a. No drive challenge
b. Traffic and safety
7. Tree canopy update/recommendation
8. ECC statement
New Business:
Public Comment