Trustee Nicole Chen | Village of Western Springs Website
Trustee Nicole Chen | Village of Western Springs Website
Village of Western Springs Planning and Zoning Committee met Jan. 9
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
Present: Chairman Phil Nawrocki
Member Jim Tyrrell
Ellen Baer, Village Manager
Heather Valone, Community Development Director
Jeff Koza, Director of Engineering Services
Kelsey Fawell, Senior Planner
Daisy Chavez, Assistant to the Village Manger
Zed Francis, Hinsdale First United Methodist Church
Matthew Klein, Klein & Assoc
Peter Tortorello, Fairfield Properties
Call to Order: Chairman Nawrocki called the meeting to order at 7:16 pm.
Approval of Minutes: Member Tyrrell made a motioned to approve the meeting minutes for November 7, 2024. Chairman Nawrocki seconded the motion to approve. A voice vote was conducted, and the minutes were approved with both Trustees voting aye.
Public Comment:
There were no public comments.
Timber Trails - 2025 Construction Observation Agreement with V3 Companies: Committee review, discussion, and recommendation
Director Koza explained the Village is renewing the agreement the V3 for engineering services for the Timber Trails subdivision. Both Member Tyrell and Chairman Nawrocki asked questions related to the item.
Chairman Nawrocki made motion to bring forward the Timber Trails - 2025 Construction Observation Agreement with V3 Companies to be discussed at the January 13 meeting for approval. Member Tyrrell seconded the motion. Director Valone then conducted a roll call, with Chairman Nawrocki responding “Aye” and Member Tyrrell also responding “Aye.”
5600 Wolf Road - Heritage Crossing Stormwater Review Assistance Agreement with Baxter & Woodman Consulting Engineers - Amendment #2: Committee review, discussion, and Recommendation
Director Koza explained the Village is amending with Baxter and Woodman for engineering services related to the review of the 5600 Wolf Road land use application. Both Member Tyrell asked Director Koza to clarify why the agreement included hourly rates rather than a total number. Director Koza stated that they mirroring other agreements that the Village has with consultants that list hourly rates for as needed work.
Chairman Nawrocki made motion to bring forward the 5600 Wolf Road - Heritage Crossing Stormwater Review Assistance Agreement with Baxter & Woodman Consulting Engineers - Amendment #2 to be discussed at the January 13 meeting for approval. Member Tyrrell seconded the motion. Director Valone then conducted a roll call, with Chairman Nawrocki responding “Aye” and Member Tyrrell also responding “Aye.”
PC-2024-04 – A Comprehensive Plan Amendment to the Long-Range Land Use Map and an Amendment to the Village Zoning Map at 917 Lawn Court: Committee review, discussion, and recommendation
Senior Planner Fawell provided a summary of the application made by the property owner of 917 Lawn Court. The summary included the recommendation from the Plan Commission to approve the application. Director Valone stated that the Village had approved a resubdivision for this property in 2005 to allow the then property owner to construct a single family house.
Member Tyrrell made motion to bring forward the PC-2024-04 – A Comprehensive Plan Amendment to the Long-Range Land Use Map and an Amendment to the Village Zoning Map at 917 Lawn Court to be discussed at the January 13 meeting for approval. Chairman Nawrocki seconded the motion. Director Valone then conducted a roll call, with Chairman Nawrocki responding “Aye” and Member Tyrrell also responding “Aye.”
4300 Howard Avenue, First United Methodist Church, Hinsdale First United Methodist Church, Plat of Abrogation for a Public Sidewalk Easement and Dissolve a Conditional Use Permit: Committee review, discussion, and recommendation
Director Valone introduced the item and welcomed Zed Francis, the applicant, to provide a summary. Mr. Francis’ summary included history of the First United Methodist Church, as well as stating the intended future use of the property as single-family homes. Matt Klein, attorney for Hinsdale United Methodist Church, then spoke regarding the proposed site plan for the property as well as the public sidewalk easement on the property. Chairman Nawrocki asked Matt Klein what the timeline for the project was.
Mr. Klein explained the expected permitting process, demolition, and improvements to 43rd Street.
Trustee Tyrell questioned whether any of the existing church’s building facade to be preserved. Mr. Klein explained it would be difficult to do given the age of the building and the desired project. Peter Torterello on the Applicant’s team then spoke to the intention of marketing the three potential single-family lots. Attorney Jurusik asked if they intend to build the homes themselves. Mr. Torterello responded that the intention to build at least one home but cannot say for certain. Ms. Valone then provided a summary on the easement and future project. Attorney Jurusik did say the draft documents presented at the meeting may be minorly revised but such revisions will be presented throughout the process.
Chairman Nawrocki made motion to bring forward the 4300 Howard Avenue, First United Methodist Church, Hinsdale First United Methodist Church, Plat of Abrogation for a Public Sidewalk Easement and Dissolve a Conditional Use Permit to be discussed at the January 13 meeting for approval. Trustee Tyrell seconded the motion. Director Valone then conducted a roll call, with Chairman Nawrocki responding “Aye” and Member Tyrrell also responding “Aye.”
Downtown Western Springs Market Assessment Update: Committee review, discussion, and recommendation Director Valone provided a presentation on the preliminary findings for the Downtown Market Assessment. Such findings included data pertaining to population and employment, business makeup, stakeholder interviewers, and a previous joint meeting of the Village Board and Economic Development Commission. Director Valone also stated next steps and timeline for the project. Member Tyrell, Chair Nawrocki, and President Rudolph asked questions on the presentation.
Trustee Tyrell made motion to bring forward the Downtown Western Springs Market Assessment Update to be discussed at the January 13 meeting for approval. Trustee Tyrell seconded the motion. Director Valone then conducted a roll call, with Chairman Nawrocki responding “Aye” and Member Tyrrell also responding “Aye.”
New Business:
Pending Land Use Application, PC-2024-02 – A Comprehensive Plan Amendment to the Long-Range Land Use Map, Conditional Use for a Planned Development, Variations, and Subdivision – 5600 Wolf Road, McNaughton Development, LLC: Status Report
Director Valone provided a summary of the application PC-2024-02 at 5600 Wolf Road and its process, as well as discussed the plans recommended for approval by the Plan Commission. Director Koza provided a summary of the existing and proposed stormwater facilities proposed on the site, and engineering components. Member Tyrell, Chair Nawrocki, and President Rudolph asked questions related to the application and site plan. Director Valone stated the application would formally appear before the Planning and Zoning Committee at their upcoming January 16 meeting. General updates and future meeting: If there are eligible applications for review, the next Planning and Zoning meeting will be February 6 at 7:15pm.
Other Business: There is no other business to discuss this evening.
Adjournment: Trustee Tyrell made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Chairman Nawrocki seconded the motion. A voice vote was conducted with both Trustees voting aye. Meeting is adjourned at 8:58 p.m.